Source code for diffractio.scalar_fields_X

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module generates Scalar_field_X class and several functions for multiprocessing. It is required also for generating masks and fields.

The main atributes are:
    * self.x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` .
    * self.wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field.
    * self.u (numpy.array): equal size than  x. complex field

There are also some secondary atributes:
    * self.quality (float): quality of RS algorithm
    * (str): description of data
    * self.type (str): Class of the field
    * (str): date

*Class for unidimensional scalar fields*

*Definition of a scalar field*
    * instantiation, duplicate,  clear_field, print
    * add, substract sources
    * multiply masks and sources
    * save and load data

*Functions for generation of masks*
    * insert masks, insert_array_masks - insert other masks inside the mask
    * filter -

    * fft, ifft - fourier transform
    * RS - Rayleigh Sommerfeld. It allows amplification of the field
    * BPM - Beam propagation method

*Drawing functions*
    * draw

    * intensity, average intensity
    * get_edges_transitions (mainly for pylithography)

    * kernelRS, kernelRSinverse

    * polychromatic_multiprocessing
    * extended_source_multiprocessing
    * extended_polychromatic_source


import copy
import copyreg
import multiprocessing
import time
import types

from numpy import (angle, array, concatenate, exp, linspace, pi, shape, sqrt,
from numpy.lib.scimath import sqrt as csqrt
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftshift, ifft
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.special import hankel1

from . import degrees, mm, np, plt

from .utils_common import get_date, load_data_common, save_data_common
from .utils_drawing import normalize_draw
from .utils_math import (fft_filter, get_edges, nearest, reduce_to_1,
                         Bluestein_dft_x, get_k, ndgrid, nearest2)
from .utils_multiprocessing import (_pickle_method, _unpickle_method,
from .utils_optics import field_parameters, normalize_field

copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)

