Source code for diffractio.scalar_fields_Z

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module generates Scalar_field_Z class

The main atributes are:
    * self.z (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` .
    * self.wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field.
    * self.u (numpy.array): equal size than  x. complex field

There are also some secondary atributes:
    * self.quality (float): quality of RS algorithm
    * (str): description of data
    * self.type (str): Class of the field
    * (str): date

*Class for unidimensional scalar fields*

*Definition of a scalar field*
    * instantiation, duplicate,  clear_field, print
    * save and load data

*Drawing functions*
    * draw

    * intensity, average intensity
    * get_edges_transitions (mainly for pylithography)


import copy
import multiprocessing

from numpy import (angle, exp, linspace, pi, shape, zeros)
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from . import degrees, mm, np, plt
from .utils_common import get_date, load_data_common, save_data_common
from .utils_drawing import normalize_draw
from .utils_math import nearest

from .utils_optics import field_parameters, normalize_field, FWHM1D

num_max_processors = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

[docs] class Scalar_field_Z(object): """Class for unidimensional scalar fields in z axis. Parameters: z (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field n_background (float): refraction index of background info (str): String with info about the simulation Attributes: self.z (numpy.array): Linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n`. self.wavelength (float): Wavelength of the incident field. self.u (numpy.array): Complex field. The size is equal to self.z. self.quality (float): Quality of RS algorithm. (str): Description of data. self.type (str): Class of the field. (str): Date when performed. """ def __init__(self, z=None, wavelength=None, n_background=1, info=""): self.z = z self.wavelength = wavelength self.n_background = n_background if z is not None: self.u = zeros(shape(self.z), dtype=complex) else: self.u = None self.quality = 0 = info self.type = 'Scalar_field_Z' = get_date() def __str__(self): """Represents main data of the atributes.""" Imin = (np.abs(self.u)**2).min() Imax = (np.abs(self.u)**2).max() phase_min = (np.angle(self.u)).min() / degrees phase_max = (np.angle(self.u)).max() / degrees print("{}\n - z: {}, u: {}".format(self.type, self.z.shape, self.u.shape)) print( " - zmin: {:2.2f} um, zmax: {:2.2f} um, Dz: {:2.2f} um" .format(self.z[0], self.z[-1], self.z[1] - self.z[0])) print(" - Imin: {:2.2f}, Imax: {:2.2f}".format( Imin, Imax)) print(" - phase_min: {:2.2f} deg, phase_max: {:2.2f} deg".format( phase_min, phase_max)) print(" - wavelength: {:2.2f} um".format(self.wavelength)) print(" - date: {}".format( if != "": print(" - info: {}".format( return ("") def __add__(self, other, kind='standard'): """Adds two Scalar_field_x. For example two light sources or two masks. Parameters: other (Scalar_field_X): 2nd field to add kind (str): instruction how to add the fields: - 'maximum1': mainly for masks. If t3=t1+t2>1 then t3= 1. - 'standard': add fields u3=u1+u2 and does nothing. Returns: Scalar_field_Z: `u3 = u1 + u2` TODO: improve """ u3 = Scalar_field_Z(self.z, self.wavelength) if kind == 'standard': u3.u = self.u + other.u elif kind == 'maximum1': t1 = np.abs(self.u) t2 = np.abs(other.u) f1 = angle(self.u) f2 = angle(other.u) t3 = t1 + t2 t3[t3 > 0] = 1. u3.u = t3 * exp(1j * (f1 + f2)) return u3 def __sub__(self, other): """Substract two Scalar_field_x. For example two light sources or two masks. Parameters: other (Scalar_field_X): field to substract Returns: Scalar_field_X: `u3 = u1 - u2` TODO: It can be improved for maks (not having less than 1) """ u3 = Scalar_field_Z(self.z, self.wavelength) u3.u = self.u - other.u return u3
[docs] def duplicate(self, clear=False): """Duplicates the instance""" # new_field = Scalar_field_X(self.z, self.wavelength) # if clear is False: # new_field.u = self.u # return new_field new_field = copy.deepcopy(self) if clear is True: new_field.clear_field() return new_field
[docs] def conjugate(self, new_field=True): """Conjugates the field """ if new_field is True: u_new = self.duplicate() u_new.u = np.conj(self.u) return u_new else: self.u = np.conj(self.u)
[docs] def clear_field(self): """Removes the field so that self.u = 0. """ self.u = np.zeros_like(self.u, dtype=complex)
[docs] def save_data(self, filename, add_name='', description='', verbose=False): """Common save data function to be used in all the modules. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename add_name= (str): sufix to the name, if 'date' includes a date description (str): text to be stored in the dictionary to save. verbose (bool): If verbose prints filename. Returns: (str): filename. If False, file could not be saved. """ try: final_filename = save_data_common(self, filename, add_name, description, verbose) return final_filename except: return False
[docs] def load_data(self, filename, verbose=False): """Load data from a file to a Scalar_field_X. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename verbose (bool): shows data process by screen """ dict0 = load_data_common(self, filename) if dict0 is not None: if isinstance(dict0, dict): self.__dict__ = dict0 else: raise Exception('no dictionary in load_data') if verbose is True: print(dict0.keys())
