Source code for diffractio.scalar_masks_XY

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module generates Scalar_mask_XY class for definingn masks. Its parent is Scalar_field_X.

The main atributes are:
    * self.x - x positions of the field
    * self.z - z positions of the field
    * self.u - field XZ
    * self.n - refraction index XZ
    * self.wavelength - wavelength of the incident field. The field is monochromatic

The magnitude is related to microns: `micron = 1.`

*Class for unidimensional scalar masks*

    * set_amplitude, set_phase
    * binarize, two_levels, gray_scale
    * a_dataMatrix
    * area
    * save_mask
    * inverse_amplitude, inverse_phase
    * widen
    * image
    * point_maks, slit, double_slit, square, circle, super_gauss, square_circle, ring, cross
    * mask_from_function
    * prism, lens, lens_spherical, aspheric, fresnel_lens
    * sine_grating, sine_edge_grating ronchi_grating, binary_grating, blazed_grating, forked_grating, grating2D, grating_2D_chess
    * axicon, axicon_binary, biprism_fresnel,
    * radial_grating, angular_grating, hyperbolic_grating, archimedes_spiral, laguerre_gauss_spiral
    * hammer
    * roughness, circle_rough, ring_rough, fresnel_lens_rough,

import matplotlib.figure as mpfig
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from numpy import (angle, arctan, arctan2, cos, exp, linspace, meshgrid, ones,
                   ones_like, pi, shape, sin, sqrt, zeros, zeros_like)
from diffractio.utils_math import cart2pol

from PIL import Image
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from scipy.special import eval_hermite
import matplotlib.path as mpath

from . import degrees, np, plt, sp, um
from .scalar_fields_XY import Scalar_field_XY
from .scalar_sources_XY import Scalar_source_XY
from .utils_math import (fft_convolution2d, laguerre_polynomial_nk, nearest,
from .utils_optics import roughness_2D

[docs] class Scalar_mask_XY(Scalar_field_XY): """Class for working with XY scalar masks. Parameters: x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` y (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions for y values wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field info (str): String with info about the simulation Attributes: self.x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` . self.y (numpy.array): linear array wit equidistant positions for y values self.wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field. self.u (numpy.array): (x,z) complex field (str): String with info about the simulation """ def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, wavelength=None, info=""): super().__init__(x, y, wavelength, info) self.type = 'Scalar_mask_XY'
[docs] def set_amplitude(self, q=1, positive=0, amp_min=0, amp_max=1): """makes that the mask has only amplitude. Parameters: q (int): 0 - amplitude as it is and phase is removed. 1 - take phase and convert to amplitude positive (int): 0 - value may be positive or negative. 1 - value is only positive """ amplitude = np.abs(self.u) phase = angle(self.u) if q == 0: if positive == 0: self.u = amp_min + (amp_max - amp_min) * amplitude * np.sign(phase) if positive == 1: self.u = amp_min + (amp_max - amp_min) * amplitude else: if positive == 0: self.u = amp_min + (amp_max - amp_min) * phase if positive == 1: self.u = amp_min + (amp_max - amp_min) * np.abs(phase)
# hay que terminar
[docs] def set_phase(self, q=1, phase_min=0, phase_max=pi): """Makes the mask as phase, q=0: Pass amplitude to 1. q=1: amplitude pass to phase """ amplitude = np.abs(self.u) phase = angle(self.u) if q == 0: self.u = exp(1.j * phase) if q == 1: self.u = exp(1.j * (phase_min + (phase_max - phase_min) * amplitude))
[docs] def area(self, percentage): """Computes area where mask is not 0 Parameters: percentage_maximum (float): percentage from maximum intensity to compute Returns: float: area (in um**2) Example: area(percentage=0.001) """ intensity = np.abs(self.u)**2 max_intensity = intensity.max() num_pixels_1 = sum(sum(intensity > max_intensity * percentage)) num_pixels = len(self.x) * len(self.y) delta_x = self.x[1] - self.x[0] delta_y = self.y[1] - self.y[0] return (num_pixels_1 / num_pixels) * (delta_x * delta_y)
[docs] def inverse_amplitude(self, new_field=False): """Inverts the amplitude of the mask, phase is equal as initial Parameters: new_field (bool): If True it returns a Scalar_mask_XY object, else, it modifies the existing object Returns: Scalar_mask_XY: If new_field is True, it returns a Scalar_mask_XY object. """ amplitude = np.abs(self.u) phase = angle(self.u) new_amplitude = (1 - amplitude) * exp(1.j * phase) if new_field is False: self.u = new_amplitude else: new = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) new.u = new_amplitude return new
[docs] def inverse_phase(self, new_field=False): """Inverts the phase of the mask, amplitude is equal as initial Parameters: new_field (bool): If True it returns a Scalar_mask_XY object, else, it modifies the existing object Returns: Scalar_mask_XY: If new_field is True, it returns a Scalar_mask_XY object. """ amplitude = np.abs(self.u) phase = angle(self.u) new_amplitude = amplitude * exp(-1.j * phase) if new_field is False: self.u = new_amplitude else: new = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) new.u = new_amplitude return new
[docs] def filter(self, mask, new_field=True, binarize=False, normalize=False): """Widens a field using a mask Parameters: mask (diffractio.Scalar_mask_XY): filter new_field (bool): If True, develope new Field binarize (bool, float): If False nothing, else binarize in level normalize (bool): If True divides the mask by sum. """ f1 = np.abs(mask.u) if normalize is True: f1 = f1 / f1.sum() covolved_image = fft_convolution2d(f1, np.abs(self.u)) if binarize is not False: covolved_image[covolved_image > binarize] = 1 covolved_image[covolved_image <= binarize] = 0 if new_field is True: new = Scalar_field_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) new.u = covolved_image return new else: self.u = covolved_image
[docs] def widen(self, radius, new_field=True, binarize=True): """Widens a mask using a convolution of a certain radius Parameters: radius (float): radius of convolution new_field (bool): returns a new XY field binarize (bool): binarizes result. """ filter = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) * um, 0 * um), radius=radius, angle=0 * degrees) image = np.abs(self.u) filtrado = np.abs(filter.u) / np.abs(filter.u.sum()) covolved_image = fft_convolution2d(image, filtrado) minimum = 0.01 * covolved_image.max() if binarize is True: covolved_image[covolved_image > minimum] = 1 covolved_image[covolved_image <= minimum] = 0 else: covolved_image = covolved_image / covolved_image.max() if new_field is True: filter.u = covolved_image return filter else: self.u = covolved_image
# __MASKS____________________________________________
[docs] def extrude_mask_x(self, mask_X, y0=None, y1=None, kind='unique', normalize=None): """ Converts a Scalar_mask_X in volumetric between z0 and z1 by growing between these two planes Parameters: mask_X (Scalar_mask_X): an amplitude mask of type Scalar_mask_X. y0 (float): initial position of mask y1 (float): final position of mask kind (str): 'superpose', 'unique' normalize (str): if 'cut' (>1 -> 1), 'normalize', None """ if y0 is None: y0 = self.y[0] if y1 is None: y1 = self.y[-1] iy0, _, _ = nearest(vector=self.y, number=y0) iy1, _, _ = nearest(vector=self.y, number=y1) for i, index in enumerate(range(iy0, iy1)): if kind == 'unique': self.u[index, :] = mask_X.u elif kind == 'superpose': self.u[index, :] = self.u[index, :] + mask_X.u if normalize == 'cut': self.u[self.u > 1] = 1 elif normalize == 'normalize': maximum = np.abs(self.u.max()) self.u = self.u / maximum
