Source code for diffractio.scalar_masks_XZ

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generates Scalar_mask_XZ class for definingn masks. Its parent is Scalar_field_XZ.

The main atributes are:
    * self.x - x positions of the field
    * self.z - z positions of the field
    * self.u - field XZ
    * self.n - refraction index XZ
    * self.wavelength - wavelength of the incident field. The field is monochromatic

The magnitude is related to microns: `micron = 1.`

*Class for unidimensional scalar masks*

    * extrude_mask, mask_from_function, mask_from_array, object_by_surfaces
    * image
    * semi_plane, layer, rectangle, slit, sphere, semi_sphere
    * wedge, prism, biprism
    * ronchi_grating, sine_grating
    * probe
    * lens_plane_convergent, lens_convergent, lens_plane_divergent, lens_divergent
    * roughness

from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numexpr as ne
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from . import degrees, np, plt, sp, um
from .scalar_fields_XZ import Scalar_field_XZ
from .scalar_masks_X import Scalar_mask_X
from .utils_math import nearest, nearest2
from .utils_optics import roughness_1D

[docs] class Scalar_mask_XZ(Scalar_field_XZ): """Class for working with XZ scalar masks. Parameters: x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n` . z (numpy.array): linear array wit equidistant positions for z values wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field n_background (float): refraction index of background info (str): String with info about the simulation Attributes: self.x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly :math:`2^n`. self.z (numpy.array): linear array wit equidistant positions for z values self.wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field. self.u0 (numpy.array): (x) size x - field at the last z position self.u (numpy.array): (x,z) complex field self.n_background (numpy.array): (x,z) refraction index (str): String with info about the simulation """ def __init__(self, x=None, z=None, wavelength=None, n_background=1, info=''): """inits a new experiment: x: numpy array with x locations z: numpy array with z locations wavelength: wavelength of light n_backgraound: refraction index of background info: text to describe the instance of the class""" super().__init__(x, z, wavelength, n_background, info) self.type = 'Scalar_mask_XZ'
[docs] def extrude_mask(self, t, z0, z1, refractive_index, v_globals={}, angle=0): """ Converts a Scalar_mask_X in volumetric between z0 and z1 by growing between these two planes Parameters: t (Scalar_mask_X): an amplitude mask of type Scalar_mask_X. z0 (float): initial position of mask z1 (float): final position of mask refractive_index (float, str): can be a number or a function n(x,z) """ iz0, value, distance = nearest(vector=self.z, number=z0) iz1, value, distance = nearest(vector=self.z, number=z1) if isinstance(refractive_index, (int, float, complex)): n_is_number = True # refractive_index = refractive_index * np.ones((iz1 - iz0)) else: n_is_number = False v_locals = {'self': self, 'sp': sp, 'degrees': degrees, 'um': um} tmp_refractive_index = refractive_index for i, index in enumerate(range(iz0, iz1)): if n_is_number is False: v_locals['z'] = self.z[index] v_locals['x'] = self.x refractive_index = eval(tmp_refractive_index, v_globals, v_locals) self.n = self.n.astype(complex) self.n[:, index] = (refractive_index * (1 - t.u)) self.n[:, index] = (self.n[:, index] + self.n_background * t.u)
# self.n = refractive_index
[docs] def mask_from_function(self, r0, refractive_index, f1, f2, z_sides, angle, v_globals={}): """ Phase mask defined between two surfaces f1 and f1: h(x,z)=f2(x,z)-f1(x,z) Parameters: r0 (float, float): location of the mask refractive_index (float, str): can be a number or a function n(x,z) f1 (str): function that delimits the first surface f2 (str): function that delimits the second surface z_sides (float, float): limiting upper and lower values in z, angle (float): angle of rotation (radians) v_globals (dict): dict with global variables """ v_locals = {'self': self, 'sp': sp, 'degrees': degrees, 'um': um} F2 = eval(f2, v_globals, v_locals) F1 = eval(f1, v_globals, v_locals) # Rotacion del square/rectangle Xrot, Zrot = self.__rotate__(angle, r0) # Transmitancia de los points interiores ipasa = (Xrot > z_sides[0]) & (Xrot < z_sides[1]) & (Zrot < F2) & (Zrot > F1) self.n[ipasa] = refractive_index return ipasa
[docs] def mask_from_array(self, r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), refractive_index=1.5, array1=None, array2=None, x_sides=None, angle=0 * degrees, v_globals={}, interp_kind='quadratic', has_draw=False): """Mask defined between two surfaces given by arrays (x,z): h(x,z)=f2(x,z)-f1(x,z). For the definion of f1 and f2 from arrays is performed an interpolation Parameters: r0 (float, float): location of the mask refractive_index (float, str): can be a number or a function n(x,z) array1 (numpy.array): array (x,z) that delimits the first surface array2 (numpy.array): array (x,z) that delimits the second surface x_sides (float, float): limiting upper and lower values in x, angle (float): angle of rotation (radians): TODO -> not working v_globals (dict): dict with global variables -> TODO perphaps it is not necessary interp_kind: 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic' """ x_c, z_c = r0 f1_interp = interp1d(array1[:, 0] + x_c, array1[:, 1] + z_c, kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=array1[0, 1] + z_c, assume_sorted=True) f2_interp = interp1d(array2[:, 0] + x_c, array2[:, 1] + z_c, kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=array2[0, 1] + z_c, assume_sorted=True) F1 = f1_interp(self.x) F2 = f2_interp(self.x) if has_draw is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(self.x, F1) plt.plot(self.x, F2, 'r') Xrot, Zrot = self.__rotate__(angle, r0) i_z1, _, _ = nearest2(self.z, F1) i_z2, _, _ = nearest2(self.z, F2) ipasa = np.zeros_like(self.n, dtype=bool) for i, xi in enumerate(self.x): # minor, mayor = min(i_z1[i], i_z2[i]), max(i_z1[i], i_z2[i]) # ipasa[i, minor:mayor] = True ipasa[i, i_z1[i]:i_z2[i]] = True if x_sides is None: self.n[ipasa] = refractive_index return ipasa else: ipasa2 = Xrot < x_sides[1] ipasa3 = