Source code for diffractio.scalar_fields_XZ

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module generates Scalar_field_XZ class.

It includes multiprocessing for RS and BPM polychromatic

It can be considered an extension of Scalar_field_X for visualizing XZ fields

For the case of Rayleigh sommefeld it is not necessary to compute all z positions but the final.

Nevertheless, for BPM method, intermediate computations are required. In this class, intermediate results are stored.

X,Z fields are defined using ndgrid (not with meshgrid, it is different).

It is required also for generating masks and fields.
The main atributes are:
    * self.x - x positions of the field
    * self.z - z positions of the field
    * self.u - field XZ
    * self.n - refraction index XZ
    * self.wavelength - wavelength of the incident field. The field is monochromatic

The magnitude is related to microns: `micron = 1.`

*Class for XZ scalar fields*

*Definition of a scalar field*
    * instatiation, duplicate, clean_refractive_index
    * save, load data
    * rotate_field, cut_resample,

    * incident_field

    * surface_detection
    * search focus

    * RS, RS_polychormatic,
    * BPM, BPM_poychromatic, BPM_inverse, BPM_back_propagation

*Drawing functions*
    * draw
    * draw_refractive_index
    * draw_incident_field
    * draw_profiles_interactive
    * video

    * final_field
    * profile_longitudinal
    * profile_transversal

import copy
import copyreg
import sys
import time
import types
from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing import Pool

import matplotlib.animation as animation
import as cm
from numpy import array, concatenate, diff, gradient, pi, sqrt, zeros
from numpy.lib.scimath import sqrt as csqrt
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fft2, fftshift, ifft, ifft2
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

from . import np, plt
from . import num_max_processors, degrees, eps, mm, seconds, um
from .config import CONF_DRAWING
from .scalar_fields_X import (PWD_kernel, Scalar_field_X, WPM_schmidt_kernel,
                              kernelRS, kernelRSinverse)
from .scalar_masks_X import Scalar_mask_X
from .scalar_sources_X import Scalar_source_X
from .utils_common import get_date, load_data_common, save_data_common
from .utils_drawing import normalize_draw, prepare_drawing, prepare_video
from .utils_math import get_k, ndgrid, nearest, reduce_to_1, rotate_image
from .utils_multiprocessing import _pickle_method, _unpickle_method
from .utils_optics import FWHM1D, beam_width_1D, field_parameters, normalize_field

copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)

percentage_intensity_config = CONF_DRAWING['percentage_intensity']