[docs] def mask_from_function(self, r0, index, f1, f2, radius=0, v_globals={}): """ phase mask defined between 2 surfaces $f_1$ and $f_2$: $h(x,y)=f_2(x,y)-f_1(x,y)$ Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of cross index (float): refraction index f1 (str): function for first surface f2 (str): function for second surface radius (float, float) or (float): size of mask v_globals (dict): dictionary with globals mask (bool): If True applies mask """ if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radius = (radius, radius) k = 2 * pi / self.wavelength if radius[0] > 0: amplitude = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), radius, 0 * degrees) t = amplitude.u else: t = 1 v_locals = {'self': self, 'sp': sp, 'degrees': degrees} F2 = eval(f2, v_globals, v_locals) F1 = eval(f1, v_globals, v_locals) self.u = t * exp(1.j * k * (index - 1) * (F2 - F1)) self.u[t == 0] = 0
[docs] def image(self, filename='', canal=0, normalize=True, lengthImage=False, invert=False, angle=0): """Converts an image file XY mask. If the image is color, we get the first Red frame Parameters: filename (str): filename of the image canal (int): number of channel RGB to get the image normalize (bool): if True normalizes the image lengthImage (bool, int): If False does nothing, if number resize image invert (bool): if True the image is inverted angle (float): rotates image a certain angle Returns str: filename """ # Abre image (no la muestra) im = # Image traspuesta im = im.transpose(1) # Extrae sus components de color en varios canales colores = im.split() # Seleccionamos un canal de color image = colores[canal] # data = image.getdata() # Reajuste del length manteniendo la relacion de aspecto if lengthImage is False: length = self.u.shape image = image.resize(length) if lengthImage is True: length = im.size self.x = linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], length[0]) self.y = linspace(self.y[0], self.y[-1], length[1]) self.X, self.Y = meshgrid(self.x, self.y) # Rotacion de la image if angle != 0: image = image.rotate(angle) data = np.array(image) # Inversion de color if invert is True: data = data.max() - data # Normalizacion de la intensity if normalize is True: data = (data - data.min()) / (data.max() - data.min()) self.u = data return filename
[docs] def repeat_structure(self, num_repetitions, position='center', new_field=True): """Repeat the structure (n x m) times. Parameters: num_repetitions (int, int): Number of repetitions of the mask position (string or number,number): 'center', 'previous' or initial position. Initial x new_field (bool): If True, a new mask is produced, else, the mask is modified. """ u0 = self.u x0 = self.x y0 = self.y wavelength = self.wavelength u_new = np.tile(u0, (num_repetitions[1], num_repetitions[0])) x_min = x0[0] x_max = x0[-1] # dx = x0[1] - x0[0] y_min = y0[0] y_max = y0[-1] # dy = y0[1] - y0[0] x_new = np.linspace(num_repetitions[0] * x_min, num_repetitions[0] * x_max, num_repetitions[0] * len(x0)) y_new = np.linspace(num_repetitions[1] * y_min, num_repetitions[1] * y_max, num_repetitions[1] * len(y0)) center_x = (x_new[-1] + x_new[0]) / 2 center_y = (y_new[-1] + y_new[0]) / 2 if position == 'center': x_new = x_new - center_x y_new = y_new - center_y elif position == 'previous': x_new = x_new - x_new[0] + x0[0] y_new = y_new - y_new[0] + y0[0] elif isinstance(position, np.array): x_new = x_new - x_new[0] + position[0] y_new = y_new - y_new[0] + position[1] if new_field is True: t_new = Scalar_mask_XY(x=x_new, y=y_new, wavelength=wavelength) t_new.u = u_new return t_new else: self.u = u_new self.x = x_new self.y = y_new
[docs] def masks_to_positions(self, pos, new_field=True, binarize=False, normalize=False): """ Place a certain mask on several positions. Parameters: pos (float, float) or (np.array, np.array): (x,y) point or points where mask is placed. new_field (bool): If True, a new mask is produced, else, the mask is modified. Default: True. binarize (bool, float): If False nothing, else binarize in level. Default: False. normalize (bool): If True divides the mask by sum. Default: False. Example: masks_to_positions(np.array([[0,100,100],[0,-100,100]]),new_field=True) """ lens_array = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) lens_array.dots(r0=pos) f1 = self.u if normalize is True: f1 = f1 / f1.sum() covolved_image = fft_convolution2d(f1, lens_array.u) if binarize is not False: covolved_image[covolved_image > binarize] = 1 covolved_image[covolved_image <= binarize] = 0 if new_field is True: new = Scalar_field_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) new.u = covolved_image return new else: self.u = covolved_image
[docs] def polygon(self, vertices): """Draws a polygon with the vertices given in a Nx2 numpy array. Args: vertices (np.array): Nx2 array with the x,y positions of the vertices. Example: x0 = np.linspace(-3 * mm, 3 * mm, 512) y0 = np.linspace(-3 * mm, 3 * mm, 512) wavelength = 0.6328 *um vertices = np.array([(0 * mm, 0 * mm), (2 * mm, 0 * mm), (2 * mm, 1 * mm),(0 * mm, 1 * mm)]) t = Scalar_mask_XY(x0, y0, wavelength) t.polygon(vertices) t.draw() """ num_x, num_y = self.u.shape verticesx, _, _ = nearest2(self.y, vertices[:, 1]) verticesy, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, vertices[:, 0]) i_vertices = np.column_stack((verticesx, verticesy)) # Create the coordinates of the matrix coordinates = np.column_stack( (np.repeat(np.arange(num_x), num_y), np.tile(np.arange(num_y), num_x))) # Create the Path object of the polygon path = mpath.Path(i_vertices) # Verificar si cada punto de la matriz está dentro del polígono in_polygon = path.contains_points(coordinates) # Check if each point in the array is inside the polygon self.u[in_polygon.reshape((num_x, num_y))] = 1
[docs] def regular_polygon(self, num_vertices, radius, angle=0): """Generates a regular polygon. Args: num_vertices (int): num_vertices radius (float): external radius angle (float): angle of rotation Returns: vertices (np.array): position of vertices """ i_vertices = np.array(range(num_vertices + 1)) angles = 2 * np.pi * i_vertices / num_vertices x_vertices = radius * np.cos(angles - angle + 90 * degrees) y_vertices = radius * np.sin(angles - angle + 90 * degrees) vertices = np.column_stack((x_vertices, y_vertices)) self.polygon(vertices) return vertices
[docs] def star(self, num_peaks, radii, angle=0): """Generates a regular polygon Args: num_peaks (int): number of peaks. radii (float, float): external radius angle (float): angle of rotation Returns: vertices (np.array): position of vertices Example: x0 = np.linspace(-3 * mm, 3 * mm, 512) y0 = np.linspace(-3 * mm, 3 * mm, 512) wavelength = 0.6328 *um t = Scalar_mask_XY(x0, y0, wavelength) vertices = t.stars(5, (2*mm,1*mm), 0*degrees) t.draw() """ radii = np.array(radii) i_vertices = np.array(range(num_peaks)) angles = 2 * np.pi * i_vertices / num_peaks phase_shift = 2 * np.pi / (2 * num_peaks) x_vertices_max = radii[0] * np.cos(angles - angle + 90 * degrees) y_vertices_max = radii[0] * np.sin(angles - angle + 90 * degrees) vertices_max = np.column_stack((x_vertices_max, y_vertices_max)) x_vertices_min = radii[1] * np.cos(angles - angle + phase_shift + 90 * degrees) y_vertices_min = radii[1] * np.sin(angles - angle + phase_shift + 90 * degrees) vertices_min = np.column_stack((x_vertices_min, y_vertices_min)) # Find the maximum number of rows between both matrices max_num_rows = 2 * num_peaks # Create an empty interleaved matrix with twice the number of rows interleaved_matrix = np.empty((max_num_rows, 2)) # Interleave the rows from both matrices interleaved_matrix[:max_num_rows:2] = vertices_max interleaved_matrix[1:max_num_rows:2] = vertices_min self.polygon(interleaved_matrix) return interleaved_matrix