num_max_processors = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

[docs] class Scalar_field_X(object): """Class for unidimensional scalar fields. Parameters: x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` . wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field n_background (float): refraction index of background info (str): String with info about the simulation Attributes: self.x (numpy.array): Linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n`. self.wavelength (float): Wavelength of the incident field. self.u (numpy.array): Complex field. The size is equal to self.x. self.quality (float): Quality of RS algorithm. (str): Description of data. self.type (str): Class of the field. (str): Date when performed. """ def __init__(self, x=None, wavelength=None, n_background=1, info=""): self.x = x self.wavelength = wavelength self.n_background = n_background if x is not None: self.u = zeros(shape(self.x), dtype=complex) else: self.u = None self.quality = 0 = info self.type = 'Scalar_field_X' = get_date() def __str__(self): """Represents main data of the atributes.""" Imin = (np.abs(self.u)**2).min() Imax = (np.abs(self.u)**2).max() phase_min = (np.angle(self.u)).min() / degrees phase_max = (np.angle(self.u)).max() / degrees print("{}\n - x: {}, u: {}".format(self.type, self.x.shape, self.u.shape)) print( " - xmin: {:2.2f} um, xmax: {:2.2f} um, Dx: {:2.2f} um" .format(self.x[0], self.x[-1], self.x[1] - self.x[0])) print(" - Imin: {:2.2f}, Imax: {:2.2f}".format( Imin, Imax)) print(" - phase_min: {:2.2f} deg, phase_max: {:2.2f} deg".format( phase_min, phase_max)) print(" - wavelength: {:2.2f} um".format(self.wavelength)) print(" - date: {}".format( if != "": print(" - info: {}".format( return ("") def __add__(self, other, kind='standard'): """Adds two Scalar_field_x. For example two light sources or two masks. Parameters: other (Scalar_field_X): 2nd field to add kind (str): instruction how to add the fields: - 'maximum1': mainly for masks. If t3=t1+t2>1 then t3= 1. - 'standard': add fields u3=u1+u2 and does nothing. Returns: Scalar_field_X: `u3 = u1 + u2` TODO: improve to have better usage """ u3 = Scalar_field_X(self.x, self.wavelength) if kind == 'standard': u3.u = self.u + other.u elif kind == 'maximum1': t1 = np.abs(self.u) t2 = np.abs(other.u) f1 = angle(self.u) f2 = angle(other.u) t3 = t1 + t2 t3[t3 > 0] = 1. u3.u = t3 * exp(1j * (f1 + f2)) return u3 def __sub__(self, other): """Substract two Scalar_field_x. For example two light sources or two masks. Parameters: other (Scalar_field_X): field to substract Returns: Scalar_field_X: `u3 = u1 - u2` TODO: It can be improved for masks (not having less than 1) """ u3 = Scalar_field_X(self.x, self.wavelength) u3.u = self.u - other.u return u3 def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply two fields. For example :math: `u_1(x)= u_0(x)*t(x)` Parameters: other (Scalar_field_X): field to multiply Returns: Scalar_field_X: :math: `u_1(x)= u_0(x)*t(x)` """ new_field = Scalar_field_X(self.x, self.wavelength) new_field.u = self.u * other.u return new_field
[docs] def conjugate(self, new_field=True): """Conjugates the field """ if new_field is True: u_new = self.duplicate() u_new.u = np.conj(self.u) return u_new else: self.u = np.conj(self.u)
[docs] def duplicate(self, clear=False): """Duplicates the instance Parameters: clear (bool): If True, clears the self.u argument, else it keeps the same than in self. Returns new_instance (scalar_field_X): duplicated instance. """ new_field = copy.deepcopy(self) if clear is True: new_field.clear_field() return new_field
[docs] def reduce_to_1(self): """All the values greater than 1 pass to 1. This is used for Scalar_masks when we add two masks. """ self = reduce_to_1(self)
[docs] def clear_field(self): """Removes the field so that self.u = 0. """ self.u = np.zeros_like(self.u, dtype=complex)
[docs] def save_data(self, filename, add_name='', description='', verbose=False): """Common save data function to be used in all the modules. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename add_name= (str): sufix to the name, if 'date' includes a date description (str): text to be stored in the dictionary to save. verbose (bool): If verbose prints filename. Returns: (str): filename. If False, file could not be saved. """ try: final_filename = save_data_common(self, filename, add_name, description, verbose) return final_filename except: return False
[docs] def load_data(self, filename, verbose=False): """Load data from a file to a Scalar_field_X. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename verbose (bool): shows data process by screen """ dict0 = load_data_common(self, filename) if dict0 is not None: if isinstance(dict0, dict): self.__dict__ = dict0 else: raise Exception('no dictionary in load_data') if verbose is True: print(dict0.keys())
[docs] def cut_resample(self, x_limits='', num_points=[], new_field=False, interp_kind='linear'): """Cuts the field to the range (x0,x1). If one of this x0,x1 positions is out of the self.x range it does nothing. It is also valid for resampling the field, just write x0,x1 as the limits of self.x Parameters: x_limits (numpy.array): (x0,x1) - starting and final points to cut, if '' - takes the current limit x[0] and x[-1] num_points (int): it resamples x, and u [],'',0,None -> it leave the points as it is new_field (bool): if True it returns a new Scalar_field_X interp_kind (str): 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic' Returns: (Scalar_field_X): if new_field is True """ if x_limits == '': # used only for resampling x0 = self.x[0] x1 = self.x[-1] else: x0, x1 = x_limits if x0 < self.x[0]: x0 = self.x[0] if x1 > self.x[-1]: x1 = self.x[-1] i_x0, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x0) i_x1, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x1) if num_points not in ([], '', 0, None): x_new = linspace(x0, x1, num_points) f_interp_abs = interp1d(self.x, np.abs(self.u), kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) f_interp_phase = interp1d(self.x, np.imag(self.u), kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) u_new_abs = f_interp_abs(x_new) u_new_phase = f_interp_phase(x_new) u_new = u_new_abs * np.exp(1j * u_new_phase) else: i_s = slice(i_x0, i_x1) x_new = self.x[i_s] u_new = self.u[i_s] if new_field is False: self.x = x_new self.u = u_new elif new_field is True: field = Scalar_field_X(x=x_new, wavelength=self.wavelength) field.u = u_new return field