[docs] def cut_resample(self, z_limits='', num_points=[], new_field=False, interp_kind='linear'): """Cuts the field to the range (z0,z1). If one of this z0,z1 positions is out of the self.z range it does nothing. It is also valid for resampling the field, just write z0,z1 as the limits of self.z Parameters: z_limits (numpy.array): (z0,z1) - starting and final points to cut, if '' - takes the current limit z[0] and z[-1] num_points (int): it resamples z, and u [],'',0,None -> it leave the points as it is new_field (bool): if True it returns a new Scalar_field_z interp_kind (str): 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic' Returns: (Scalar_field_Z): if new_field is True """ if z_limits == '': # used only for resampling z0 = self.z[0] z1 = self.z[-1] else: z0, z1 = z_limits if z0 < self.z[0]: z0 = self.z[0] if z1 > self.z[-1]: z1 = self.z[-1] i_z0, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z0) i_z1, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z1) if num_points not in ([], '', 0, None): z_new = linspace(z0, z1, num_points) f_interp_abs = interp1d(self.z, np.abs(self.u), kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) f_interp_phase = interp1d(self.z, np.imag(self.u), kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) u_new_abs = f_interp_abs(z_new) u_new_phase = f_interp_phase(z_new) u_new = u_new_abs * np.ezp(1j * u_new_phase) else: i_s = slice(i_z0, i_z1) z_new = self.z[i_s] u_new = self.u[i_s] if new_field is False: self.z = z_new self.u = u_new elif new_field is True: field = Scalar_field_Z(z=z_new, wavelength=self.wavelength) field.u = u_new return field
[docs] def normalize(self, new_field=False): """Normalizes the field so that intensity.max()=1. Parameters: new_field (bool): If False the computation goes to self.u. If True a new instance is produced Returns u (numpy.array): normalized optical field """ return normalize_field(self, new_field)
[docs] def intensity(self): """Intensity. Returns: (numpy.array): Intensity """ intensity = (np.abs(self.u)**2) return intensity
[docs] def average_intensity(self, verbose=False): """Returns the average intensity as: (np.abs(self.u)**2).sum() / num_data Parameters: verbose (bool): If True it prints the value of the average intensity. Returns: (float): average intensity. """ average_intensity = (np.abs(self.u)**2).mean() if verbose is True: print("average intensity={} W/m").format(average_intensity) return average_intensity
[docs] def FWHM1D(self, percentage=0.5, remove_background=None, has_draw=False): """ FWHM1D Parameters: percentage (float): value between 0 and 1. 0.5 means that the width is computed at half maximum. remove_background (str): 'min', 'mean', None has_draw (bool): If true it draws Returns: width (float): width, in this z case: DOF """ intensities = np.abs(self.u)**2 width = FWHM1D(self.z, intensities, percentage, remove_background, has_draw) return np.squeeze(width)
[docs] def DOF(self, percentage=0.5, remove_background=None, has_draw=False): """Determines Depth-of_focus (DOF) in terms of the width at different distances Parameters: percentage (float): value between 0 and 1. 0.5 means that the width is computed at half maximum. remove_background (str): 'min', 'mean', None has_draw (bool): If true it draws Returns: width (float): width, in this z case: D References: B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of photonics. john Wiley & sons, 2nd ed. 2007. Eqs (3.1-18) (3.1-22) page 79 Returns: (float): Depth of focus (float): beam waist (float, float, float): postions (z_min, z_0, z_max) of the depth of focus """ return self.FWHM1D(percentage, remove_background, has_draw)
[docs] def draw(self, kind='intensity', logarithm=False, normalize=False, cut_value=None, z_scale='um', unwrap=False, filename=''): """Draws z field. There are several data from the field that are extracted, depending of 'kind' parameter. Parameters: kind (str): type of drawing: 'amplitude', 'intensity', 'field', 'phase' logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value unwrap (bool): If True, unwraps the phase. filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, """ if self.z is None: print('could not draw file: self.z=None') return if z_scale == 'mm': z_drawing = self.z / mm zlabel = '$z\,(mm)$' else: z_drawing = self.z zlabel = '$z\,(\mu m)$' amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(self.u) if unwrap: phase = np.unwrap(phase) plt.figure() if kind == 'intensity': y = intensity elif kind == 'phase': y = phase elif kind in ('amplitude', 'field'): y = amplitude if kind in ('intensity', 'amplitude', 'field'): y = normalize_draw(y, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) if kind == 'field': plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(z_drawing, y, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlabel(zlabel) plt.ylabel('$A\,(arb.u.)$') plt.xlim(left=z_drawing[0], right=z_drawing[-1]) plt.ylim(bottom=0) plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(z_drawing, phase, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlabel(zlabel) plt.ylabel('$phase\,(radians)$') plt.xlim(left=z_drawing[0], right=z_drawing[-1]) elif kind in ('amplitude', 'intensity', 'phase'): plt.plot(z_drawing, y, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlabel(zlabel) plt.ylabel(kind) plt.xlim(left=z_drawing[0], right=z_drawing[-1]) if not filename == '': plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) if kind == 'intensity': plt.ylim(bottom=0) elif kind == 'phase': if unwrap == False: plt.ylim(-pi, pi)