[docs] def triangle(self, r0=None, slope=2.0, height=50 * um, angle=0 * degrees): """Create a triangle mask. It uses the equation of a straight line: y = -slope * (x - x0) + y0 Parameters: r0 (float, float): Coordinates of the top corner of the triangle slope (float): Slope if the equation above height (float): Distance between the top corner of the triangle and the basis of the triangle angle (float): Angle of rotation of the triangle """ if isinstance(r0, (float, int)): x0, y0 = (r0, r0) elif r0 is None: x0 = 0 * um y0 = height / 2 else: x0, y0 = r0 # Rotation of the super-ellipse Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle) Y = -slope * np.abs(Xrot - x0) + y0 u = np.zeros_like(self.X) ipasa = (Yrot < Y) & (Yrot > y0 - height) u[ipasa] = 1 u[u > 1] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def photon_sieve(self, t1, r0, top_one=True): """Generates a matrix of shapes given in t1. Parameters: t1 (Scalar_mask_XY): Mask of the desired figure to be drawn r0 (float, float) or (np.array, np.array): (x,y) point or points where mask is 1 top_one (bool): If True, max(mask) = 1 Returns: (int): number of points in the mask """ r0 = np.array(r0) x0 = r0[:, 0] y0 = r0[:, 1] u = np.zeros_like(self.X) uj = np.zeros_like(self.X) if type(r0[0]) in (int, float): i_x0, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x0) i_y0, _, _ = nearest(self.y, y0) u[i_x0, i_y0] = 1 else: i_x0s, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, x0) i_y0s, _, _ = nearest2(self.y, y0) for i, x_i in enumerate(x0): y_j = y0[i] i_xcercano, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x_i) j_ycercano, _, _ = nearest(self.y, y_j) if x_i < self.x.max() and x_i > self.x.min() and y_j < self.y.max( ) and y_j > self.y.min(): uj[i_xcercano, j_ycercano] = 1 num_points = int(uj.sum()) u = fftconvolve(uj, t1.u, mode='same') if top_one: A = np.abs(u) phase = np.angle(u) A[A > 1] = 1 u = A * np.exp(1j * phase) #u[u > 1] = 1 self.u = u return num_points
[docs] def insert_array_masks(self, t1, space, margin=0, angle=0 * degrees): """Generates a matrix of shapes given in t1. Parameters: t1 (Scalar_mask_XY): Mask of the desired figure to be drawn space (float, float) or (float): spaces between figures. margin (float, float) or (float): extra space outside the mask angle (float): Angle to rotate the matrix of circles Returns: (int): number of points in the mask Example: A = Scalar_mask_XY(x, y, wavelength) A.ring(r0, radius1, radius2, angle) insert_array_masks(t1 = A, space = 50 * um, angle = 0 * degrees) """ if isinstance(space, (int, float)): delta_x, delta_y = (space, space) else: delta_x, delta_y = space if isinstance(margin, (float, int)): margin_x, margin_y = (margin, margin) else: margin_x, margin_y = margin assert delta_x > 0 and delta_y > 0 uj = np.zeros_like(self.X) X = margin_x + np.arange(self.x.min(), self.x.max() + delta_x, delta_x) Y = margin_y + np.arange(self.y.min(), self.y.max() + delta_y, delta_y) for i, x_i in enumerate(X): i_xcercano, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x_i) for j, y_j in enumerate(Y): j_ycercano, _, _ = nearest(self.y, y_j) if x_i < self.x.max() and x_i > self.x.min( ) and y_j < self.y.max() and y_j > self.y.min(): uj[i_xcercano, j_ycercano] = 1 num_points = int(uj.sum()) u = fftconvolve(uj, t1.u, mode='same') u[u > 1] = 1 self.u = u return num_points
[docs] def dots(self, r0): """Generates 1 or several point masks at positions r0 Parameters: r0 (float, float) or (np.array, np.array): (x,y) point or points where mask is 1 """ x0, y0 = r0 u = np.zeros_like(self.X) if type(r0[0]) in (int, float): i_x0, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x0) i_y0, _, _ = nearest(self.y, y0) u[i_y0, i_x0] = 1 else: i_x0s, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, x0) i_y0s, _, _ = nearest2(self.y, y0) for (i_x0, i_y0) in zip(i_x0s, i_y0s): u[i_y0, i_x0] = 1 self.u = u return self
[docs] def dots_regular(self, xlim, ylim, num_data, verbose=False): """Generates n x m or several point masks. Parameters: xlim (float, float): (xmin, xmax) positions ylim (float, float): (ymin, ymax) positions num_data (int, int): (x, y) number of points """ x0, x1 = xlim y0, y1 = ylim nx, ny = num_data x_points = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx) y_points = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny) u = np.zeros_like(self.X) i_x0, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, x_points) i_y0, _, _ = nearest2(self.y, y_points) if verbose is True: print(i_x0) print(i_y0) iX, iY = np.meshgrid(i_x0, i_y0) u[iX, iY] = 1 self.u = u return self
[docs] def one_level(self, level=0): """Sets one level for all the image. Parameters: level (float): value """ self.u = level * ones(self.X.shape)
[docs] def two_levels(self, level1=0, level2=1, x_edge=0, angle=0): """Divides the field in two levels Parameters: level1 (float): value of first level level2 (float): value of second level x_edge (float): position of division angle (float): angle of rotation in radians """ Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x_edge, 0)) self.u = level1 * ones(self.X.shape) self.u[Xrot > 0] = level2
[docs] def edge_series(self, r0, period, a_coef, b_coef=None, angle=0 * degrees, invert=True): """Creates a linear aperture using the Fourier coefficients. Parameters: x0 (float): x-axis displacement (for 'fslit' function) period (float): Function period a_coef (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the cosine function. b_coef (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the sine function. angle (float): angle of rotation in radians invert (bool): inverts transmittance values (for 'fslit' function) For both arrays: First row: coefficient orders Second row: coefficient values Example: t1.edge_series(x0=0, period=50, a_coef=np.array( [[0,1],[100,50]]), angle = 0 * degrees, invert=False) """ Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle) Yrot = Yrot x0, y0 = r0 # Definicion de la transmitancia u = np.zeros_like(self.X) asol = a_coef[1][0] / 2 bsol = 0 _, num_coefs_a = a_coef.shape for i in range(num_coefs_a): asol = asol + \ a_coef[1][i] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * a_coef[0] [i] * (Yrot - y0) / period) if b_coef is not None: _, num_coefs_b = b_coef.shape for i in range(num_coefs_b): bsol = bsol + \ b_coef[1][i] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * b_coef[0][i] * (Yrot - y0) / period) sol = asol + bsol if invert is True: u[(Xrot - x0 > sol)] = 1 u[(Xrot - x0 < sol)] = 0 else: u[(Xrot - x0 < sol)] = 1 u[(Xrot - x0 > sol)] = 0 self.u = u
[docs] def slit(self, x0, size, angle=0 * degrees): """Slit: 1 inside, 0 outside Parameters: x0 (float): center of slit size (float): size of slit angle (float): angle of rotation in radians """ # Definicion de la slit xmin = -size / 2 xmax = +size / 2 # Rotacion de la slit Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, 0)) # Definicion de la transmitancia u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ix = (Xrot < xmax) & (Xrot > xmin) u[ix] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def slit_series(self, x0, width, period1, period2, Dy, a_coef1, a_coef2, b_coef1=None, b_coef2=None, angle=None): """Creates a lineal function using the Fourier coefficients. Parameters: x0 (float): position of the center of the slit width (float): slit width period1 (float): Period of the first function period2 (float): Period of the second function Dy (float, float): Shifts of the edges a_coef1 (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the cosine in the first function. a_coef2 (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the cosine in the second function. b_coef1 (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the sine in the first function. b_coef2 (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the sine in the second function. For the arrays: First row - coefficient orders, Second row - coefficient values angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Example: t1.slit_series(x0=0, width=10, period1=50, period2=20, a_coef1=np.array([[0,1],[100,50]]) ) """ dy1, dy2 = Dy t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) t1.edge_series(r0=(x0 - width / 2, dy1), period=period1, a_coef=a_coef1, b_coef=b_coef1, angle=angle, invert=True) t2 = Scalar_mask_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) t2.edge_series(r0=(x0 + width / 2, dy2), period=period2, a_coef=a_coef2, b_coef=b_coef2, angle=angle, invert=False) self.u = t1.u * t2.u