[docs] class Scalar_field_XZ(object): """Class for working with XZ scalar fields. Parameters: x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` . z (numpy.array): linear array wit equidistant positions for z values wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field n_background (float): refraction index of background info (str): String with info about the simulation Attributes: self.x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` . self.z (numpy.array): linear array wit equidistant positions for z values self.wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field. self.u0 (numpy.array): (x) size x - field at the last z position self.u (numpy.array): (x,z) complex field self.n_background (numpy.array): (x,z) refraction index (bool): if True fast algoritm (approx. Hankle function) (str): String with info about the simulation """ def __init__(self, x=None, z=None, wavelength=None, n_background=1, info=''): self.x = x self.z = z self.wavelength = wavelength self.n_background = n_background = False self.quality = 0 self.borders = None # borders at refraction index self.CONF_DRAWING = CONF_DRAWING if x is not None and z is not None: self.X, self.Z = ndgrid(x, z) self.u0 = Scalar_field_X(x, wavelength) self.u = np.zeros_like(self.X, dtype=complex) self.n = n_background * np.ones(np.shape(self.X), dtype=complex) else: self.X = None self.Z = None self.u0 = None self.u = None self.n = None = info self.reduce_matrix = 'standard' # 'None, 'standard', (5,5) self.type = 'Scalar_field_XZ' = get_date() def __str__(self): """Represents main data of the atributes""" Imin = (np.abs(self.u)**2).min() Imax = (np.abs(self.u)**2).max() phase_min = (np.angle(self.u)).min() / degrees phase_max = (np.angle(self.u)).max() / degrees print("{}\n - x: {}, z: {}, u: {}".format( self.type, self.x.shape, self.z.shape, self.u.shape)) print( " - xmin: {:2.2f} um, xmax: {:2.2f} um, Dx: {:2.2f} um" .format(self.x[0], self.x[-1], self.x[1] - self.x[0])) print( " - zmin: {:2.2f} um, zmax: {:2.2f} um, Dz: {:2.2f} um" .format(self.z[0], self.z[-1], self.z[1] - self.z[0])) print(" - Imin: {:2.2f}, Imax: {:2.2f}".format( Imin, Imax)) print(" - phase_min: {:2.2f} deg, phase_max: {:2.2f} deg".format( phase_min, phase_max)) print(" - wavelength: {:2.2f} um".format(self.wavelength)) print(" - date: {}".format( print(" - info: {}".format( return "" def __add__(self, other, kind='standard'): """Adds two Scalar_field_x. For example two light sources or two masks. Parameters: other (Scalar_field_X): 2nd field to add kind (str): instruction how to add the fields: - 'maximum1': mainly for masks. If t3=t1+t2>1 then t3= 1. - 'standard': add fields u3=u1+u2 and does nothing. Returns: Scalar_field_X: `u3 = u1 + u2` """ u3 = Scalar_field_XZ(self.x, self.z, self.wavelength, self.n_background) u3.n = self.n if kind == 'standard': u3.u = self.u + other.u elif kind == 'maximum1': t1 = np.abs(self.u) t2 = np.abs(other.u) f1 = np.angle(self.u) f2 = np.angle(other.u) t3 = t1 + t2 t3[t3 > 0] = 1. u3.u = t3 * np.exp(1j * (f1 + f2)) return u3 def __sub__(self, other): """Substract two Scalar_field_x. For example two light sources or two masks. Parameters: other (Scalar_field_X): field to substract Returns: Scalar_field_X: `u3 = u1 - u2` TODO: It can be improved for maks (not having less than 1) """ u3 = Scalar_field_XZ(self.x, self.z, self.wavelength, self.n_background) u3.n = self.n u3.u = self.u - other.u return u3 def __rotate__(self, angle, position=None): """Rotation of X,Z with respect to position Parameters: angle (float): angle to rotate, in radians position (float, float): position of center of rotation """ if position is None: x0 = (self.x[-1] + self.x[0]) / 2 z0 = (self.z[-1] + self.z[0]) / 2 else: # Definicion de la rotation x0, z0 = position Xrot = x0 + (self.X - x0) * np.cos(angle) + (self.Z - z0) * np.sin(angle) Zrot = z0 - (self.X - x0) * np.sin(angle) + (self.Z - z0) * np.cos(angle) return Xrot, Zrot
[docs] def reduce_to_1(self): """All the values greater than 1 pass to 1. This is used for Scalar_masks when we add two masks. """ self = reduce_to_1(self)
[docs] def duplicate(self, clear=False): """Duplicates the instance""" # new_field = Scalar_field_XZ(self.x, self.z, self.wavelength, # self.n_background) # new_field.n = self.n # new_field.u = self.u # return new_field new_field = copy.deepcopy(self) if clear is True: new_field.clear_field() return new_field
[docs] def refractive_index_from_scalar_mask_XY(self, mask_XY, refractive_index_max): """Transforms XY mask into XZ mask. - Areas with value 0 pass to n_background. - When transmittance of mask_XY is 1, pass to refractive_index_max. Args: mask_XY (diffractio.Scalar_mask_XY): mask refractive_index_max (float): real and imaginary part of maximum refraction index. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ self.x = mask_XY.x self.z = mask_XY.y self.X, self.Z = ndgrid(self.x, self.z) self.u = np.zeros_like(self.X, dtype=complex) self.n = mask_XY.u.transpose() * refractive_index_max self.n[self.n<1]=self.n_background
[docs] def rotate_field(self, angle, center_rotation, kind='all', n_background=1): """Rotate all the image a certain angle Parameters: angle (float): angle to rotate, in radians n_background (float): refraction index of zone incoming kind (str): 'all', 'n', 'field' center_rotation (float, float): (z,x) position for rotation """ angle = -angle if kind in ('n', 'all'): n_real_rotate = rotate_image(self.z, self.x, np.real(self.n), angle * 180 / pi, center_rotation) n_imag_rotate = rotate_image(self.z, self.x, np.imag(self.n), angle * 180 / pi, center_rotation) n_rotate = n_real_rotate + 1j * n_imag_rotate n_rotate[n_rotate < n_background] = n_background self.n = n_rotate self.n[self.n < 1.2] = self.n_background self.surface_detection(mode=1, min_incr=0.1, reduce_matrix='standard') if kind in ('field', 'all'): u_real_rotate = rotate_image(self.z, self.x, np.real(self.u), angle * 180 / pi, center_rotation) u_imag_rotate = rotate_image(self.z, self.x, np.imag(self.u), angle * 180 / pi, center_rotation) u_rotate = u_real_rotate + 1j * u_imag_rotate self.u = u_rotate if kind == 'n': self.u = np.zeros_like(self.u)
[docs] def clear_field(self): """clear field""" self.u = np.zeros(np.shape(self.u), dtype=complex)
[docs] def clear_refractive_index(self): """clear refraction index n(x,z)=n_background""" self.n = self.n_background * np.ones_like(self.X, dtype=complex)
[docs] def normalize(self, new_field=False): """Normalizes the field so that intensity.max()=1. Parameters: new_field (bool): If False the computation goes to self.u. If True a new instance is produced Returns u (numpy.array): normalized optical field """ return normalize_field(self, new_field)
[docs] def mask_field(self, size_edge=0): """ mask the incident field at the edges, each edge is masked size_edge Parameters: size_edge (float): size of edges """ L = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] x_center = (self.x[-1] + self.x[0]) / 2 mask = Scalar_mask_X(x=self.x, wavelength=self.wavelength) mask.slit(x0=x_center, size=L - 2 * size_edge) self.u0.u = self.u0.u * mask.u