[docs] def incident_field(self, u0): """Incident field for the experiment. It takes a Scalar_source_X field. Parameters: u0 (Scalar_source_X): field produced by Scalar_source_X (or a X field) """ self.u = u0.u
[docs] def inverse_amplitude(self, new_field=False): """Inverts the amplitude of the mask, phase is equal as initial Parameters: new_field (bool): If True it returns a Scalar_mask_X object, else, it modifies the existing object. Returns: Scalar_mask_X: If new_field is True, it returns a Scalar_mask_X object. """ from .scalar_masks_X import Scalar_mask_X amplitude = np.abs(self.u) phase = np.angle(self.u) new_amplitude = (1 - amplitude) * np.exp(1.j * phase) if new_field is False: self.u = new_amplitude else: new = Scalar_mask_X(self.x, self.wavelength) new.u = new_amplitude return new
[docs] def inverse_phase(self, new_field=False): """Inverts the phase of the mask, amplitude is equal as initial Parameters: new_field (bool): If True it returns a Scalar_mask_X object, else, it modifies the existing object. Returns: Scalar_mask_X: If new_field is True, it returns a Scalar_mask_X object. """ amplitude = np.abs(self.u) phase = np.angle(self.u) new_amplitude = amplitude * np.exp(-1.j * phase) if new_field is False: self.u = new_amplitude else: new = Scalar_mask_X(self.x, self.wavelength) new.u = new_amplitude return new
[docs] def filter(self, size=0): """ """ from .scalar_masks_X import Scalar_mask_X # Do not write up slit = Scalar_mask_X(self.x, self.wavelength) slit.slit(x0=0, size=size) self.u = fft_filter(self.u, slit.u)
[docs] def insert_mask(self, t1, x0_mask1, clean=True, kind_position='left'): """Insert mask t1 in mask self. It is performed using interpolation. Parameters: t1 (Scalar_field_X): field X (shorter) x0_mask1 (float): location of starting point at t0 of init point of t1. clean (bool): if True remove previous fields, else substitute kind_position (str): 'left' 'center' """ # reallocating the mask if kind_position == 'left': t1.x = t1.x - t1.x[0] + x0_mask1 elif kind_position == 'center': t1.x = t1.x - (t1.x[0] + t1.x[-1]) / 2 + x0_mask1 # interpolation is different for real and imag f_interp_real = interp1d(t1.x, np.real(t1.u), kind='nearest', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) f_interp_imag = interp1d(t1.x, np.imag(t1.u), kind='nearest', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) # interpolates all the range u_new_real = f_interp_real(self.x) u_new_imag = f_interp_imag(self.x) u_new = u_new_real + 1j * u_new_imag if clean is True: self.clear_field() self.u = u_new else: i_pos = (self.x > t1.x[0]) * (self.x < t1.x[-1]) self.u[i_pos] = u_new[i_pos]
[docs] def pupil(self, x0, radius): """Place a pupil in the field. Parameters: x0 (float): center of pupil. radius (float): radius of pupil. """ xmin = x0 - radius xmax = x0 + radius pupil = np.zeros_like(self.x) ix = (self.x < xmax) & (self.x > xmin) pupil[ix] = 1 self.u = self.u * pupil
[docs] def insert_array_masks(self, t1, x_pos, clean=True, kind_position='left'): """Insert several identical masks t1 in self.u according to positions x_pos Parameters: t1 (Scalar_field_X): mask to insert. x_pos (numpy.array): array with locations. clean (bool): elliminate preview fields in self. kind_position (str): 'left', 'center': positions are at left or center. """ self.insert_mask(t1, x_pos[0], clean=clean, kind_position=kind_position) for xi in x_pos[1:]: self.insert_mask(t1, xi, clean=False, kind_position=kind_position)
[docs] def repeat_structure(self, num_repetitions, position='center', new_field=True): """Repeat the structure n times. Parameters: num_repetitions (int): Number of repetitions of the mask position (string or number): 'center', 'previous' or initial position. Initial x new_field (bool): If True, a new mask is produced, else, the mask is modified. """ u0 = self.u x0 = self.x wavelength = self.wavelength u_new = np.tile(u0, num_repetitions) x_min = x0[0] x_max = x0[-1] x_new = np.linspace(num_repetitions * x_min, num_repetitions * x_max, num_repetitions * len(x0)) if position == 'center': center_x = (x_new[-1] + x_new[0]) / 2 x_new = x_new - center_x elif position == 'previous': x_new = x_new - x_new[0] + x0[0] elif isinstance(position, (int, float)): x_new = x_new - x_new[0] + position if new_field is True: t_new = Scalar_field_X(x=x_new, wavelength=wavelength) t_new.u = u_new return t_new else: self.u = u_new self.x = x_new
[docs] def fft(self, z=None, shift=True, remove0=False, matrix=False, new_field=False, verbose=False): """Far field diffraction pattern using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Parameters: z (float): distance to the observation plane or focal of lens. If None the exit is in radians shift (bool): if True, fftshift is performed remove0 (bool): if True, central point is removed matrix (bool): if True only matrix is returned. If False, returns Scalar_field_X new_field (bool): if True returns Scalar_field_X, else it puts in self verbose (bool): if True, prints info Returns: (array or Scalar_field_X or None): FFT of the input field """ ttf1 = fft(self.u) if remove0 is True: ttf1[0] = 0 if shift is True: ttf1 = fftshift(ttf1) if matrix is True: return ttf1 # x scaling - Infor num_x = self.x.size delta_x = self.x[1] - self.x[0] freq_nyquist_x = 1 / (2 * delta_x) kx = np.linspace(-freq_nyquist_x, freq_nyquist_x, num_x) * self.wavelength if z in (None, '', [], 0): x_new = kx # exit in angles (degrees) if verbose is True: print("z={}".format(z)) print("x0={},x1={}".format(x_new[0], x_new[-1])) else: x_new = kx * z # exit distances at a obsrvation plane z if verbose is True: print("z={}".format(z)) print("x0={},x1={}".format(x_new[0], x_new[-1])) if new_field is True: field_output = Scalar_field_X(self.x, self.wavelength) field_output.u = ttf1 field_output.x = x_new return field_output else: self.u = ttf1 self.x = x_new