[docs] def double_slit(self, x0, size, separation, angle=0 * degrees): """double slit: 1 inside, 0 outside Parameters: x0 (float): center of double slit size (float): size of slit separation (float): separation between slit centers angle (float): angle of rotation in radians """ slit1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) slit2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) # Definicion de las dos slits slit1.slit(x0=x0 - separation / 2, size=size, angle=angle) slit2.slit(x0=x0 + separation / 2, size=size, angle=angle) self.u = slit1.u + slit2.u
[docs] def square(self, r0, size, angle=0): """Square: 1 inside, 0 outside Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of square size (float, float) or (float): size of slit angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Example: m.square(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), size=(250 * \ um, 120 * um), angle=0 * degrees) """ # si solamente un numero, posiciones y radius son los mismos para ambos if isinstance(size, (float, int)): sizex, sizey = size, size else: sizex, sizey = size x0, y0 = r0 # Definicion del square/rectangle xmin = -sizex / 2 xmax = +sizex / 2 ymin = -sizey / 2 ymax = +sizey / 2 # Rotacion del square/rectangle Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) # Transmitancia de los points interiores u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = (Xrot < xmax) & (Xrot > xmin) & (Yrot < ymax) & (Yrot > ymin) u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def gray_scale(self, num_levels, levelMin=0, levelMax=1): """Generates a number of strips with different amplitude Parameters: num_levels (int): number of levels levelMin (float): value of minimum level levelMax (float): value of maximum level """ t = zeros(self.X.shape, dtype=float) xpos = linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], num_levels + 1) height_levels = linspace(levelMin, levelMax, num_levels) ipos, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, xpos) ipos[-1] = len(self.x) for i in range(num_levels): t[:, ipos[i]:ipos[i + 1]] = height_levels[i] self.u = t
[docs] def circle(self, r0, radius, angle=0 * degrees): """Creates a circle or an ellipse. Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of circle/ellipse radius (float, float) or (float): radius of circle/ellipse angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Example: circle(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), radius=(250 * um, 125 * um), angle=0 * degrees) """ x0, y0 = r0 if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radiusx, radiusy = (radius, radius) else: radiusx, radiusy = radius Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = Xrot**2 / radiusx**2 + Yrot**2 / radiusy**2 < 1 u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def circular_sector(self, r0, radii, angles): """Generates a circular sector. Args: r0 (int, int): position of center radii (float) or (float, float): radius angles (float, float): initial and final angle in radians. """ if isinstance(radii, float): radii = (0, radii) [rho, theta] = cart2pol(self.X - r0[0], self.Y - r0[1]) ix = (theta > angles[0]) & (theta <= angles[1]) & (rho >= radii[0]) & ( rho < radii[1]) self.u[ix] = 1
[docs] def super_gauss(self, r0, radius, power=2, angle=0 * degrees): """Supergauss mask. Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of circle radius (float, float) or (float): radius of circle power (float): value of exponential angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Example: super_gauss(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), radius=(250 * um, 125 * um), angle=0 * degrees, potencia=2) """ # si solamente un numero, posiciones y radius son los mismos para ambos if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radiusx, radiusy = (radius, radius) else: radiusx, radiusy = radius # Radios mayor y menor x0, y0 = r0 # Rotacion del circula/elipse Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) R = sqrt(Xrot**2 + Yrot**2) self.u = exp(-R**power / (2 * radiusx**power))
[docs] def square_circle(self, r0, R1, R2, s, angle=0 * degrees): """ Between circle and square, depending on fill factor s s=0 circle, s=1 square Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of square_circle R1 (float): radius of first axis R2 (float): radius of first axis s (float): [0-1] shape parameter: s=0 circle, s=1 square angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Reference: M. Fernandez Guasti, M. De la Cruz Heredia "diffraction pattern of a circle/square aperture" J.Mod.Opt. 40(6) 1073-1080 (1993) """ t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) t1.square(r0=r0, size=(2 * R1, 2 * R2), angle=angle) x0, y0 = r0 Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) F = sqrt(Xrot**2 / R1**2 + Yrot**2 / R2**2 - s**2 * Xrot**2 * Yrot**2 / (R1**2 * R2**2)) Z1 = F < 1 Z = Z1 * t1.u self.u = Z
[docs] def angular_aperture(self, a_coef, b_coef=None, angle=0 * degrees): """Creates a radial function using the Fourier coefficients. Parameters: a_coef (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the cosine function. b_coef (np.array, 2 rows and x columns): coefficients that multiply the sine function. angle (float): angle of rotation in radians For a_coef and b_coef, the first row are the coefficient orders and the second row are coefficient values. Example: angular_aperture(t, a_coef=np.array( [[0,1],[20,10]]), angle= 0 * degrees) """ Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle) # Definicion de la transmitancia u = np.zeros_like(self.X) r = np.sqrt(Xrot**2 + Yrot**2) phi = np.arctan2(Yrot, Xrot) asol = 0 bsol = 0 _, num_coefs_a = a_coef.shape for i in range(num_coefs_a): asol = asol + a_coef[1][i] * np.cos(a_coef[0][i] * phi) if b_coef is not None: _, num_coefs_b = b_coef.shape for i in range(num_coefs_b): bsol = bsol + b_coef[1][i] * np.sin(b_coef[0][i] * phi) sol = asol + bsol ipasa = r - abs(sol) < 0 u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u return ipasa
[docs] def ring(self, r0, radius1, radius2, angle=0 * degrees): """ Ring. Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of ring radius1 (float, float) or (float): inner radius radius2 (float, float) or (float): outer radius angle (float): angle of rotation in radians """ ring1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) ring2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), radius1, angle), radius2, angle) self.u = np.abs(ring2.u - ring1.u)
[docs] def rings(self, r0, inner_radius, outer_radius): """Structure based on several rings, with radius given by inner_radius and outer_radius. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens inner_radius (np.array): inner radius outer_radius (np.array): inner radius mask (bool): if True, mask with size radius of maximum outer radius """ x0, y0 = r0 angle = 0 radius = outer_radius.max() u = np.zeros_like(self.X) ring = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) num_rings = len(inner_radius) for i in range(num_rings): ring.ring(r0, inner_radius[i], outer_radius[i], angle) u = u + ring.u self.u = u return self
[docs] def cross(self, r0, size, angle=0 * degrees): """ Cross Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of cross size (float, float) or (float): length, width of cross angle (float): angle of rotation in radians """ # Definicion del origen y length de la cross # if isinstance(size, (float, int)): # sizex, sizey = size, size # else: # sizex, sizey = size # Definicion de la cross t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) t2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) # Se define una primera mask cuadrada t1.square(r0, size, angle) # Una segunda mask cuadrada rotada 90º respecto de la anterior t2.square(r0, size, angle + 90 * degrees) # La superposicion de ambas da lugar a la cross t3 = t1.u + t2.u t3[t3 > 0] = 1 self.u = t3
