1. Characteristics

Scalar_XY is a set of three modules for:

  • Generation of 2D (xy-axis) light source.

  • Generation of 2D (xy-axis) masks and diffractive optical elements.

  • Propagation of light, determination of parameters, and other functions.

  • Drawing sources, masks and fields.

These modules are named: scalar_fields_XY.py, scalar_sources_XY.py, and scalar_masks_XY.py.

Each module present a main class:

  • Scalar_field_XY

  • Scalar_masks_XY

  • Scalar_sources_XY

The main attributes for these classes are the following:

  • self.x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:2^n .

  • self.y (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:2^n .

  • self.wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field.

  • self.u (numpy.array): complex field with size 2D x.y

We can also find these atributes: * self.X (numpy.array): equal size to x * y. complex field * self.Y (numpy.array): equal size to x * y. complex field * self.quality (float): quality of RS algorithm. Valid for values > 1. * self.info (str): description of data. * self.type (str): Class of the field. * self.date (str): date when performed.

The dimensional magnitudes are related to microns: micron = 1.

Creating an instance

from diffractio import sp, nm, plt, np, mm, degrees, um
from diffractio.scalar_fields_XY import Scalar_field_XY
from diffractio.scalar_sources_XY import Scalar_source_XY
from diffractio.scalar_masks_XY import Scalar_mask_XY

Creating a light beam. An instance must be created before starting to operate with light sources. The initialization accepts several arguments.

wavelength = 0.5 * um
x0 = np.linspace(-0.25 * mm, 0.25 * mm, 512)
y0 = np.linspace(-0.25 * mm, 0.25 * mm, 512)

u0 = Scalar_source_XY(x=x0, y=y0, wavelength=wavelength, info='u0')

Light sources are defined in the scalar_sources_xy.py module. When the field is initialized, the amplitude of the field is zero. There are many methods that can be used to generate a light source:

  • plane_wave: Generates a plane wave with a given direction and amplitude

  • gauss_beam: Generates a gauss beam with a given amplitude, direction, beam-waist and position of beam-waist.

  • spherical_wave: Generates a spherical wave.

  • vortex_beam: Generates a vortex beam.

  • laguerre_beam: Generates a Laguerre beam.

  • hermite_gauss_beam: Generates a Hermite-Gauss beam.

  • zernike_beam: Generates aberrated beams using Zernike functions.

  • bessel_beam: Generates a bessel beam.

  • plane_waves_several_inclined: Generate several plane waves with different incident angles.

  • plane_waves_dict: Generate several plane waves with parameters defined in a dictionary.

  • gauss_beams_several_parallel: Generates a number of parallel gauss beam at different positions.

  • gauss_beams_several_inclined: Generates a number of gauss beams all placed at the same position but with different incidence angles.

For a more detailed description of each method, refer to the individual documentation of each one.

Example: vortex_beam

u0.vortex_beam(A=1, r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), w0=100 * um, m=3)
 - x:  (512,),   y:  (512,),   u:  (512, 512)
 - xmin:       -250.00 um,  xmax:      250.00 um,  Dx:   0.98 um
 - ymin:       -250.00 um,  ymax:      250.00 um,  Dy:   0.98 um
 - Imin:       0.00,     Imax:      1.00
 - phase_min:  -180.00 deg, phase_max: 180.00 deg
 - wavelength: 0.50 um
 - date:       2023-10-07_17_08_05
 - info:       u0

Several ways to show the field are defined: ‘amplitude’, ‘intensity’, ‘field’, ‘phase’, …



1.1. Basic operations: add to light sources.

u1 = Scalar_source_XY(x=x0, y=y0, wavelength=wavelength, info='u1')
u2 = Scalar_source_XY(x=x0, y=y0, wavelength=wavelength, info='u2')

u1.plane_wave(A=1, theta=-.25 * degrees)
u2.plane_wave(A=1, theta=+.25 * degrees)

u_sum = u1 + u2


Since we have two plane waves propagating at different angles, an interference effect is produced, shown in the intensity variation of the optical field.