[docs] def ifft(self, z=None, shift=True, remove0=True, matrix=False, new_field=False, verbose=False): """Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (ifft) of the field. Parameters: z (float): distance to the observation plane or focal of lens shift (bool): if True, fftshift is performed remove0 (bool): if True, central point is removed matrix (bool): if True only matrix is returned. If False, returns Scalar_field_X new_field (bool): if True returns Scalar_field_X, else it puts in self verbose (bool): if True, prints info Returns: (array or Scalar_field_X or None): FFT of the input field """ ttf1 = ifft(self.u) if remove0 is True: ttf1[0] = 0 if shift is True: ttf1 = fftshift(ttf1) if matrix is True: return ttf1 # x scaling - Infor num_x = self.x.size delta_x = self.x[1] - self.x[0] freq_nyquist_x = 1 / (2 * delta_x) kx = np.linspace(-freq_nyquist_x, freq_nyquist_x, num_x) * self.wavelength if z in (None, '', [], 0): x_new = kx # exit in angles (radians) if verbose is True: print("x0={},x1={}".format(x_new[0], x_new[-1])) else: x_new = kx * z # exit distances at a obsrvation plane z if verbose is True: print("x0={},x1={}".format(x_new[0], x_new[-1])) if new_field is True: field_output = Scalar_field_X(self.x, self.wavelength) field_output.u = ttf1 if verbose is True: print("x0={},x1={}".format(x_new[0], x_new[-1])) field_output.x = x_new return field_output else: self.u = ttf1 self.x = x_new if verbose is True: print("x0={},x1={}".format(x_new[0], x_new[-1]))
def _RS_(self, z, n, matrix=False, new_field=True, fast=False, kind='z', xout=None, verbose=True): """Fast-Fourier-Transform method for numerical integration of diffraction Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formula. `Thin Element Approximation` is considered for determining the field just after the mask: :math:`\mathbf{E}_{0}(\zeta,\eta)=t(\zeta,\eta)\mathbf{E}_{inc}(\zeta,\eta)` The near field approach is performed according to :math:`\mathbf{E}(x,y,z) = \frac{1}{i\lambda z}e^{i k z}\iint\mathbf{E}_{0}(\zeta,\eta)e^{i\frac{k}{2z}\left[\left(x-\zeta\right)^{2}+\left(y-\eta\right)^{2}\right]}d\zeta d\eta` If we have a field of size N*M, the result of propagation is also a field N*M. Nevertheless, there is a parameter `amplification` which allows us to determine the field in greater observation planes (jN)x(jM). One adventage of this approach is that it returns a quality parameter: if self.quality>1, propagation is right. Parameters: z (float): distance to observation plane. I z<0 inverse propagation is executed n (float): refraction index matrix (bool): if True returns a matrix with result. It is much faster than new_field=True new_field (bool): if False the computation goes to self.u. If True a new instance is produced fast (bool): Instead of using Hankle function for RS kernel uses exponential xout (numpy.array): for amplification verbose (bool): if True it writes to shell Returns: (Scalar_field_X or None): if New_field is True Scalar_field_X, else None References: F. Shen and A. Wang, “Fast-Fourier-transform based numerical integration method for the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction formula,” Appl. Opt., vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 1102–1110, 2006. """ if xout is None: xout = self.x[0] xout = self.x + xout - self.x[0] nx = len(xout) dx = xout[1] - xout[0] # parametro de quality dr_real = dx rmax = xout.max() dr_ideal = sqrt((self.wavelength / n)**2 + rmax**2 + 2 * (self.wavelength / n) * sqrt(rmax**2 + z**2)) - rmax self.quality = dr_ideal / dr_real / 2 if verbose is True: if (self.quality.min() > 1): print('Good result: factor {:2.2f}'.format(self.quality)) else: print('- Needs denser sampling: factor {:2.2f}'.format( self.quality)) precise = False if precise: # matrix W para integracion simpson a = [2, 4] num_rep = int(round((nx) / 2) - 1) b = array(a * num_rep) W = concatenate(((1, ), b, (2, 1))) / 3. if float(nx) / 2 == round(nx / 2): # es par i_central = num_rep + 1 W = concatenate((W[:i_central], W[i_central + 1:])) else: W = 1 # field U = zeros(2 * nx - 1, dtype=complex) U[0:nx] = array(W * self.u) xext = self.x[0] - xout[::-1] # da la vuelta xext = xext[0:-1] xext = concatenate((xext, self.x - xout[0])) if z > 0: H = kernelRS(xext, self.wavelength, z, n, kind=kind, fast=fast) else: H = kernelRSinverse(xext, self.wavelength, z, n, kind=kind, fast=fast) # calculo de la transformada de Fourier S = ifft(fft(U) * fft(H)) * dx Usalida = S[nx - 1:] # los calculos se pueden dejar en la instancia o crear un new field if matrix is True: return Usalida if new_field is True: field_output = Scalar_field_X(self.x, self.wavelength) # field_output.u = Usalida / sqrt(z) field_output.u = Usalida field_output.quality = self.quality return field_output else: # self.u = Usalida / sqrt(z) self.u = Usalida
[docs] def RS(self, z, amplification=1, n=1, new_field=True, matrix=False, xout=None, fast=False, kind='z', verbose=True): """Fast-Fourier-Transform method for numerical integration of diffraction Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formula. Is we have a field of size N*M, the result of propagation is also a field N*M. Nevertheless, there is a parameter `amplification` which allows us to determine the field in greater observation planes (jN)x(jM). Parameters: z (float): Distance to observation plane. if z<0 inverse propagation is executed n (float): Refraction index new_field (bool): if False the computation goes to self.u, if True a new instance is produced matrix (bool): If True, the result of the function is a numpy.array fast (bool): Instead of using Hankle function for RS kernel uses expotential amplification (int): number of frames in x direction kind (str): 'z'. In some circunstamces the function is used for other integrals verbose (bool): if True it writes to shell Returns: If New_field is True: Scalar_field_X, If matrix is True: numpy.array() Else: None Info: This approach a quality parameter: If self.quality>1, propagation is right. """ width_x = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] num_pixels = len(self.x) positions_x = -amplification * width_x / 2 + array( list(range(amplification))) * width_x x0 = linspace(-amplification * width_x / 2, amplification * width_x / 2, num_pixels * amplification) if xout is not None: positions_x = positions_x + xout x0 = x0 + xout - width_x / 2 u_field = np.zeros_like(x0, dtype=complex) qualities = np.zeros((amplification)) for i, xi in zip(list(range(len(positions_x))), np.flipud(positions_x)): u3 = self._RS_(z=z, n=n, matrix=False, new_field=True, fast=fast, kind=kind, xout=xi, verbose=verbose) xshape = slice(i * num_pixels, (i + 1) * num_pixels) u_field[xshape] = u3.u qualities[i] = u3.quality if matrix is True: return u_field if new_field is True: field_output = Scalar_field_X(x=x0, wavelength=self.wavelength) field_output.u = u_field field_output.quality = qualities return field_output else: self.x = x0 self.u = u_field self.quality = qualities