[docs] def prism(self, r0, angle_wedge, angle=0 * degrees): """prism which produces a certain angle Parameters: r0 (float, float): center wedge angle_wedge (float): angle of wedge in x direction angle (float): angle of rotation in radians """ k = 2 * pi / self.wavelength x0, y0 = r0 Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) self.u = exp(1j * k * (Xrot) * np.sin(angle_wedge))
[docs] def lens(self, r0, focal, radius=0, angle=0 * degrees): """Transparent lens Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens focal (float, float) or (float): focal length of lens radius (float, float) or (float): radius of lens mask. If radius = 0, no mask is applied angle (float): angle of axis in radians Example: lens(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um),focal=(5 * mm, 10 * mm), radius=100*um, angle=0 * degrees) """ if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radius = (radius, radius) if isinstance(focal, (float, int, complex)): focal = (focal, focal) k = 2 * pi / self.wavelength x0, y0 = r0 f1, f2 = focal Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) if radius[0] > 0: amplitude = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), radius, angle) t = amplitude.u else: t = 1 self.u = t * exp(-1.j * ( k * ((Xrot**2 / (2 * f1)) + Yrot**2 / (2 * f2)) + np.pi))
[docs] def lens_spherical(self, r0, focal, refractive_index=1.5, radius=0): """Spherical lens, without paraxial approximation. The focal distance and the refraction index are used for the definition. When the refraction index decreases, the radius of curvature decrases and less paraxial. Now, only one focal. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens focal (float): focal length of lens refractive_index (float): refraction index radius (float): radius of lens mask lens_spherical: lens(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), radius= 200 * um, focal= 10 * mm, refractive_index=1.5) """ if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radius = (radius, radius) k = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength x0, y0 = r0 angle = 0. R = (refractive_index - 1) * focal Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) if radius[0] > 0: amplitude = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), radius, angle) t = amplitude.u else: t = 1 h = (np.sqrt(R**2 - (Xrot**2 + Yrot**2)) - R) h[R**2 - (Xrot**2 + Yrot**2) < 0] = 0 self.u = t * np.exp(1j * k * (refractive_index - 1) * h) self.u[t == 0] = 0 return h
[docs] def aspheric(self, r0, c, k, a, n0, n1, radius=0): """asferic surface. $z = \frac{c r^2}{1+\sqrt{1-(1+k) c^2 r^2 }}+\sum{a_i r^{2i}}$ Parameters: x0 (float): position of center c (float): base curvature at vertex, inverse of radius k (float): conic constant a (list): order aspheric coefficients: A4, A6, A8, ... n0 (float): refraction index of first medium n1 (float): refraction index of second medium radius (float): radius of aspheric surface Conic Constant Surface Type k = 0 spherical k = -1 Paraboloid k < -1 Hyperboloid -1 < k < 0 Ellipsoid k > 0 Oblate eliposid References: """ x0, y0 = r0 s2 = (self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y - y0)**2 t1 = c * s2 / (1 + np.sqrt(1 - (1 + k) * c**2 * s2)) t2 = 0 if a is not None: for i, ai in enumerate(a): t2 = t2 + ai * s2**(2 + i) t3 = t1 + t2 if radius > 0: amplitude = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), radius, 0) t = amplitude.u else: t = 1 self.u = t3 * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * (n1 - n0) * t / self.wavelength)
[docs] def lens_cylindrical(self, x0, focal, refractive_index=1.5, radius=0, angle=0 * degrees): """Cylindrical lens, without paraxial approximation. The focal distance and the refraction index are used for the definition. When the refraction index decreases, the radius of curvature decrases and less paraxial. When refractive_index is None or 0, then the paraxial approximation is used Parameters: x0 (float): center of lens focal (float): focal length of lens refractive_index (float): refraction index radius (float): radius of lens mask lens_spherical: lens(r0=0, radius= 200 * um, focal= 10 * mm, refractive_index=1.5) """ k = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength r0 = (x0, 0) Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, r0) if radius > 0: amplitude = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), radius, angle) t = amplitude.u else: t = 1 if refractive_index in (None, 0): phase = -k * Xrot**2 / (2 * focal) else: R = (refractive_index - 1) * focal h = (np.sqrt(R**2 - Xrot**2) - R) h[R**2 - (Xrot**2) < 0] = 0 phase = k * (refractive_index - 1) * h self.u = t * np.exp(1j * phase)
[docs] def fresnel_lens(self, r0, focal, levels=(1, 0), kind='amplitude', phase=0, radius=0, angle=0): """Fresnel lens, amplitude (0,1) or phase (0-phase) Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens focal (float, float) or (float): focal length of lens radius (float, float) or (float): radius of lens mask levels (float, float): levels (1,0) or other of the lens kind (str): 'amplitude' or 'phase' phase (float): phase shift for phase lens angle (float): angle of axis in radians Example: fresnel_lens( r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), focal=(5 * mm, 10 * mm), radius=200*um, angle=0 * degrees, kind='amplitude',phase=pi) """ if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radius = (radius, radius) if isinstance(focal, (float, int, complex)): focal = (focal, focal) k = 2 * pi / self.wavelength f1, f2 = focal Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, r0) if radius[0] > 0: amplitude = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), radius, angle) t1 = amplitude.u else: t1 = 1 t2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) #t2.u = cos(k * ((Xrot**2 / (2 * f1)) + Yrot**2 / (2 * f2))) t2.u = sin(k * ((Xrot**2 / (2 * f1)) + Yrot**2 / (2 * f2))) if kind == 'amplitude': t2.u[t2.u > 0] = levels[0] t2.u[t2.u <= 0] = levels[1] if kind == 'phase': t2.u[t2.u > 0] = 1 t2.u[t2.u <= 0] = 0 t2.u = exp(1j * t2.u * phase) self.u = t2.u * t1
[docs] def axicon(self, r0, refractive_index, angle, radius=0, off_axis_angle=0 * degrees, reflective=False): """Axicon, Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens refractive_index (float): refraction index angle (float): angle of the axicon radius (float): radius of lens mask off_axis_angle (float) angle when it works off-axis reflective (bool): True if the axicon works in reflective mode. """ k = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength x0, y0 = r0 # distance de la generatriz al eje del cono r = np.sqrt((self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y - y0)**2) # Region de transmitancia u_mask = np.zeros_like(self.X) ipasa = r < radius u_mask[ipasa] = 1 if off_axis_angle == 0 * degrees: t_off_axis = 1 else: t_off_axis = np.exp(-1j * k * self.X * np.sin(off_axis_angle)) if reflective is True: self.u = u_mask * np.exp(-2j * k * r * np.tan(angle)) * t_off_axis else: self.u = u_mask * \ np.exp(-1j * k * (refractive_index - 1) * r * np.tan(angle)) * t_off_axis
[docs] def axicon_binary(self, r0, period, radius=0): """axicon_binary. Rings with equal period Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens radius (float): radius of lens mask period (float): distance of rings Example: axicon_binary(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), period=20 * um, radius=200 * um) """ x0, y0 = r0 r = np.sqrt((self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y - y0)**2) if radius > 0: u_mask = np.zeros_like(self.X) ipasa = r < radius u_mask[ipasa] = 1 else: u_mask = 1 t = np.cos(2 * np.pi * r / period) * u_mask t[t <= 0] = 0 t[t > 0] = 1 self.u = t