[docs] def smooth_refractive_index(self, type_filter=2, pixels_filtering=10, max_diff_filter=0.1, draw_check=False): """ Technique to remove artifacts in BPM propagation. Parameters: type_filter (int): 1 - 2D, 2 - 1D z (selective), 3 - 1D x (selective) pixels_filtering (int): num_pixels used for filtering max_diff_filter (float): maximum difference of n in profile between two adjancted pixels to use selective filtering draw_check (bool): draw the differences. Returns: (float): percentage_filtered (np.array): lineas_filtradas References: Robert McLeod "Numerical Methods in Photonics Lecture Notes" University of Colorado at Boulder, pag 204 (15/54) """ if draw_check is True: indice_sin_variar = deepcopy(self.n) num_filtrados = 0 if type_filter == 1: # Filtro 2D, pero solo ejecuta en una dirección lineas_filtradas = np.ones_like(self.z) filtro1 = np.zeros_like(self.n) sizex, sizez = self.n.shape centerx, centerz = int(sizex / 2), int(sizez / 2) filtro1[centerx - pixels_filtering:centerx + pixels_filtering, centerz - 1:centerz + 1] = 1 filtro1 = filtro1 / sum(sum(filtro1)) self.n = fftshift(ifft2(fft2(self.n) * fft2(filtro1))) percentage_filtered = 0 elif type_filter == 2: # Filtro 1D, solo ejecuta cuando hay diferencias de índice eje x lineas_filtradas = np.zeros_like(self.z) filtro1 = np.zeros_like(self.x) sizex = len(filtro1) centerx = (self.x[-1] + self.x[0]) / 2 # i_centerx = int(sizex / 2) # filtro1[i_centerx - pixels_filtering:i_centerx + pixels_filtering] = 1 filtro1 = np.exp(-(self.x - centerx)**2 / (2 * pixels_filtering**2)) filtro1 = filtro1 / sum(filtro1) for i in range(len(self.z)): max_diff = np.abs(np.diff(self.n[:, i])).max() if max_diff > max_diff_filter: lineas_filtradas[i] = 1 self.n[:, i] = fftshift( ifft(fft(self.n[:, i]) * fft(filtro1))) num_filtrados = num_filtrados + 1 percentage_filtered = 100 * num_filtrados / len(self.z) elif type_filter == 3: # Filtro 1D, solo ejecuta cuando hay diferencias de índice eje z lineas_filtradas = np.zeros_like(self.x) filtro1 = np.zeros_like(self.z) sizez = len(filtro1) centerz = int(sizez / 2) filtro1[centerz - pixels_filtering:centerz + pixels_filtering] = 1 filtro1 = filtro1 / sum(filtro1) for i in range(len(self.x)): max_diff = np.abs(np.diff(self.n[i, :])).max() if max_diff > max_diff_filter: lineas_filtradas[i] = 1 self.n[i, :] = fftshift( ifft(fft(self.n[i, :]) * fft(filtro1))) num_filtrados = num_filtrados + 1 percentage_filtered = 100 * num_filtrados / len(self.x) if draw_check is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(self.z, lineas_filtradas) plt.xlabel('z ($\mu m$)') plt.ylabel('filtered zone)') plt.title("detection of edges", fontsize=24) diferencias_indice = np.abs(self.n - indice_sin_variar) extension = [self.z[0], self.z[-1], self.x[0], self.x[-1]] plt.figure() h1 = plt.imshow(diferencias_indice, interpolation='bilinear', aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension) plt.xlabel('z ($\mu m$)') plt.ylabel('x ($\mu m$)') plt.axis(extension) h1.set_cmap(cm.gray_r) plt.title("smooth_refractive_index: n variations", fontsize=24) return percentage_filtered, lineas_filtradas
[docs] def save_data(self, filename, add_name='', description='', verbose=False): """Common save data function to be used in all the modules. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename add_name= (str): sufix to the name, if 'date' includes a date description (str): text to be stored in the dictionary to save. verbose (bool): If verbose prints filename. Returns: (str): filename. If False, file could not be saved. """ try: final_filename = save_data_common(self, filename, add_name, description, verbose) return final_filename except: return False
[docs] def load_data(self, filename, verbose=False): """Load data from a file to a Scalar_field_XZ. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename verbose (bool): shows data process by screen """ dict0 = load_data_common(self, filename, verbose) if dict0 is not None: if isinstance(dict0, dict): self.__dict__ = dict0 else: raise Exception('no dictionary in load_data')
[docs] def cut_resample(self, x_limits='', z_limits='', num_points=[], new_field=False, interp_kind=(3, 1)): """it cut the field to the range (x0,x1). if one of this x0,x1 positions is out of the self.x range it do nothing. It is also valid for resampling the field, just write x0,x1 as the limits of self.x Parameters: x_limits (float,float): (x0,x1) starting and final points to cut. if '' - takes the current limit x[0] and x[-1] z_limits (float,float): (z0,z1) - starting and final points to cut. if '' - takes the current limit z[0] and z[-1] num_points (int): it resamples x, z and u. ([],'',0,None) -> it leave the points as it is new_field (bool): it returns a new Scalar_field_XZ interp_kind: numbers between 1 and 5 """ if x_limits == '': # used only for resampling x0 = self.x[0] x1 = self.x[-1] else: x0, x1 = x_limits if z_limits == '': # used only for resampling z0 = self.z[0] z1 = self.z[-1] else: z0, z1 = z_limits if x0 < self.x[0]: x0 = self.x[0] if x1 > self.x[-1]: x1 = self.x[-1] if z0 < self.z[0]: z0 = self.z[0] if z1 > self.z[-1]: z1 = self.z[-1] i_x0, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x0) i_x1, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x1) # new_num_points = i_x1 - i_x0 i_z0, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z0) i_z1, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z1) kxu, kxn = interp_kind if num_points not in ([], '', 0, None): num_points_x, num_points_z = num_points x_new = np.linspace(x0, x1, num_points_x) z_new = np.linspace(z0, z1, num_points_z) X_new, Z_new = np.meshgrid(x_new, z_new) f_interp_abs = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.z, np.abs(self.u), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) f_interp_phase = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.z, np.angle(self.u), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) u_new_abs = f_interp_abs(z_new, x_new) u_new_phase = f_interp_phase(z_new, x_new) u_new = u_new_abs * np.exp(1j * u_new_phase) n_interp_real = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.z, np.real(self.n), kx=kxn, ky=kxn, s=0) n_interp_imag = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.z, np.imag(self.n), kx=kxn, ky=kxn, s=0) n_new_real = n_interp_real(x_new, z_new) n_new_imag = n_interp_imag(x_new, z_new) n_new = n_new_real + 1j * n_new_imag else: i_s = slice(i_x0, i_x1) j_s = slice(i_z0, i_z1) x_new = self.x[i_s] z_new = self.z[j_s] X_new, Z_new = np.meshgrid(x_new, z_new) u_new = self.u[i_s, j_s] n_new = self.n[i_s, j_s] if new_field is False: self.x = x_new self.z = z_new self.u = u_new self.n = n_new self.X = X_new self.Z = Z_new elif new_field is True: field = Scalar_field_XZ(x=x_new, z=z_new, wavelength=self.wavelength) field.u = u_new field.n = n_new return field
[docs] def incident_field(self, u0, z0=None): """Incident field for the experiment. It takes a Scalar_source_X field Parameters: u0 (Scalar_source_X): field produced by Scalar_source_X (or a X field) z0 (float): position of the incident field. if None, '', [], is at the beginning """ if z0 in (None, '', []): self.u0 = u0 else: iz, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z0) self.u[:, iz] = self.u[:, iz] + u0.u