# def RS(self, # z=10 * mm, # amplification=1, # n=1, # new_field=True, # matrix=False, # xout=None,None # yout=None # fast=False, # kind='z', # verbose=True): # """Fast-Fourier-Transform method for numerical integration of diffraction Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formula. Is we have a field of size N*M, the result of propagation is also a field N*M. Nevertheless, there is a parameter `amplification` which allows us to determine the field in greater observation planes (jN)x(jM). # Parameters: # z (float): Distance to observation plane. if z<0 inverse propagation is executed # n (float): Refraction index # new_field (bool): if False the computation goes to self.u, if True a new instance is produced # matrix (bool): If True, the result of the function is a numpy.array # fast (bool): Instead of using Hankle function for RS kernel uses expotential # amplification (int): number of frames in x direction # kind (str): 'z'. In some circunstamces the function is used for other integrals # verbose (bool): if True it writes to shell # Returns: # If New_field is True: Scalar_field_X, # If matrix is True: numpy.array() # Else: None # Info: # This approach a quality parameter: If self.quality>1, propagation is right. # """ # width_x = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] # num_pixels = len(self.x) # positions_x = -amplification * width_x / 2 + array( # list(range(amplification))) * width_x # x0 = linspace(-amplification * width_x / 2, # amplification * width_x / 2, num_pixels * amplification) # u_field = np.zeros_like(x0, dtype=complex) # qualities = np.zeros((amplification)) # for i, xi in zip(list(range(len(positions_x))), # np.flipud(positions_x)): # u3 = self._RS_(z=z, # n=n, # matrix=False, # new_field=True, # fast=fast, # kind=kind, # xout=xi, # verbose=verbose) # xshape = slice(i * num_pixels, (i + 1) * num_pixels) # u_field[xshape] = u3.u # qualities[i] = u3.quality # if matrix is True: # return u_field # if new_field is True: # field_output = Scalar_field_X(x=x0, wavelength=self.wavelength) # field_output.u = u_field # field_output.quality = qualities.min() # return field_output # else: # self.x = x0 # self.u = u_field # self.quality = qualities.min()
[docs] def CZT(self, z, xout, verbose=False): """Chirped z-transform. Parameters: z (float or np.array): diffraction distance xout (float or np.array): x array with positions of the output plane verbose (bool): If True it prints information. Returns: u_out: Complex amplitude of the outgoing light beam References: [Light: Science and Applications, 9(1), (2020)] """ if xout is None: xout = self.x k = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength if isinstance(z, (float, int)): num_z = 1 # print("z = 0 dim") else: num_z = len(z) # print("z = 1 dim") if isinstance(xout, (float, int)): num_x = 1 # print("x = 0 dim") xstart = xout xend = xout else: num_x = len(xout) # print("x = 1 dim") xstart = xout[0] xend = xout[-1] dx = self.x[1] - self.x[0] if num_z == 1: delta_out = np.zeros(2) if num_x > 1: delta_out[0] = (xend - xstart) / (num_x - 1) # calculating scalar diffraction below R = np.sqrt(xout**2 + z**2) F0 = (0.5j * k * z / R) * hankel1(1, k * R) R = np.sqrt(self.x**2 + z**2) F = (0.5j * k * z / R) * hankel1(1, k * R) # F0 = np.exp(1j * k * z) / (1j * self.wavelength * z) * np.exp( # 1j * k / 2 / z * (xout**2)) # F = np.exp(1j * k / 2 / z * (self.x**2)) u0 = self.u * F fs = self.wavelength * z / dx # dimension of the imaging plane fx1 = xstart + fs / 2 fx2 = xend + fs / 2 u0 = Bluestein_dft_x(u0, fx1, fx2, fs, num_x) k_factor = np.sqrt(z * self.wavelength) * dx u0 = F0 * u0 * k_factor # obtain the complex amplitude of the outgoing light beam if num_x == 1: return 1j*u0 else: u_out = Scalar_field_X(xout, self.wavelength) u_out.u = 1j*u0 else: u_zs = np.zeros((len(z), num_x), dtype=complex) num_z = len(z) for i, z_now in enumerate(z): if verbose is True: print("{}/{}".format(i, num_z), sep="\r", end="\r") delta_out = np.zeros(2) if num_x > 1: delta_out[0] = (xend - xstart) / (num_x - 1) # calculating scalar diffraction below R = np.sqrt(xout**2 + z_now**2) F0 = (0.5j * k * z_now / R) * hankel1(1, k * R) R = np.sqrt(self.x**2 + z_now**2) F = (0.5j * k * z_now / R) * hankel1(1, k * R) # F0 = np.exp(1j * k * z_now) / ( # 1j * self.wavelength * z_now) * np.exp(1j * k / 2 / z_now * # (xout**2)) # F = np.exp(1j * k / 2 / z_now * (self.x**2)) u0 = self.u * F fs = self.wavelength * z_now / dx # dimension of the imaging plane fx1 = xstart + fs / 2 fx2 = xend + fs / 2 u0 = Bluestein_dft_x(u0, fx1, fx2, fs, num_x) u0 = F0 * u0 # obtain the complex amplitude of the outgoing light beam k_factor = np.sqrt(z_now * self.wavelength) * dx u_zs[i, :] = u0 * k_factor if num_x == 1: from diffractio.scalar_fields_Z import Scalar_field_Z u_out = Scalar_field_Z(z=z, wavelength=self.wavelength) u_out.u = 1j*u_zs return u_out else: from diffractio.scalar_fields_XZ import Scalar_field_XZ u_out = Scalar_field_XZ(xout, z, self.wavelength) u_out.u = 1j*u_zs.transpose() return u_out