[docs] def biprism_fresnel(self, r0, width, height, n): """Fresnel biprism. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens width (float): width height (float): height of axicon n (float): refraction index Example: biprism_fresnel(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), width=100 * \ um, height=5 * um, n=1.5) """ k = 2 * pi / self.wavelength x0, y0 = r0 xp = self.X > 0 xn = self.X <= 0 # Altura desde la base a la surface h = zeros_like(self.X) h[xp] = -2 * height / width * (self.X[xp] - x0) + 2 * height h[xn] = 2 * height / width * (self.X[xn] - x0) + 2 * height # No existencia de heights negativas iremove = h < 0 h[iremove] = 0 # Region de transmitancia u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = np.abs(self.X - x0) < width u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u * exp(1.j * k * (n - 1) * h)
[docs] def radial_grating(self, r0, period, phase, radius, is_binary=True): """Radial grating. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens period (float): period of the grating phase (float): initial phase radius (float): radius of the grating (masked) is_binary (bool): if True binary else, scaled Example: radial_grating(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), period=20 * um, phase=0 * um, radius=400 * um, is_binary=True) """ x0, y0 = r0 r = sqrt((self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y - y0)**2) t = 0.5 * (1 + sin(2 * pi * (r - phase) / period)) if is_binary is True: i0 = t <= 0.5 t[i0] = 0 i1 = t > 0.5 t[i1] = 1 u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = r < radius u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u * t
[docs] def angular_grating(self, r0, num_petals, phase, radius, is_binary=True): """Angular grating. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens period (float): period of the grating phase (float): initial phase radius (float): radius of the grating (masked) is_binary (bool): if True binary else, scaled Example: angular_grating(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), num_petals =20, phase=0 * um, radius=400 * um, is_binary=True) """ # si solamente un numero, posiciones y radius son los mismos para ambos x0, y0 = r0 # distance de la generatriz al eje del cono r = sqrt((self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y - y0)**2) theta = arctan((self.Y - y0) / (self.X - x0)) # Region de transmitancia t = (1 + np.cos((theta - phase) * num_petals)) / 2 if is_binary is True: i0 = t <= 0.5 t[i0] = 0 i1 = t > 0.5 t[i1] = 1 u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = r < radius u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u * t
[docs] def hyperbolic_grating(self, r0, period, radius, is_binary, angle=0 * degrees): """Hyperbolic grating. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of lens period (float): period of the grating radius (float): radius of the grating (masked) is_binary (bool): if True binary else, scaled angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: hyperbolic_grating(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), period=20 * \ um, radius=400 * um, is_binary=True) """ x0, y0 = r0 # distance de la generatriz al eje del cono Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) r = sqrt((self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y)**2) x_posiciones = sqrt(np.abs((Xrot)**2 - (Yrot)**2)) t = (1 + sin(2 * pi * x_posiciones / period)) / 2 if is_binary is True: i0 = t <= 0.5 t[i0] = 0 i1 = t > 0.5 t[i1] = 1 u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = r < radius u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u * t
[docs] def hammer(self, r0, size, hammer_width, angle=0 * degrees): """Square with hammer (like in lithography). Not very useful, an example Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of square size (float, float): size of the square hammer_width (float): width of hammer angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: hammer(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), size=(250 * um, 120 * um), hammer_width=5 * um, angle=0 * degrees) """ # si solamente hay 1, las posiciones y radius son los mismos para ambos # Origen # Definicion del origen y length de la cross if len(size) == 1: size = (size[0], size[0]) # Definicion de la cross t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) th1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) th2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) th3 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) th4 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) # Se define una primera mask cuadrada t1.square(r0, size, angle) # Una segunda mask cuadrada rotada 90º respecto de la anterior # Definicion del square/rectangle x0, y0 = r0 sizex, sizey = size xmin = x0 - sizex / 2 xmax = x0 + sizex / 2 ymin = y0 - sizey / 2 ymax = y0 + sizey / 2 th1.square(r0=(xmin, ymin), size=(hammer_width, hammer_width), angle=angle) th2.square(r0=(xmin, ymax), size=(hammer_width, hammer_width), angle=angle) th3.square(r0=(xmax, ymin), size=(hammer_width, hammer_width), angle=angle) th4.square(r0=(xmax, ymax), size=(hammer_width, hammer_width), angle=angle) # La superposicion de ambas da lugar a la cross t3 = t1.u + th1.u + th2.u + th3.u + th4.u t3[t3 > 0] = 1 self.u = t3
[docs] def archimedes_spiral(self, r0, period, phase, p, radius, is_binary): """Archimedes spiral Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of archimedes_spiral period (float): period of spiral phase (float): initial phase of spiral p (int): power of spiral radius (float): radius of the mask is_binary (bool): if True binary mask Example: archimedes_spiral(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), period=20 * degrees, phase=0 * degrees, p=1, radius=200 * um, is_binary=True) """ x0, y0 = r0 # distance de la generatriz al eje del cono r = sqrt((self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y - y0)**2) theta = arctan((self.Y - y0) / (self.X - x0)) # Region de transmitancia t = 0.5 * (1 + sin(2 * pi * np.sign(self.X) * ((r / period)**p + (theta - phase) / (2 * pi)))) if is_binary is True: i0 = t <= 0.5 t[i0] = 0 i1 = t > 0.5 t[i1] = 1 u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = r < radius u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u * t
[docs] def laguerre_gauss_spiral(self, r0, kind, n, l, w0, z): """laguerre_gauss spiral Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of laguerre_gauss_spiral kind (str): 'amplitude' or 'phase' n (int): of spiral l (int): power of spiral w0 (float): width of spiral z (float): propagation distance Example: laguerre_gauss_spiral( r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), kind='amplitude', l=1, w0=625 * um, z=0.01 * um) """ u_ilum = Scalar_source_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) # Haz de Laguerre u_ilum.laguerre_beam(A=1, n=n, l=l, r0=r0, w0=w0, z=z, z0=0) # Se define el length de la espiral length = (self.x.max() - self.x[0]) / 2 # Se llama a la clase scalar_masks_XY t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) # Hacemos uso de la mask circular, radius=(length, length), angle=0 * degrees) # Se extrae la orientacion de la espiral intensity = angle(u_ilum.u) # Normalizacion intensity = intensity / intensity.max() # Uso de la mask para obtener la amplitude y la phase mask = zeros_like(intensity) mask[intensity > 0] = 1 if kind == "phase": mask = exp(1.j * pi * mask) self.u = t1.u * mask
[docs] def forked_grating(self, r0, period, l, alpha, kind, angle=0 * degrees): """Forked grating: exp(1.j * alpha * cos(l * THETA - 2 * pi / period * (Xrot - r0[0]))) Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,y0) - center of forked grating period (float): basic period of teh grating l (int): * alpha (int): * kind (str): 'amplitude' or 'phase' angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: forked_grating(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), period=20 * \ um, l=2, alpha=1, angle=0 * degrees) """ x0, y0 = r0 Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) THETA = arctan2(Xrot, Yrot) self.u = exp(1.j * alpha * cos(l * THETA - 2 * pi / period * (Xrot))) phase = np.angle(self.u) phase[phase < 0] = 0 phase[phase > 0] = 1 if kind == 'amplitude': self.u = phase elif kind == 'phase': self.u = exp(1.j * pi * phase)