[docs] def final_field(self): """Returns the final field as a Scalar_field_X.""" u_final = Scalar_field_X(x=self.x, wavelength=self.wavelength, n_background=self.n_background, info="from final_field at z0= {} um".format( self.z[-1])) u_final.u = self.u[:, -1] return u_final
def __BPM__(self, has_edges=True, pow_edge=80, matrix=False, verbose=False): """Beam propagation method (BPM). Parameters: has_edges (bool): If True absorbing edges are used. pow_edge (float): If has_edges, power of the supergaussian matrix (bool): if True returns matrix, else goes to self.u verbose (bool): shows data process by screen References: Algorithm in "Engineering optics with matlab" pag 119 """ dn = np.abs(np.diff(self.n).max()) dz = self.z[1] - self.z[0] q1 = (0.25 * self.wavelength / 2 * dn / dz, 0.25 * (self.x[-1] - self.x[0])**2 / self.wavelength / dz) self.quality = q1 k0 = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength numz = len(self.z) # distance en z numx = len(self.x) # distance en x deltaz = self.z[1] - self.z[0] # Tamaño del sampling rangox = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] pixelx = np.linspace(-int(numx / 2), int(numx / 2), numx) # initial field field_z = self.u0.u # Calculo de la phase 1 normalizada ------------------- kx1 = np.linspace(0, int(numx / 2) + 1, int(numx / 2)) kx2 = np.linspace(-int(numx / 2), -1, int(numx / 2)) # Número de ondas del material en una dimensión kx = (2 * np.pi / rangox) * np.concatenate((kx1, kx2)) # Función de transferencia para la propagación que es identica # a la respuesta de frecuencia espacial en óptica de Fourier # incorporando el termino (-j k0 z). phase1 = np.exp((-1j * deltaz * kx**2) / (2 * k0)) # Campo en el índice de refracción field = np.zeros(np.shape(self.n), dtype=complex) if has_edges is False: has_filter = np.zeros_like(self.z) elif isinstance(has_edges, int): has_filter = np.ones_like(self.z) else: has_filter = has_edges width_edge = 0.9*(self.x[-1]-self.x[0])/2 x_center=(self.x[-1]+self.x[0])/2 filter_function = np.exp(-(np.abs(self.x-x_center) / width_edge)**pow_edge) field[:, 0] = field_z for k in range(0, numz): if has_filter[k] == 0: filter_edge = 1 else: filter_edge = filter_function if verbose is True: print("BPM: {}/{}".format(k, numz), sep="\r", end="\r") phase2 = np.exp(1j * self.n[:, k] * k0 * deltaz) field_z = ifft((fft(field_z) * phase1)) * phase2 self.u[:, k] = self.u[:, k] + field_z * filter_edge if matrix is True: return self.u
[docs] def BPM(self,has_edges=True, pow_edge=80, division=False, matrix=False, verbose=False): """Beam propagation method (BPM). Parameters: has_edges (bool or np.array): If True absorbing edges are used. If np.array, they are 0 or 1 depending if at this z position filtering is performed. pow_edge (float): If has_edges, power of the supergaussian division (False, int): If False nothing, else divides the BPM algorithm in several different executions. To avoid RAM problems matrix (bool): if True returns a matrix else verbose (bool): shows data process by screen References: Algorithm in "Engineering optics with matlab" pag 119. """ t1 = time.time() if division is False: # standard BPM _algorithm # self.__BPM__(matrix, verbose) self.__BPM__(has_edges, pow_edge, matrix, verbose) else: # Here is the division of self.z in parts num_executions = int(np.ceil(len(self.z) / division)) uf = self.u0 for i in range(num_executions): if verbose is True: print("{}/{}".format(i, num_executions), sep="\r", end="\r") sl = slice(i * division, (i + 1) * division) ui = Scalar_field_XZ(x=self.x, z=self.z[sl], wavelength=self.wavelength, n_background=self.n_background) ui.n = self.n[:, sl] ui.u0 = uf ui = BPM(ui, has_edges, pow_edge, matrix, verbose) uf = ui.final_field().u self.u[:, sl] = ui.u if matrix is True: return self.u if verbose is True: t2 = time.time() print("Time = {:2.2f} s, time/loop = {:2.4} ms".format( t2 - t1, (t2 - t1) / len(self.z) * 1000))
[docs] def BPM_inverse(self, verbose=False): """ Beam propagation method (BPM) in inverse mode. Parameters: verbose (bool): shows data process by screen References: Algorithm in "Engineering optics with matlab" pag 119 """ c_inverse = Scalar_field_XZ(x=self.x, z=self.z, wavelength=self.wavelength, n_background=self.n_background) c_inverse.n = np.fliplr(self.n) c_inverse.u0.u = np.conjugate(self.u[:, -1]) c_inverse.u = np.zeros_like(self.u) c_inverse.BPM(verbose) # ATENCIÓN, HAGO LA INVERSA Y LA REPRESENTACIÓN ES IGUAL QUE LA DIRECTA c_inverse.n = (np.fliplr(c_inverse.n)) c_inverse.u = (np.fliplr(c_inverse.u)) return c_inverse
[docs] def BPM_back_propagation(self, verbose=False): """ Beam propagation method (BPM). The field that generates the final field is obtained. Parameters: verbose (bool): shows data process by screen References: Algorithm in "Engineering optics with matlab" pag 119 """ c_backpropagation = Scalar_field_XZ(x=self.x, z=self.z, wavelength=self.wavelength, n_background=self.n_background) c_backpropagation.n = np.fliplr(self.n) c_backpropagation.u = np.fliplr(self.u) c_backpropagation.BPM(verbose) c_backpropagation.n = (np.fliplr(c_backpropagation.n)) c_backpropagation.u = (np.fliplr(c_backpropagation.u)) return c_backpropagation
def __RS_multiprocessing__(self, i): """Internal for multiprocessing """ if self.z.min() > 0: H = kernelRS(self.xtemp, self.wavelength, self.z[i], self.n_background, kind='z', else: H = kernelRSinverse(self.xtemp, self.wavelength, self.z[i], self.n_background, kind='z', dx = self.x[1] - self.x[0] S = ifft(fft(self.Utemp) * fft(H)) * dx nx = len(self.x) return S[nx - 1:]
[docs] def RS(self, xout=None, verbose=False, num_processors=num_max_processors): """Rayleigh Sommerfeld propagation algorithm Parameters: xout (float): init position of output position verbose (bool): shows the quality of algorithm (>1 good) num_processors (int): number of processors for multiprocessing Returns: time in the processing """ time1 = time.time() xin = self.x x1 = self.x[0] xin1 = self.x[0] if xout is None: xout = self.x nx = len(xout) dx = xout[1] - xout[0] # parametro de quality dr_real = sqrt(dx**2) rmax = sqrt((xout**2).max()) dr_ideal = sqrt((self.wavelength / self.n_background)**2 + rmax**2 + 2 * (self.wavelength / self.n_background) * sqrt(rmax**2 + self.z.min()**2)) - rmax self.quality = dr_ideal / dr_real # when computation is performed: quality is determined if (self.quality < 1): print('- Needs denser sampling: factor: {:2.2f}'.format( self.quality)) else: if verbose is True: if sys.version_info.major == 3: print('Good result: factor {:2.2f}'.format(self.quality), sep="\r", end="\r") else: print('Good result: factor {:2.2f}'.format(self.quality)) print() # matrix W para integracion simpson a = [2, 4] num_rep = int(round((nx) / 2) - 1) # print(num_rep) b = array(a * num_rep) W = concatenate(((1, ), b, (2, 1))) / 3. if float(nx) / 2 == round(nx / 2): # es par i_central = num_rep + 1 W = concatenate((W[:i_central], W[i_central + 1:])) xext = x1 - xin[::-1] # da la vuelta xext = xext[0:-1] xext = concatenate((xext, self.x - xin1)) # field U = zeros(2 * nx - 1, dtype=complex) U[0:nx] = W * self.u0.u self.Utemp = U self.xtemp = xext if num_processors == 1: for i_z, z in enumerate(self.z): if z >= 0: H = kernelRS(xext, self.wavelength, z, self.n_background, kind='z', else: H = kernelRSinverse(xext, self.wavelength, z, self.n_background, kind='z', # calculo de la transformada de Fourier S = ifft(fft(U) * fft(H)) * dx self.u[:, i_z] = S[nx - 1:] # hasta el final else: pool = Pool(num_processors) t =, list(range(len(self.z)))) pool.close() pool.join() for i in range(len(self.z)): self.u[:, i] = t[i] time2 = time.time() if verbose is True: if sys.version_info.major == 3: print("time in RS= {}. num proc= {}".format( time2 - time1, num_processors), sep="\r", end="\r") else: print("time in RS= {}. num proc= {}".format( time2 - time1, num_processors)) return self.u