Masks are defined in the scalar_masks_xy.py module. There are many methods that can be used to generate masks and diffractive optical elements:

  • set_amplitude, set_phase

  • binarize, two_levels, gray_scale

  • a_dataMatrix

  • area

  • save_mask

  • inverse_amplitude, inverse_phase

  • widen

  • image

  • slit, double_slit, square, circle, super_gauss, square_circle, ring, cross

  • mask_from_function

  • prism, lens, fresnel_lens

  • sine_grating, sine_edge_grating ronchi_grating, binary_grating, blazed_grating, forked_grating, grating2D, grating_2D_ajedrez

  • axicon, biprism_fresnel,

  • radial_grating, angular_grating, hyperbolic_grating, archimedes_spiral, laguerre_gauss_spiral

  • hammer

  • roughness, circle_rough, ring_rough, fresnel_lens_rough,

For a more detailed description of each method, refer to the individual documentation of each one.

Example: Ronchi grating.

t0 = Scalar_mask_XY(x=x0, y=y0, wavelength=wavelength, info='t0')
t0.ronchi_grating(x0=0 * um,
                  period=20 * um,
                  angle=0 * degrees)


1.2. Basic operations: multiplication of masks and fields

When the light \(u_0\) passes through a mask \(t_0\), the field just after the mask, according to the Thin Element Approximation (TEA), is \(u_1 = t_0 * u_0\). This can be represented in the following way

u1 = u0 * t0


2. Propagation

Propagation and other actions and parameters of the optical fields are defined in the scalar_field_x.py module. There are several methods of determining the field at a given plane after the mask:

  • RS: Rayleigh-Sommerfeld propagation at a certain distance

  • fft: Fast Fourier propagation at the far field.

  • ifft: Inverse Fast Fourier propagation at the far field.

The field can be stored in the same isntance, generate a new instance, or generate a numpy.array when fast computation is required.

2.1. Near field: Rayleigh-Sommerfeld approach

u2 = u1.RS(z=20 * mm, new_field=True)


2.2. Amplification of the field

The Rayleigh-Sommefeld implementation allows an amplification of the field since, sometimes, light diverges:

u2 = u1.RS(z=20 * mm, new_field=True, amplification=(3, 1))
u2.draw(kind='intensity', logarithm=False)
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(13, 6)

fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(13, 6)


2.3. Reduction of the field

There are some cases where we need to analyze the field in a small area, such as focus of a lens. Then, we can cut and resample the field.

wavelength = 0.5 * um
x0 = np.linspace(-0.5 * mm, 0.5 * mm, 1024)
y0 = np.linspace(-0.5 * mm, 0.5 * mm, 1024)

focal = 25 * mm

u0 = Scalar_source_XY(x=x0, y=y0, wavelength=wavelength, info='u0')
u0.plane_wave(A=1, theta=0 * degrees, phi=0 * degrees)

t0 = Scalar_mask_XY(x=x0, y=y0, wavelength=wavelength, info='t0')
t0.lens(r0=(0, 0), radius=(500 * um, 500 * um), focal=(focal, focal))

The field at focal distance results:



u2=u1.RS(z=focal, verbose=False)
CPU times: user 1.79 s, sys: 730 ms, total: 2.52 s
Wall time: 2.53 s


As, the focus cannot be seen properly, we can reduce the field to the desired size.

u2.cut_resample(x_limits=(-25 * um, 25 * um),
                y_limits=(-25 * um, 25 * um),
                num_points=(512, 512),
u2.draw(kind='intensity', logarithm=False)


A better possibility is to use CZT algorithm to determine the field at reduced output coordinates.


u2 = u1.CZT(z=focal, xout=xout, yout=yout)

CPU times: user 271 ms, sys: 341 ms, total: 612 ms
Wall time: 614 ms


2.4. Focus position and profiles

For focus and other application, the software can detect the position of maximum intensity and determine the profiles in order to a better analysis.

x_max, y_max = u2.search_focus(verbose=True)

u2.draw_profile(point1=[-25 * um, x_max],
                point2=[25 * um, x_max],

x = -0.283 um, y = -0.283 um