[docs] def sine_grating(self, x0, period, amp_min=0, amp_max=1, angle=0 * degrees): """Sinusoidal grating: self.u = amp_min + (amp_max - amp_min) * (1 + cos(2 * pi * (Xrot - phase) / period)) / 2 Parameters: x0 (float): phase shift period (float): period of the grating amp_min (float): minimum amplitude amp_max (float): maximum amplitud angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: sine_grating(period=40 * um, amp_min=0, amp_max=1, x0=0 * um, angle=0 * degrees) """ Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, 0)) # Definicion de la sinusoidal self.u = amp_min + (amp_max - amp_min) * (1 + sin(2 * pi * (Xrot - x0) / period)) / 2
[docs] def sine_edge_grating(self, r0, period, lp, ap, phase, radius, is_binary): """ TODO: function info """ # si solamente un numero, posiciones y radius son los mismos para ambos # lp longitud del period del edge, # ap es la amplitude del period del edge x0, y0 = r0 # distance de la generatriz al eje del cono r = sqrt((self.X - x0)**2 + (self.Y - y0)**2) # theta = arctan((self.Y - y0) / (self.X - x0)) # Region de transmitancia Desphase = phase + ap * sin(2 * pi * self.Y / lp) t = (1 + sin(2 * pi * (self.X - Desphase) / period)) / 2 if is_binary: i0 = t <= 0.5 t[i0] = 0 i1 = t > 0.5 t[i1] = 1 u = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = r < radius u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u * t
[docs] def ronchi_grating(self, x0, period, fill_factor=0.5, angle=0): """Amplitude binary grating with fill factor: self.u = amp_min + (amp_max - amp_min) * (1 + cos(2 * pi * (Xrot - phase) / period)) / 2 Parameters: x0 (float): phase shift period (float): period of the grating fill_factor (float): fill_factor angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Notes: Ronchi grating when fill_factor = 0.5. It is obtained from a sinusoidal, instead as a sum of slits, for speed. The equation to determine the position y0 is: y0=cos(pi*fill_factor) Example: ronchi_grating(x0=0 * um, period=40*um, fill_factor=0.5, angle=0) """ t = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) y0 = cos(np.pi * fill_factor) t.sine_grating(period=period, amp_min=-1, amp_max=1, x0=x0, angle=angle) t.u[t.u > y0] = 1 t.u[t.u <= y0] = 0 # # Mitad de linea blanca, mitad negra. # # Nos quedamos con el valor mayor (e-15) para que en ese tramo valga 1. # if ((t.u[0, 0] != t.u[0, -1]) and angle == 90 * degrees): # #print(t.u[0].max()) # t.u[0] = t.u[0].max() # # Correction 2 (0 degrees) # if angle == 0 * degrees: # ind = 0 # times = int(2 * t.x.max() / period) # pixel_size = (t.x[1] - t.x[0]) # index = np.where(t.u[0, :] == 0)[0] # distancia_minimos = int(period / pixel_size) # for i in range(times - 1): # D_index = index[ind + int(distancia_minimos / 2)] - index[ind] # if D_index != distancia_minimos: # #print('Correcion_Error del periodo') # t.u[:, ind] = 1 # ind += int(distancia_minimos / 2) self.u = t.u
[docs] def binary_grating(self, x0, period, fill_factor=0.5, amin=0, amax=1, phase=0 * degrees, angle=0 * degrees): """Binary grating (amplitude and/or phase). The minimum and maximum value of amplitude and phase can be controlled. Parameters: x0 (float): phase shift period (float): period of the grating fill_factor (float): fill_factor amin (float): minimum amplitude amax (float): maximum amplitude phase (float): max phase shift in phase gratings angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: binary_grating( x0=0, period=40 * um, fill_factor=0.5, amin=0, amax=1, phase=0 * degrees, angle=0 * degrees) """ t = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) t.ronchi_grating(x0=x0, period=period, fill_factor=fill_factor, angle=angle) amplitud = amin + (amax - amin) * t.u self.u = amplitud * np.exp(1j * phase * t.u)
[docs] def blazed_grating(self, period, phase_max, x0, angle=0 * degrees): """Blazed grating. Parameters: period (float): period of the grating phase_max (float): maximum phase of the blazed grating x0 (float): initial displacement of the grating angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: blazed_grating(period=40 * um, phase_max=2*np.pi, x0, angle=0 * degrees) """ k = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength # Inclinacion de las franjas Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, 0)) num_periods = (self.x[-1] - self.x[0]) / period # Height computation phase = (Xrot - x0) * phase_max * num_periods / (self.x[-1] - self.x[0]) # normalization between 0 and 2pi phase = np.remainder(phase, phase_max) self.u = np.exp(1j * phase) return self
[docs] def grating_2D(self, r0, period, fill_factor, amin=0, amax=1., phase=0, angle=0 * degrees): """2D binary grating Parameters: r0 (float, r0): initial position period (float, float): period of the grating fill_factor (float): fill_factor amin (float): minimum amplitude amax (float): maximum amplitude phase (float): max phase shift in phase gratings angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: grating_2D(period=40. * um, amin=0, amax=1., phase=0. * \ pi / 2, x0=0, fill_factor=0.75, angle=0.0 * degrees) """ if isinstance(period, (float, int)): period = period, period t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) t2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) t1.binary_grating(r0[0] + period[0] / 8, period[0], fill_factor, 0, 1, 0, angle) t2.binary_grating(r0[1] + period[1] / 4, period[1], fill_factor, 0, 1, 0, angle + 90. * degrees) t2_grating = t1 * t2 self.u = amin + (amax - amin) * t2_grating.u self.u = self.u * np.exp(1j * phase * t2_grating.u)
[docs] def grating_2D_chess(self, r0, period, fill_factor, amin=0, amax=1, phase=0 * pi / 2, angle=0 * degrees): """2D binary grating as chess Parameters: r0 (float, r0): initial position period (float): period of the grating fill_factor (float): fill_factor amin (float): minimum amplitude amax (float): maximum amplitude phase (float): max phase shift in phase gratings angle (float): angle of the grating in radians Example: grating_2D_chess(r0=(0,0), period=40. * um, fill_factor=0.75, amin=0, amax=1., phase=0. * \ pi / 2, angle=0.0 * degrees) """ if isinstance(period, (float, int)): period = period, period t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) t2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) t1.binary_grating(r0[0], period[0], fill_factor, 0, 1, 0, angle) t2.binary_grating(r0[1], period[1], fill_factor, 0, 1, 0, angle + 90. * degrees) t2_grating = t1 * t2 t2_grating.u = np.logical_xor(t1.u, t2.u) self.u = amin + (amax - amin) * t2_grating.u self.u = self.u * np.exp(1j * phase * t2_grating.u)
[docs] def roughness(self, t, s, refractive_index=-1): """Generation of a rough surface. According to Ogilvy p.224 Parameters: t (float, float): (tx, ty), correlation length of roughness s (float): std of heights refractive_index (float): refraction index, if -1 it is reflexion Example: roughness(t=(50 * um, 25 * um), s=1 * um) """ h_corr = roughness_2D(self.x, self.y, t, s) k = 2 * pi / self.wavelength self.u = exp(1.j * k * (refractive_index - 1) * h_corr) return h_corr