[docs] def WPM(self, fn, zs, num_sampling=None, ROI=None, x_pos=None, z_pos=None, get_u_max=False, has_edges=True, pow_edge=80, verbose=False): """WPM method used for very dense sampling. It does not storages the intensity distribution at propagation, but only selected areas. The areas to be stored are: - global view with a desired sampling given by num_sampling. - intensity at the last plane. - Intensity at plane with maximum intensity (focus of a lens, for example) - Region of interest given by ROI. Parameters: fn (function): Function that returns the refraction index at a plane in a numpy.array zs (np.array): linspace with positions z where to evaluate the field. num_sampling (int, int) or None: If None, it does not storage intermediate data. Otherwise, it stores a small XZ matrix which size in num_sampling. ROI (np.array, np.array) or None: x and z arrays with positions and sampling to store. It is used when we need to store with a high density a small area of the total field. x_pos (float or None): If not None, a high density longitudinal array with the field at x_pos position is stored. z_pos (float or None): If not None, a high density transversal array with the field at z_pos is stored. get_u_max (bool): If True, returns field at z position with maximum intensity. has_edges (bool): If True absorbing edges are used. pow_edge (float): If has_edges, power of the supergaussian. verbose (bool): If True prints information. Returns: u_iter (Scalar_field_X): final field u_out_gv (Scalar_field_XZ): global view u_out_roi (Scalar_field_XZ): field at ROI positions u_axis_x (Scalar_field_X): field at position z_pos u_axis_z (Scalar_field_Z): field at position x_pos u_max (Scalar_field_X): field at position with maximum intensity z_max (float): position with maximum intensity References: 1. M. W. Fertig and K.-H. Brenner, “Vector wave propagation method,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 709, 2010. 2. S. Schmidt et al., “Wave-optical modeling beyond the thin-element-approximation,” Opt. Express, vol. 24, no. 26, p. 30188, 2016. """ from diffractio.scalar_masks_XZ import Scalar_mask_XZ k0 = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength dx = self.x[1] - self.x[0] dz = zs[1] - zs[0] kx = get_k(self.x, flavour='+') k_perp2 = kx**2 if has_edges is False: has_filter = np.zeros_like(zs) elif isinstance(has_edges, int): has_filter = np.ones_like(zs) else: has_filter = has_edges width_edge = 0.95*(self.x[-1]-self.x[0])/2 x_center=(self.x[-1]+self.x[0])/2 filter_function = np.exp(-(np.abs(self.x-x_center) / width_edge)**pow_edge) u_iter = self.duplicate() # STORING field at maximum intensity if get_u_max is True: u_max = self.duplicate() I_max = 0. z_max = 0 else: u_max = None z_max = None # Storing intensities at axis (x=x_pos) if x_pos is not None: from diffractio.scalar_fields_Z import Scalar_field_Z u_axis_x = Scalar_field_Z(zs, self.wavelength) index_x_axis, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x_pos) else: u_axis_x = None # Storing fields at axis (x=x_pos) if z_pos is not None: u_axis_z = self.duplicate() index_zpos, _, _ = nearest(zs, z_pos) else: u_axis_z = None # STORING global view matrices if num_sampling is not None: len_x, len_z = num_sampling xout_gv = np.linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], len_x) zout_gv = np.linspace(zs[0], zs[-1], len_z) u_out_gv = Scalar_mask_XZ(xout_gv, zout_gv, self.wavelength, info='from WPM_no_storage_1D') indexes_x_gv, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, xout_gv) indexes_z_gv, _, _ = nearest2(zs, zout_gv) u_out_gv.n = fn(xout_gv, zout_gv, self.wavelength) else: u_out_gv = None # STORING ROI if ROI is not None: xout_roi, zout_roi = ROI u_out_roi = Scalar_mask_XZ(xout_roi, zout_roi, self.wavelength, info='from WPM_no_storage_1D') indexes_x_roi, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, xout_roi) indexes_z_roi, _, _ = nearest2(zs, zout_roi) u_out_roi.n = fn(xout_roi, zout_roi, self.wavelength) else: u_out_roi = None t1 = time.time() num_steps = len(zs) iz_out_gv = 0 iz_out_roi = 0 for j in range(1, num_steps): if has_filter[j] == 0: filter_edge = 1 else: filter_edge = filter_function refractive_index = fn(self.x, np.array([ zs[j - 1], ]), self.wavelength) u_iter.u = WPM_schmidt_kernel(u_iter.u, refractive_index, k0, k_perp2, dz) * filter_edge if x_pos is not None: u_axis_x.u[j] = u_iter.u[index_x_axis] if z_pos is not None: if j == index_zpos: u_axis_z.u = u_iter.u if num_sampling is not None: if j in indexes_z_gv: u_out_gv.u[:, iz_out_gv] = u_iter.u[indexes_x_gv] iz_out_gv = iz_out_gv + 1 if ROI is not None: if j in indexes_z_roi: u_out_roi.u[:, iz_out_roi] = u_iter.u[indexes_x_roi] iz_out_roi = iz_out_roi + 1 if get_u_max is True: current_intensity = np.max(np.abs(u_iter.u)**2) if current_intensity > I_max: I_max = u_iter.intensity().max() u_max.u = u_iter.u z_max = zs[j] if verbose is True: print("{}/{}".format(j, num_steps), sep='\r', end='\r') t2 = time.time() if verbose is True: print("Time = {:2.2f} s, time/loop = {:2.4} ms".format( t2 - t1, (t2 - t1) / len(zs) * 1000)) return u_iter, u_out_gv, u_out_roi, u_axis_x, u_axis_z, u_max, z_max
[docs] def normalize(self, new_field=False): """Normalizes the field so that intensity.max()=1. Parameters: new_field (bool): If False the computation goes to self.u. If True a new instance is produced. Returns u (numpy.array): normalized optical field """ return normalize_field(self, new_field)
[docs] def MTF(self, kind='mm', has_draw=True): """Computes the MTF of a field,. Parameters: kind (str): 'mm', 'degrees' has_draw (bool): If True draws the MTF Returns: (numpy.array) fx: frequencies in lines/mm (numpy.array) mtf_norm: normalizd MTF """ tmp_field = self.u x = self.x self.u = np.abs(self.u)**2 MTF_field = self.fft(new_field=True, shift=True) i_center = int(len(MTF_field.x) / 2) mtf_norm = np.abs(MTF_field.u) / np.abs(MTF_field.u[i_center]) # Image plane spacing delta_x = x[1] - x[0] # Nyquist frequencies on x and y direction frec_nyquist = 0.5 / delta_x # Defining spatial frequencies, 1000 passes um to mm fx = 1000 * linspace(-frec_nyquist, frec_nyquist, len(x)) if kind == 'mm': frec = fx text_x = "$f_x (cycles/mm)$" elif kind == 'degrees': print("not implemented yet") frec = fx text_x = "$f_x (cycles/deg - not yet)$" if has_draw is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(frec, mtf_norm, 'k') plt.xlabel(text_x, fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("MTF", fontsize=18) self.u = tmp_field return fx, mtf_norm
[docs] def intensity(self): """Intensity. Returns: (numpy.array): Intensity """ intensity = (np.abs(self.u)**2) return intensity
[docs] def average_intensity(self, verbose=False): """Returns the average intensity as: (np.abs(self.u)**2).sum() / num_data Parameters: verbose (bool): If True it prints the value of the average intensity. Returns: (float): average intensity. """ average_intensity = (np.abs(self.u)**2).mean() if verbose is True: print("average intensity={} W/m").format(average_intensity) return average_intensity