[docs] def PWD(self, n=None, matrix=False, verbose=False): """ Plane wave decomposition algorithm (PWD). Parameters: n (np. array): refraction index, If None, it is n_background matrix (bool): if True returns a matrix else verbose (bool): If True prints state of algorithm Returns: numpy.array(): Field at at distance dz from the incident field References: 1. Schmidt, S. et al. Wave-optical modeling beyond the thin-element-approximation. Opt. Express 24, 30188 (2016). """ dx = self.x[1] - self.x[0] dz = self.z[1] - self.z[0] k0 = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength if n is None: n = self.n_background kx = get_k(self.x, '+') K_perp2 = kx**2 num_steps = len(self.z) self.clear_field() self.u[:, 0] = self.u0.u for i, zi in enumerate(self.z[0:-1]): result = self.u[:, i] result_next = PWD_kernel(result, n, k0, K_perp2, dz) self.u[:, i + 1] = result_next if sys.version_info.major == 3: print("{}/{}".format(i, num_steps), sep='\r', end='\r') else: print("{}/{}".format(i, num_steps)) if matrix is True: return self.u
[docs] def WPM(self, kind = 'schmidt', has_edges=True, pow_edge=80, matrix=False, verbose=False): """ WPM Method. 'schmidt method is very fast, only needs discrete number of refraction indexes' Parameters: kind (str): 'schmidt', 'scalar' has_edges (bool): If True absorbing edges are used. pow_edge (float): If has_edges, power of the supergaussian matrix (bool): if True returns a matrix else verbose (bool): If True prints information References: 1. M. W. Fertig and K.-H. Brenner, “Vector wave propagation method,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 709, 2010. 2. S. Schmidt et al., “Wave-optical modeling beyond the thin-element-approximation,” Opt. Express, vol. 24, no. 26, p. 30188, 2016. """ k0 = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength x = self.x z = self.z dx = x[1] - x[0] dz = z[1] - z[0] self.u[:, 0] = self.u0.u kx = get_k(x, flavour='+') k_perp2 = kx**2 k_perp = kx X, KP = np.meshgrid(x, k_perp) if has_edges is False: has_filter = np.zeros_like(self.z) elif isinstance(has_edges, int): has_filter = np.ones_like(self.z) else: has_filter = has_edges width_edge = 0.95*(self.x[-1]-self.x[0])/2 x_center=(self.x[-1]+self.x[0])/2 filter_function = np.exp(-(np.abs(self.x-x_center) / width_edge)**pow_edge) t1 = time.time() num_steps = len(self.z) for j in range(1, num_steps): if has_filter[j] == 0: filter_edge = 1 else: filter_edge = filter_function if kind == 'schmidt': self.u[:, j] = self.u[:, j] + WPM_schmidt_kernel( self.u[:, j - 1], self.n[:, j - 1], k0, k_perp2, dz) * filter_edge elif kind == 'scalar': Nj, KP = np.meshgrid(self.n[:, j - 1], k_perp) X, UJ = np.meshgrid(x, fftshift(fft(self.u[:, j - 1]))) kz = csqrt((Nj * k0)**2 - KP**2) Pj = np.exp(1j * kz * dz) WXj = UJ * np.exp(1j * KP * (X - x[0])) uj = np.mean(WXj * Pj, 0) self.u[:, j] = uj * filter_edge + self.u[:, j] if verbose is True: print("{}".format(j), sep='\r', end='\r') t2 = time.time() if verbose is True: print("Time = {:2.2f} s, time/loop = {:2.4} ms".format( t2 - t1, (t2 - t1) / len(self.z) * 1000)) if matrix is True: return self.u
[docs] def RS_polychromatic(self, initial_field, wavelengths, spectrum='', verbose=False, num_processors=num_max_processors): """Rayleigh Sommerfeld propagation algorithm for polychromatic light. Parameters: initial_field (Scalar_field_X): function with only input variable wavelength wavelengths (numpy.array): array with wavelengths spectrum (numpy.array): array with spectrum. if '' then uniform_spectrum verbose (bool): shows the quality of algorithm (>1 good) num_processors (int): number of processors for multiprocessing Returns: Scalar_field_XZ: self.u=sqrt(Intensities) - no phase is stored, only intensity """ if isinstance(spectrum, np.ndarray): pass elif spectrum in ('', None, [], 0): spectrum = np.ones_like(wavelengths) I_final = np.zeros_like(self.u, dtype=float) u_temp = Scalar_field_XZ(self.x, self.z, self.wavelength, self.n_background) for i, wavelength in enumerate(wavelengths): if verbose: print(i) u_temp.wavelength = wavelength self.u = np.zeros_like(self.X, dtype=complex) u_ini = initial_field(wavelength) u_temp.clear_field() u_temp.incident_field(u_ini) u_temp.RS(verbose=verbose, num_processors=num_processors) I_final = I_final + spectrum[i] * np.abs(u_temp.u)**2 u_temp.u = np.sqrt(I_final) return u_temp
[docs] def BPM_polychromatic(self, initial_field, wavelengths, spectrum, verbose=False, num_processors=4): """Rayleigh Sommerfeld propagation algorithm for polychromatic light Parameters: initial_field (Scalar_field_X): function with only input variable wavelength wavelengths (numpy.array): array with wavelengths spectrum (numpy.array): array with spectrum. if '' then uniform_spectrum verbose (bool): shows the quality of algorithm (>1 good) num_processors (int): number of processors for multiprocessing Returns: Scalar_field_XZ: self.u=sqrt(Intensities) - no phase is stored, only intensity """ if isinstance(spectrum, np.ndarray): pass elif spectrum in ('', None, [], 0): spectrum = np.ones_like(wavelengths) I_final = np.zeros_like(self.u, dtype=float) for i, wavelength in enumerate(wavelengths): u_temp = initial_field(wavelength) u_temp.BPM(verbose=False) I_final = I_final + spectrum[i] * np.abs(u_temp.u)**2 u_temp.u = np.sqrt(I_final) return u_temp
[docs] def fast_propagation(self, mask_xz, num_pixels_slice=1024, verbose=False): """combines RS and BPM"" to generate the final field Parameters: mask_xz (Scalar_mask_XZ): function that returns Scalar_mask_XZ num_pixels_slice (int): num of slices for each BPM propagation verbose (bool): If True prints info. Returns: u_current, fields_BPM, transitions """ # check which parts are constant z_transitions, algorithm, refr_index_RS = self._detect_transitions_() if verbose: print(("z_transitions={}".format(z_transitions))) print(("algorithm={}".format(algorithm))) print(("refr_index_RS={}".format(refr_index_RS))) transitions = (z_transitions, algorithm, refr_index_RS) fields_BPM = [] u_current = Scalar_source_X(x=self.x, wavelength=self.wavelength) u_current.u = self.u0.u for i_zone in range(len(z_transitions) - 1): if algorithm[i_zone] == 'RS': # jump distance = z_transitions[i_zone + 1] - z_transitions[i_zone] if verbose: print(("i={}, distance = {:2.2f} um".format( i_zone, distance))) u_current.RS(z=distance, n=refr_index_RS[i_zone], kind='z',, new_field=False, verbose=False) # u_current.draw() else: # genero experimento para BPM x0 = self.x z0 = np.linspace(z_transitions[i_zone], z_transitions[i_zone + 1], num_pixels_slice) u1 = mask_xz(x0, z0, u_current, self.wavelength, self.n_background) # u1.draw_refractive_index(scale='equal') u1.BPM() u1.draw(draw_borders=False) fields_BPM.append(u1) u_current = u1.final_field() return u_current, fields_BPM, transitions