[docs] def circle_rough(self, r0, radius, angle, sigma): """Circle with a rough edge. Parameters: r0 (float,float): location of center radius (float): radius of circle angle (float): when radius are not equal, axis of ellipse sigma (float): std of roughness """ x0, y0 = r0 Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle) u = zeros(shape(self.X)) random_part = np.random.randn(Yrot.shape[0], Yrot.shape[1]) ipasa = (Xrot - x0)**2 + (Yrot - y0)**2 - (radius + sigma * random_part)**2 < 0 u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def ring_rough(self, r0, radius1, radius2, angle, sigma): """Ring with a rough edge Parameters: r0 (float,float): location of center radius1 (float): inner radius radius2 (float): outer radius angle (float): when radius are not equal, axis of ellipse sigma (float): std of roughness """ ring1 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) ring2 = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) ring1.circle_rough(r0, radius1, angle, sigma) ring2.circle_rough(r0, radius2, angle, sigma) # Al restar ring2.u-ring1.u se logra la transmitancia en el interior self.u = ring2.u - ring1.u
[docs] def fresnel_lens_rough(self, r0, radius, focal, angle, sigma): """Ring with a rough edge Parameters: r0 (float,float): location of center radius (float): maximum radius of mask focal (float): outer radius angle (float): when radius are not equal, axis of ellipse sigma (float): std of roughness """ lens = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) ring = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) R0 = sqrt(self.wavelength * focal) num_rings = int(round((radius / R0)**2)) radius_0 = sqrt(self.wavelength * focal * 4) / 2 ring.circle_rough(r0, radius_0, angle, sigma) lens.u = lens.u + ring.u for m in range(3, num_rings + 2, 2): inner_radius = sqrt((m - 1) * self.wavelength * focal) outer_radius = sqrt(m * self.wavelength * focal) ring.ring_rough(r0, inner_radius, outer_radius, angle=angle, sigma=sigma) lens.u = lens.u + ring.u self.u = lens.u
[docs] def super_ellipse(self, r0, radius, n=(2, 2), angle=0 * degrees): """Super_ellipse. Abs((Xrot - x0) / radiusx)^n1 + Abs()(Yrot - y0) / radiusy)=n2 Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of super_ellipse radius (float, float): radius of the super_ellipse n (float, float) = degrees of freedom of the next equation, n = (n1, n2) angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Note: n1 = n2 = 1: for a square n1 = n2 = 2: for a circle n1 = n2 = 0.5: for a superellipse References: Example: super_ellipse(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), radius=(250 * \ um, 125 * um), angle=0 * degrees) """ if isinstance(r0, (float, int)): x0, y0 = (r0, r0) else: x0, y0 = r0 if isinstance(n, (int, float)): nx, ny = (n, n) else: nx, ny = n assert nx > 0 and ny > 0 if isinstance(radius, (float, int)): radiusx, radiusy = (radius, radius) else: radiusx, radiusy = radius # Rotation of the super-ellipse Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) # Definition of transmittance u = np.zeros_like(self.X) ipasa = np.abs((Xrot) / radiusx)**nx + np.abs((Yrot) / radiusy)**ny < 1 u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def superformula(self, r0, radius, n, m, angle=0 * degrees): """superformula. Abs((Xrot - x0) / radiusx)^n1 + Abs()(Yrot - y0) / radiusy)=n2 Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of super_ellipse radius (float, float): radius of the super_ellipse n (float, float, float): n1, n2, n3 parameters m (float): num of petals angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Note: n1 = n2 = 1: for a square n1 = n2 = 2: for a circle n1 = n2 = 0.5: for a superellipse References: Gielis, J. "A Generic Geometric Transformation that Unifies a Wide Range of Natural and Abstract Shapes." Amer. J. Botany 90, 333-338, 2003. Example: superformula(r0=(0, 0), radius=(1.5 * mm, 1.5 * mm), n=(1, 1, 1), m=8, angle=0 * degrees) """ if isinstance(r0, (float, int)): x0, y0 = (r0, r0) else: x0, y0 = r0 n1, n2, n3 = n if isinstance(radius, (float, int)): radiusx, radiusy = (radius, radius) else: radiusx, radiusy = radius # Rotation of the super-ellipse Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) R = np.sqrt(Xrot**2 + Yrot**2) Theta = np.arctan2(Yrot, Xrot) # Definition of transmittance u = np.zeros_like(self.u) factor = max(radiusx, radiusy) term1 = np.abs(np.cos(0.25 * m * Theta) / (radiusx / factor))**n2 term2 = np.abs(np.sin(0.25 * m * Theta) / (radiusy / factor))**n3 r_theta = (term1 + term2)**(-1 / n1) * factor ipasa = R < r_theta u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def elliptical_phase(self, f1, f2, angle): """Elliptical phase Parameters: f1 (float): focal f1 f2 (float): focal f2 angle (float): angle """ k = 2 * pi / self.wavelength Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle) phase = k * (Xrot**2 / (2 * f1) + Yrot**2 / (2 * f2)) self.u = np.exp(1j * phase)
[docs] def sinusoidal_slit(self, size, x0, amplitude, phase, period, angle=0 * degrees): """ This function will create a sinusoidal wave-like slit. Parameters: x0 (float): center of slit size (float): size of slit amplitude (float, float): Phase between the wave-like borders of the slit. phase (float): Phase between the wave-like borders of the slit period (float): wavelength of the wave-like border of the slit angle (float): Angle to be rotated the sinusoidal slit Example: sinusoidal_slit(y0=(10 * um, -10 * um), amplitude=(10 * um, 20 * um), phase=0 * degrees, angle=0 * degrees, period=(50 * um, 35 * um)) """ if isinstance(amplitude, (int, float)): amplitude1, amplitude2 = (amplitude, amplitude) else: amplitude1, amplitude2 = amplitude if isinstance(period, (int, float)): period1, period2 = (period, period) else: period1, period2 = period assert amplitude1 > 0 and amplitude2 > 0 and period1 > 0 and period2 > 0 Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, 0)) u = np.zeros_like(self.X) X_sin1 = +size / 2 + amplitude1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * Yrot / period1) X_sin2 = -size / 2 + amplitude2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * Yrot / period2 + phase) ipasa_1 = (X_sin1 > Xrot) & (X_sin2 < Xrot) u[ipasa_1] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def crossed_slits(self, r0, slope, angle=0 * degrees): """This function will create a crossed slit mask. Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of the crossed slit slope (float, float): slope of the slit angle (float): Angle of rotation of the slit Example: crossed_slits(r0 = (-10 * um, 20 * um), slope = 2.5, angle = 30 * degrees) """ if isinstance(slope, (float, int)): slope_x, slope_y = (slope, slope) else: slope_x, slope_y = slope if isinstance(r0, (float, int)): x0, y0 = (r0, r0) else: x0, y0 = r0 # Rotation of the crossed slits Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) u = np.zeros_like(self.X) Y1 = slope_x * np.abs(Xrot) # + y0 Y2 = slope_y * np.abs(Xrot) # + y0 if (slope_x > 0) and (slope_y < 0): ipasa = (Yrot > Y1) | (Yrot < Y2) elif (slope_x < 0) and (slope_y > 0): ipasa = (Yrot < Y1) | (Yrot > Y2) elif (slope_x < 0) and (slope_y < 0): Y2 = -Y2 + 2 * y0 ipasa = (Yrot < Y1) | (Yrot > Y2) else: Y2 = -Y2 + 2 * y0 ipasa = (Yrot > Y1) | (Yrot < Y2) u[ipasa] = 1 self.u = u
[docs] def hermite_gauss_binary(self, r0, w0, n, m): """Binary phase mask to generate an Hermite Gauss beam. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x,y) position of source. w0 (float, float): width of the beam. n (int): order in x. m (int): order in y. Example: hermite_gauss_binary(r0=(0,0), w0=(100*um, 50*um), n=2, m=3) """ # Prepare space X = self.X - r0[0] Y = self.Y - r0[1] r2 = sqrt(2) wx, wy = w0 # Calculate amplitude E = eval_hermite(n, r2 * X / wx) * eval_hermite(m, r2 * Y / wy) phase = pi * (E > 0) self.u = exp(1j * phase)
[docs] def laguerre_gauss_binary(self, r0, w0, n, l): """Binary phase mask to generate an Hermite Gauss beam. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x,y) position of source. w0 (float, float): width of the beam. n (int): radial order. l (int): angular order. Example: laguerre_gauss_binary(r0=(0,0), w0=1*um, n=0, l=0) """ # Prepare space X = self.X - r0[0] Y = self.Y - r0[1] Ro2 = X**2 + Y**2 Th = np.arctan2(Y, X) # Calculate amplitude E = laguerre_polynomial_nk(2 * Ro2 / w0**2, n, l) phase = pi * (E > 0) self.u = exp(1j * (phase + l * Th))