[docs] def get_edges(self, kind_transition='amplitude', min_step=0, verbose=False, filename=''): """Determine locations of edges for a binary mask. Parameters: kind_transition:'amplitude' 'phase' if we see the amplitude or phase of the field min_step: minimum step for consider a transition Returns: type_transition: array with +1, -1 with rasing or falling edges pos_transition: positions x of transitions raising: positions of raising falling: positions of falling """ pos_transitions, type_transitions, raising, falling = get_edges( self.x, self.u, kind_transition, min_step, verbose, filename) return pos_transitions, type_transitions, raising, falling
[docs] def get_RS_minimum_z(self, n=1, quality=1, verbose=True): """Determines the minimum available distance for RS algorithm. If higher or lower quality parameters is required you can add as a parameter Args: n (float): refraction index of the surrounding medium. quality (int, optional): quality. Defaults to 1. verbose (bool, optional): prints info. Defaults to True. Returns: z_min (float): z_min for quality_factor>quality """ range_x = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] num_x = len(self.x) dx = range_x / num_x dr_real = dx rmax = range_x factor = (((quality * dr_real + rmax)**2 - (self.wavelength / n)**2 - rmax**2) / 2 * n / self.wavelength)**2 - rmax**2 if factor > 0: z_min = np.sqrt(factor) else: z_min = 0 if verbose: if z_min > 1000: print("z min = {:2.2f} mm".format(z_min / mm)) else: print("z min = {:2.2f} um".format(z_min)) return z_min
[docs] def draw(self, kind='intensity', logarithm=False, normalize=False, cut_value=None, filename='', scale=''): """Draws X field. There are several data from the field that are extracted, depending of 'kind' parameter. Parameters: kind (str): type of drawing: 'amplitude', 'intensity', 'field', 'phase', 'fill', 'fft' logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, scale (str): '', 'scaled', 'equal', scales the XY drawing """ if self.x is None: print('could not draw file: self.x=None') return amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(self.u) phase[intensity<0.001*intensity.max()]=0 plt.figure() if kind == 'intensity': y = intensity elif kind == 'phase': y = phase elif kind in ('amplitude', 'fft', 'fill', 'field'): y = amplitude if kind in ('intensity', 'amplitude', 'fft', 'fill', 'field'): y = normalize_draw(y, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) if kind == 'field': plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(self.x, y, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlabel('$x\,(\mu m)$') plt.ylabel('$A\,(arb.u.)$') plt.xlim(left=self.x[0], right=self.x[-1]) plt.ylim(bottom=0) plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(self.x, phase, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlabel('$x\,(\mu m)$') plt.ylabel('$phase\,(radians)$') plt.xlim(left=self.x[0], right=self.x[-1]) elif kind in ('amplitude', 'intensity', 'phase'): plt.plot(self.x, y, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlabel('$x\,(\mu m)$') plt.ylabel(kind) plt.xlim(left=self.x[0], right=self.x[-1]) elif kind == 'fft': plt.plot(self.x / degrees, y, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlim(left=self.x[0] / degrees, right=self.x[-1] / degrees) plt.xlabel('$\phi\,(degrees)$') plt.ylabel(kind) elif kind == 'fill': # this is for binary maks, as gratings and I0s. plt.fill_between(self.x, 0, amplitude) plt.xlabel('$x\,(\mu m)$') plt.ylabel(kind) plt.xlim(left=self.x[0], right=self.x[-1]) if scale != '': plt.axis(scale) if not filename == '': plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) if kind == 'intensity': plt.ylim(bottom=0) elif kind == 'phase': plt.ylim(-pi, pi)
[docs] def kernelRS(x, wavelength, z, n=1, kind='z', fast=False): """Kernel for RS propagation. It uses the hankel tansform. There is a 'fast' version based on :math:`hk_1 = \sqrt{2/(\pi \, k \, R)} e^{i (k \, R - 3 \pi / 4)}` which approximates the result. Parameters: x (numpy.array): positions x wavelength (float): wavelength of incident fields z (float): distance for propagation n (float): refraction index of background kind (str): 'z', 'x', '0': for simplifying vector propagation fast (bool): If True The approximation is much faster. According to Returns: (complex array): kernel References: - - F. Shen and A. Wang, “Fast-Fourier-transform based numerical integration method for the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction formula,” Appl. Opt., vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 1102–1110, 2006. """ k = 2 * pi * n / wavelength R = sqrt(x**2 + z**2) if fast is False: hk1 = hankel1(1, k * R) elif fast is True: hk1 = sqrt(2 / (pi * k * R)) * exp(1.j * (k * R - 3 * pi / 4)) if kind == 'z': return (0.5j * k * z / R) * hk1 elif kind == 'x': return (0.5j * k * x / R) * hk1 elif kind == '0': return (0.5j * k) * hk1
[docs] def kernelRSinverse(x, wavelength, z, n=1, kind='z', fast=False): """Kernel for inverse RS propagation. See also kernelRS Parameters: x (numpy.array): positions x wavelength (float): wavelength of incident fields z (float): distance for propagation n (float): refraction index of background kind (str): 'z', 'x', '0': for simplifying vector propagation fast (bool): If True The approximation is much faster. According to Returns: complex array: kernel """ k = 2 * pi * n / wavelength R = sqrt(x**2 + z**2) if fast is False: hk1 = hankel1(1, k * R) elif fast is True: hk1 = sqrt(2 / (pi * k * R)) * exp(1.j * (k * R - 3 * pi / 4)) if kind == 'z': return (-0.5j * k * z / R) * hk1 elif kind == 'x': return (-0.5j * k * x / R) * hk1 elif kind == '0': return (-0.5j * k) * hk1
[docs] def PWD_kernel(u, n, k0, k_perp2, dz): """ Step for scalar (TE) Plane wave decomposition (PWD) algorithm. Parameters: u (np.array): fields n (np.array): refraction index k0 (float): wavenumber k_perp2 (np.array): transversal k**2 dz (float): increment in distances Returns: numpy.array(): Field at at distance dz from the incident field References: 1. Schmidt, S. et al. "Wave-optical modeling beyond the thin-element-approximation". 'Opt. Express' 24, 30188 (2016). """ Ek = fftshift(fft(u)) H = np.exp(1j * dz * csqrt(n**2 * k0**2 - k_perp2)) return ifft(fftshift(H * Ek))