[docs] def intensity(self): """Returns the intensity of the field Returns: (np.array): intensity of the field. """ return np.abs(self.u)**2
[docs] def average_intensity(self, has_draw=False): """Returns average intensity as: (np.abs(self.u)**2).mean() Parameters: has_draw(bool): If True draws data. Returns: intensity_mean (np.array): z array with average intensity at each plane z. """ intensity_mean = (np.abs(self.u)**2).mean(axis=0) if has_draw is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(self.x, intensity_mean) return intensity_mean
[docs] def check_intensity(self, draw=True, normalized=True): """ Checks that intensity distribution is not lost by edges. It can be executed after a RS or BPM propagation. Parameters: draw (bool): Draws the intensity normalized (bool): Draws it normalized returns: (np.array): array with intensity I(z) """ intensity_prof = np.sum((np.abs(self.u)**2), axis=0) I_max = intensity_prof[0] if normalized is True: intensity_prof = intensity_prof / I_max if draw is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(self.z / mm, intensity_prof, 'k') plt.grid() plt.xlabel("$z\,(mm)$") plt.ylabel("$I(z)$") plt.ylim(bottom=0) return intensity_prof
[docs] def detect_index_variations(self, n_edge, incr_n=0.1): """In a XZ masks, detects refraction index variations. Parameteres: n_edge (float): incr_n (float): refraction index variation to detect Returns: x_lens_l (np.array): x for left edge. h_lens_l (np.array): h for left edge. x_lens_r (np.array): x for right edge. h_lens_r (np.array): h for right edge. """ z_new = self.z x_new = self.x iborders = np.real(self.n) > n_edge iborders = iborders + 0.0000001 # surface detection diff1a = np.diff(iborders, axis=1) # cada uno de los lados ix_l, iz_l = (diff1a > incr_n).nonzero() ix_r, iz_r = (diff1a < -incr_n).nonzero() x_lens_l = x_new[ix_l] h_lens_l = z_new[iz_l] x_lens_r = x_new[ix_r] h_lens_r = z_new[iz_r] return x_lens_l, h_lens_l, x_lens_r, h_lens_r
def _detect_transitions_(self, min_variation=1e-10): """Detects transitions areas and algorithms between RS and BPM. Parameters: min_variation (float): min index variation to detect Returns: (list floats) : z_transitions, positions z of transitions (list str) : algorithms, "RS" or "BPM" (list floats) : refr_index_RS, refraction indexes for RS """ # para estar seguros que cogemos bien BPM y no empezamos tarde dz_bpm = 25 * um variation = np.std(np.abs(self.n), axis=0) z_transitions = [self.z[0]] num_transition = 0 # comprobamos inicio si es RS o BPM if variation[0] < 1e-12: # print(("init {} - {}".format(variation[0], self.z[0]))) algorithm = ['RS'] refr_index_RS = [self.n[0, 0]] else: # print(("init {} - {}".format(variation[0], self.z[0]))) algorithm = ['BPM'] refr_index_RS = [-1] # print((self.z[1:])) for i, zi in enumerate(self.z[1:]): if i == len(self.z) - 2: # for the last one if RS. store last one # print("a, the last one") # print((algorithm[-1])) # hay que calcular de todas formas, al menos una línea nueva num_transition = num_transition + 1 z_transitions.append(zi) algorithm.append('RS') refr_index_RS.append(self.n[0, i]) elif algorithm[ num_transition] == 'RS' and variation[i] > min_variation: # create new transition # print(("c {} - {} -> BPM".format(variation[i], self.z[i]))) num_transition = num_transition + 1 z_transitions.append(self.z[i] - dz_bpm) algorithm.append('BPM') refr_index_RS.append(-1) elif algorithm[ num_transition] == 'BPM' and variation[i] < min_variation: # create new transition # print(("d {} - {} -> RS".format(variation[i], self.z[i]))) num_transition = num_transition + 1 z_transitions.append(self.z[i] + dz_bpm) algorithm.append('RS') refr_index_RS.append(self.n[0, i]) return z_transitions, algorithm, refr_index_RS
[docs] def surface_detection(self, mode=1, min_incr=0.1, reduce_matrix='standard', has_draw=False): """detect edges of variation in refraction index. Parameters: mode (int): 1 or 2, algorithms for surface detection: 1-gradient, 2-diff min_incr (float): minimum incremental variation to detect reduce_matrix (int, int) or False: when matrix is enormous, we can reduce it only for drawing purposes. If True, reduction factor has_draw (bool): If True draw. """ if reduce_matrix is False: n_new = self.n z_new = self.z x_new = self.x elif reduce_matrix == 'standard': num_x = len(self.x) num_z = len(self.z) reduction_x = int(num_x / 1000) reduction_z = int(num_z / 1000) if reduction_x == 0: reduction_x = 1 if reduction_z == 0: reduction_z = 1 n_new = self.n[::reduction_x, ::reduction_z] z_new = self.z[::reduction_z] x_new = self.x[::reduction_x] else: n_new = self.n[::reduce_matrix[0], ::reduce_matrix[1]] # cuidado, que puede ser al revés z_new = self.z[::reduce_matrix[1]] x_new = self.x[::reduce_matrix[0]] mode = 2 if mode == 1: diff1 = gradient(np.abs(n_new), axis=0) diff2 = gradient(np.abs(n_new), axis=1) elif mode == 2: diff1 = diff(np.abs(n_new), axis=0) diff2 = diff(np.abs(n_new), axis=1) # print diff1.shape, diff2.shape, len(self.z), len(self.x) diff1 = np.append(diff1, np.zeros((1, len(z_new))), axis=0) diff2 = np.append(diff2, np.zeros((len(x_new), 1)), axis=1) # print diff1.shape, diff2.shape # if np.abs(diff1 > min_incr) or np.abs(diff2 > min_incr): t = np.abs(diff1) + np.abs(diff2) ix, iy = (t > min_incr).nonzero() self.borders = z_new[iy], x_new[ix] if has_draw: plt.figure() extension = [self.z[0], self.z[-1], self.x[0], self.x[-1]] plt.imshow(t, extent=extension, alpha=0.5) return z_new[iy], x_new[ix]
[docs] def draw(self, kind='intensity', logarithm=0, normalize='', draw_borders=False, filename='', scale='', min_incr=0.0005, reduce_matrix='standard', colorbar_kind=False, colormap_kind="", z_scale='um', edge_matrix=None, interpolation='spline36', percentage_intensity=None, **kwargs): """Draws XZ field. Parameters: kind (str): type of drawing: 'amplitude', 'intensity', 'phase', 'real' logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 draw_borders (bool): If True draw edges of objects filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, scale (str): '', 'scaled', 'equal', scales the XY drawing min_incr: incrimum increment in refraction index for detecting edges reduce_matrix (int, int), 'standard' or False: when matrix is enormous, we can reduce it only for drawing purposes. If True, reduction factor z_scale (str): 'mm', 'um' edge_matrix (numpy.array): positions of borders interpolation(str): methods = [None, 'none', 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'] percentage_intensity (None or number): If None it takes from CONF_DRAWING['percentage_intensity'], else uses this value """ if reduce_matrix is False: amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(self.u, True) elif reduce_matrix == 'standard': num_x = len(self.x) num_z = len(self.z) reduction_x = int(num_x / 2000) reduction_z = int(num_z / 2000) if reduction_x == 0: reduction_x = 1 if reduction_z == 0: reduction_z = 1 u_new = self.u[::reduction_x, ::reduction_z] amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(u_new, True) else: u_new = self.u[::reduce_matrix[0], ::reduce_matrix[1]] amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(u_new, True) if z_scale == 'um': extension = [self.z[0], self.z[-1], self.x[0], self.x[-1]] elif z_scale == 'mm': extension = [ self.z[0] / mm, self.z[-1] / mm, self.x[0], self.x[-1] ] if percentage_intensity is None: percentage_intensity = percentage_intensity_config plt.figure() if kind == 'intensity': I_drawing = intensity I_drawing = normalize_draw(I_drawing, logarithm, normalize) elif kind == 'amplitude': I_drawing = amplitude I_drawing = normalize_draw(I_drawing, logarithm, normalize) elif kind == 'phase': phase = phase / degrees phase[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 I_drawing = phase elif kind == 'real': I_drawing = np.real(self.u) else: print("bad kind parameter") return h1 = plt.imshow(I_drawing, interpolation=interpolation, aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension, **kwargs) if z_scale == 'um': plt.xlabel('z ($\mu m$)') elif z_scale == 'mm': plt.xlabel('z (mm)') plt.ylabel('x ($\mu m$)') if colormap_kind in ('', [], None, True): if kind == 'intensity': colormap_kind = self.CONF_DRAWING["color_intensity"] if kind == 'amplitude': colormap_kind = self.CONF_DRAWING["color_amplitude"] if kind == 'phase': colormap_kind = self.CONF_DRAWING["color_phase"] if kind == 'real': colormap_kind = self.CONF_DRAWING["color_real"] if kind == 'intensity': climits = I_drawing.min(), I_drawing.max() if kind == 'amplitude': climits = -I_drawing.max(), I_drawing.max() if kind == 'phase': climits = -180, 180 if kind == 'real': climits = -I_drawing.max(), I_drawing.max() plt.axis(extension) if colorbar_kind not in (False, '', [], None): plt.colorbar(orientation=colorbar_kind, shrink=0.66) h1.set_cmap(colormap_kind) # OrRd # Reds_r gist_heat plt.clim(climits) if scale != '': plt.axis(scale) if draw_borders is True: if edge_matrix is not None: border0, border1 = edge_matrix else: if self.borders is None: self.surface_detection(1, min_incr, reduce_matrix) border0 = self.borders[0] border1 = self.borders[1] plt.plot(border0, border1, 'w.', ms=0.5) if not filename == '': plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) return h1
[docs] def draw_refractive_index(self, kind='all', draw_borders=True, title='', filename='', scale='', min_incr=0.01, reduce_matrix='standard', colorbar_kind=None, colormap_kind=cm.Blues, edge_matrix=None): """Draws refraction index. Parameters: kind (str): 'all', 'real', 'imag' draw_borders (bool): If True draw edges of objects filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, title (str): title of drawing scale (str): '', 'scaled', 'equal', scales the XY drawing min_incr: minimum increment in refraction index for detecting edges reduce_matrix (int, int), 'standard' or False: when matrix is enormous, we can reduce it only for drawing purposes. If True, reduction factor edge_matrix (numpy.array): positions of borders """ plt.figure() extension = [self.z[0], self.z[-1], self.x[0], self.x[-1]] if kind == 'all': n_draw = np.abs(self.n) elif kind == 'real': n_draw = np.real(self.n) n_draw[np.abs(np.imag(self.n)) > 0] = self.n_background elif kind == 'imag': n_draw = np.imag(self.n) if reduce_matrix is False: h1 = plt.imshow(n_draw, interpolation='bilinear', aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension) elif reduce_matrix == 'standard': num_x = len(self.x) num_z = len(self.z) reduction_x = int(num_x / 2000) reduction_z = int(num_z / 2000) if reduction_x == 0: reduction_x = 1 if reduction_z == 0: reduction_z = 1 n_new = n_draw[::reduction_z, ::reduction_x] h1 = plt.imshow(n_new, interpolation='bilinear', aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension) else: n_new = n_draw[::reduce_matrix[0], ::reduce_matrix[1]] h1 = plt.imshow(n_new, interpolation='bilinear', aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension) plt.xlabel('z ($\mu m$)') plt.ylabel('x ($\mu m$)') plt.title(title) plt.axis(extension) h1.set_cmap(colormap_kind) # flag OrRd # Reds_r gist_heat # gist_heat if colorbar_kind not in (False, '', None): plt.colorbar(orientation=colorbar_kind, shrink=0.66) if scale != '': plt.axis(scale) if draw_borders is True: if self.borders is None or edge_matrix is None: self.surface_detection(1, min_incr, reduce_matrix) border0 = self.borders[0] border1 = self.borders[1] if edge_matrix is not None: border0, border1 = edge_matrix plt.plot(border0, border1, 'w.', ms=1) if not filename == '': plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) return h1
[docs] def draw_incident_field(self, kind='intensity', logarithm=False, normalize=False, filename=''): """Draws incident field self.u0 Parameters: kind (str): type of drawing: 'amplitude', 'intensity', 'field', 'phase', 'fill', 'fft' logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, """ u_inc = Scalar_field_X(x=self.x, wavelength=self.wavelength, n_background=1, info="incident_field") u_inc.u = self.u0.u u_inc.draw(kind, logarithm, normalize, None, filename)
[docs] def profile_longitudinal(self, kind='intensity', x0=0 * um, logarithm=False, normalize=False, z_scale='um', draw=True, filename=''): """Determine and draws longitudinal profile Parameters: kind (str): type of drawing: 'amplitude', 'intensity', 'phase', 'refractive_index' x0 (float): profile that passes through x=x0 logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (str): False, 'maximum', 'intensity', 'area' draw (bool): If True, draws, False only returns profile filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file Returns: numpy.array: profile """ imenor, _, _ = nearest(vector=self.x, number=x0) if z_scale == 'um': factor = 1 xlabel = 'z (um)' elif z_scale == 'mm': factor = 1000 xlabel = 'z (mm)' if kind == 'refractive_index': n_profile = np.abs(self.n[imenor, :]) I_drawing = n_profile else: u = np.squeeze(self.u[imenor, :]) I_drawing = prepare_drawing(u, kind, logarithm, normalize) amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(u) if draw is True: plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.plot(self.z / factor, I_drawing, 'k', linewidth=2) # 'k-o' plt.axis([ self.z[0] / factor, self.z[-1] / factor, I_drawing.min(), I_drawing.max() ]) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel('I(z, x = {:2.2f} $\mu$m)'.format(x0)) if not filename == '': plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) if kind == 'intensity': output = intensity elif kind == 'amplitude': output = amplitude elif kind == 'phase': output = phase elif kind == 'refractive_index': output = n_profile else: output = None return output
[docs] def profile_transversal(self, kind='intensity', z0=0 * um, logarithm=False, normalize=False, draw=True, filename=''): """Determine and draws transversal profile. Parameters: kind (str): type of drawing: 'amplitude', 'intensity', 'phase', 'refractive_index' z0 (float): profile that passes through z=z0 logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (str): False, 'maximum', 'intensity', 'area' draw (bool): If True, draws, False only returns profile filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, Returns: numpy.array: profile TODO: Include interpolation """ imenor, _, _ = nearest(vector=self.z, number=z0) if kind == 'refractive_index': n_profile = np.abs(self.n[:, imenor]) I_drawing = n_profile else: u = np.squeeze(self.u[:, imenor]) I_drawing = prepare_drawing(u, kind, logarithm, normalize) amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(u) if draw is True: plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.plot(self.x, I_drawing, 'k', linewidth=2) # 'k-o' plt.axis([self.x[0], self.x[-1], I_drawing.min(), I_drawing.max()]) texto = 'I(z=%d um, x)' % (z0) plt.xlabel('x (um)') plt.ylabel(texto) if not filename == '': plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) if kind == 'intensity': output = intensity elif kind == 'amplitude': output = amplitude elif kind == 'phase': output = phase elif kind == 'refractive_index': output = n_profile else: output = None return output