[docs] def WPM_schmidt_kernel(u, n, k0, k_perp2, dz): """ Kernel for fast propagation of WPM method Parameters: u (np.array): fields n (np.array): refraction index k0 (float): wavenumber k_perp2 (np.array): transversal k**2 dz (float): increment in distances References: 1. M. W. Fertig and K.-H. Brenner, “Vector wave propagation method,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 709, 2010. 2. S. Schmidt et al., “Wave-optical modeling beyond the thin-element-approximation,” Opt. Express, vol. 24, no. 26, p. 30188, 2016. """ refractive_indexes = np.unique(n) u_final = np.zeros_like(u, dtype=complex) for m, n_m in enumerate(refractive_indexes): # print (m, n_m) u_temp = PWD_kernel(u, n_m, k0, k_perp2, dz) Imz = (n == n_m) u_final = u_final + Imz * u_temp return u_final
[docs] def polychromatic_multiprocessing(function_process, wavelengths, spectrum, num_processors=num_max_processors, verbose=False): """ It performs an analysis of polychromatic light. It needs a function with only one input parameter: wavelength. It determines the intensity for each wavelength and the final results is the summation of the intensities. Parameters: function_process (function): function with accepts params as input parameters: wavelengths (array): wavelengths in the spectrum spectrum (array): weights for the spectrum. if None: uniform spectrum, else array with the same dimension as wavelengths num_processors (int): number of processors for the computation verbose (bool): if True send information to shell Returns: intensity (array, complex): intensity = intensity + spectrum[i] * np.abs(u_s[i].u)**2 u_s (Scalar_field_X): fields for each wavelength time_proc (float): time interval in the processing """ if not isinstance(spectrum, np.ndarray): spectrum = np.ones_like(wavelengths) if type(wavelengths) in (list, np.ndarray): u_s, time_proc = execute_multiprocessing(function_process, wavelengths, num_processors, verbose) print(len(u_s)) intensity = np.zeros_like(u_s[0].u, dtype=float) for i in range(len(wavelengths)): intensity = intensity + spectrum[i] * np.abs(u_s[i].u)**2 intensity = intensity / spectrum.sum() else: time1 = time.time() u_s = function_process(wavelengths) time2 = time.time() intensity = np.abs(u_s.u)**2 time_proc = time2 - time1 return intensity, u_s, time_proc
[docs] def extended_source_multiprocessing(function_process, x0s, num_processors=num_max_processors, verbose=False): """ It performs an analysis of extendes source light. It needs a function with only an input parameter, that is x0s positions of sources. It determines the intensity for each wavelength and it is added. Parameters: function_process (function): function with accepts params as input Parameters: x0s (array): positions of sources num_processors (int): number of processors for the computation verbose (bool): if True send information to shell Returns: - intensity (array, complex): intensity = intensity + spectrum[i] * np.abs(u_s[i].u)**2 - u_s (Scalar_field_X): fields for each wavelength - time_proc (float): time interval in the processing """ if type(x0s) in (list, np.ndarray): u_s, time_proc = execute_multiprocessing(function_process, x0s, num_processors, verbose) intensity = np.zeros_like(u_s[0].u, dtype=float) for i in range(len(x0s)): intensity = intensity + np.abs(u_s[i].u)**2 intensity = intensity / len(x0s) else: time1 = time.time() u_s = function_process(x0s) time2 = time.time() intensity = np.abs(u_s.u)**2 time_proc = time2 - time1 if verbose is True: print("num_proc: {}, time={}".format(1, time_proc)) return intensity, u_s, time_proc
[docs] def extended_polychromatic_source(function_process, x0s, wavelengths, spectrum, num_processors=num_max_processors, verbose=False): """ It performs an analysis of extendes source light. It needs a function with only an input parameter, that is x0s positions of sources. It determines the intensity for each wavelength and it is added. Parameters: function_process (function): function with accepts params as input Parameters: x0s (array): positions of sources wavelengths (array): wavelengths in the spectrum spectrum (array): weights for the spectrum. If None: uniform spectrum, else array with the same dimension as wavelengths num_processors (int): number of processors for the computation verbose (bool): if True send information to shell Returns: - intensity (array, complex): intensity = intensity + spectrum[i] * np.abs(u_s[i].u)**2 - u_s (Scalar_field_X): fields for each wavelength - time_proc (float): time interval in the processing """ dict_Parameters = [] for i, wavelength in enumerate(wavelengths): for j, x0 in enumerate(x0s): dict_Parameters.append( dict(x0=x0, wavelength=wavelength, ij=(i, j))) u_s, time_proc = execute_multiprocessing(function_process, dict_Parameters, num_processors, verbose) intensity = np.zeros_like(u_s[0].u, dtype=float) for k in range(len(u_s)): # print( len(u_s), dict_Parameters[k]['ij']) i_wavelength = dict_Parameters[k]['ij'][0] intensity = intensity + spectrum[i_wavelength] * np.abs(u_s[k].u)**2 intensity = intensity / (spectrum.sum() * len(x0s)) return intensity, u_s, time_proc
[docs] def quality_factor(range_x, num_x, z, wavelength, n=1, verbose=False): """Determine the quality factor for RS algorithm Args: x (np.array): x array with positions z (float): observation distance wavelength (float): wavelength) n (float): refraction index Returns: _type_: _description_ """ dx = range_x / num_x dr_real = dx rmax = range_x dr_ideal = np.sqrt((wavelength / n)**2 + rmax**2 + 2 * (wavelength / n) * np.sqrt(rmax**2 + z**2)) - rmax quality = dr_ideal / dr_real if verbose: print("Quality factor = {:2.2f}".format(quality)) return quality
[docs] def get_RS_minimum_z(range_x, num_x, wavelength, n=1, quality=1, verbose=True): """_summary_ Args: range_x (float): range_x num_x (int): num_x z (float): z wavelength (float): wavelength quality (int, optional): quality. Defaults to 1. verbose (bool, optional): prints info. Defaults to True. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ dr_real = range_x / num_x rmax = range_x zmin = np.sqrt((((quality * dr_real + rmax)**2 - (wavelength / n)**2 - rmax**2) / 2 * n / wavelength)**2 - rmax**2) if verbose: print("z min = {:2.2f}".format(zmin)) return zmin