[docs] def search_focus(self, verbose=True): """Search for location of maximum. Parameters: kind (str): type of drawing: 'amplitude', 'intensity', 'phase', 'refractive_index' x0 (float): profile that passes through x=x0 logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (str): False, 'maximum', 'intensity', 'area' draw (bool): If True, draws, False only returns profile filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, Returns: (x,z): positions of focus """ intensity = np.abs(self.u)**2 ix, iz = np.unravel_index(intensity.argmax(), intensity.shape) if verbose is True: print(("x = {:2.3f} um, z = {:2.3f} um".format( self.x[ix], self.z[iz]))) return self.x[ix], self.z[iz]
[docs] def beam_widths(self, kind='FWHM1D', has_draw=[True, False], z_scale='um', percentage=0.5, remove_background=None, verbose=False): """Computes the beam width for all the distances z. Parameters: kind (str): kind of algorithm: 'sigma4', 'FWHM1D' has_draw (bool, bool): First for complete analysis, second for all FWHM2D computations percentage (float): (0-1) percentage for the beam detection remove_background=None, verbose (bool): prints info Returns: (numpy.array) widths: for each distance z (numpy.array) positions_center: positions of centers for each z """ if z_scale == 'um': factor = 1 xlabel = 'z (um)' elif z_scale == 'mm': factor = 1000 xlabel = 'z (mm)' widths = np.zeros_like(self.z) positions_center = np.zeros_like(self.z) for i, zi in enumerate(self.z): field = np.abs(self.u[:, i]) if kind == 'sigma4': widths[i], positions_center[i] = beam_width_1D(field, self.x) elif kind == 'FWHM1D': intensity = np.abs(field)**2 widths[i] = FWHM1D(self.x, intensity, percentage=percentage, remove_background=remove_background, has_draw=has_draw[1]) if has_draw[0] is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(self.z / factor, widths, 'r', label='axis') plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("widths ($\mu$m)") plt.legend() if verbose: print("width = {:2.2f} um".format(widths)) return widths, positions_center
# def video_profiles(self, # kind='intensity', # kind_profile='transversal', # step=1, # wait=0.001, # logarithm=False, # normalize=False, # filename='', # verbose=False): # """Draws profiles in a video fashion # Parameters: # kind (str): 'intensity', 'amplitude', 'phase' # kind_profile (str): 'transversal', 'longitudinal' # step (list): number of frames shown (if 1 shows all, if 2 1/2, ..) for accelerating pruposes in video. # wait (float) : (in seconds) time for slow down the video # logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm # normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 # filename: (str)) filename of video # verbose (bool): If True shows info # """ # fig = plt.figure() # if kind_profile == 'transversal': # h1, = plt.plot(self.x, np.zeros_like(self.x), 'k', lw=2) # plt.xlim(self.x[0], self.x[-1]) # plt.xlabel(r'$x (\mu m)$') # elif kind_profile == 'longitudinal': # h1, = plt.plot(self.z, np.zeros_like(self.z), 'k', lw=2) # plt.xlim(self.z[0], self.z[-1]) # plt.xlabel(r'$z (\mu m)$') # I_drawing = prepare_drawing(self.u, kind, logarithm, normalize) # plt.ylim(I_drawing.min(), I_drawing.max()) # writer = prepare_video(fps=15, title='', artist='', comment='') # with writer.saving(fig, filename, 300): # if kind_profile == 'transversal': # for i in range(0, len(self.z), step): # h1.set_ydata(I_drawing[:, i]) # plt.title("z={:6.2f}, i={}".format(round(self.z[i], 2), i)) # plt.draw() # if filename == '': # plt.pause(wait) # else: # if verbose: # print(("{}/{}".format(i, len(self.z)))) # writer.grab_frame() # elif kind_profile == 'longitudinal': # for i in range(0, len(self.x), step): # h1.set_ydata(I_drawing[i, :]) # plt.title("x={:6.2f}, i={}".format(round(self.x[i], 2), i)) # plt.draw() # if filename == '': # plt.pause(wait) # else: # if verbose: # print(("{}/{}".format(i, len(self.z)))) # writer.grab_frame() # plt.close('')
[docs] def video(self, kind='intensity', z_min=None, z_max=None, logarithm=False, normalize=False, time_video=10 * seconds, frames_reduction=5, filename='video.avi', dpi=100): """Generates a video in the z dimension. Parameters: kind (str): z_min (float): z_max (float): logarithm (bool): normalize (bool): time_video (float): frames_reduction (int): filename (str): dpi (int): """ I_drawing = prepare_drawing(self.u, kind, logarithm, normalize) if z_min is None: z_min = self.z[0] if z_max is None: z_max = self.z[-1] imin, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z_min) imax, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z_max) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False) ax.grid() hdl_line, = ax.plot([], [], 'k', lw=2) ax.set_title('', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.xlim(self.x[0], self.x[-1]) plt.ylim(I_drawing.min(), I_drawing.max()) def init(): hdl_line.set_data([], []) ax.set_title('') return hdl_line def animate(i): hdl_line.set_data(self.x, I_drawing[:, i]) ax.set_title("$z = {:2.0f} \mu m$".format(self.z[i])) return i ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, list(range(imin, imax, frames_reduction)), interval=25, blit=False, init_func=init) fps = int(len(self.z) / (time_video * frames_reduction)), fps=fps, dpi=dpi) plt.close()
[docs] def draw_profiles_interactive(self, kind='intensity', logarithm=False, normalize=False): """Draws profiles interactivey. Only transversal Parameters: kind (str): 'intensity', 'amplitude', 'phase' logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 """ global l2a, zZ, I_drawing, z, h1, x, log1, norm1 plt.figure() h1, = plt.plot([self.z[0], self.z[0]], [self.x[0], self.x[-1]], lw=2, color='w') I_drawing = prepare_drawing(self.u, kind, logarithm, normalize) log1 = logarithm norm1 = normalize z_actual = self.z[0] x = self.x ix, iz = np.unravel_index(I_drawing.argmax(), I_drawing.shape) extension = [self.x[0], self.x[-1], I_drawing.min(), I_drawing.max()] imenor, value, distance = nearest(vector=self.z, number=z_actual) I_drawing_actual = np.squeeze(I_drawing[:, imenor]) z = self.z plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.25) plt.axis(extension) l2a, = plt.plot(self.x, I_drawing_actual, lw=2, color='k') axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' axS = plt.axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) zZ = plt.Slider(axS, 'z (um)', self.z[0], self.z[-1], valinit=self.z.min()) zZ.on_changed(__update__)
def __update__(val): """for making videos. """ zz = zZ.val imenor, value, distance = nearest(vector=z, number=zz) I_drawing_profile = np.squeeze(I_drawing[:, imenor]) I_drawing_profile = normalize_draw(I_drawing_profile, log1, norm1) l2a.set_ydata(I_drawing_profile) plt.draw()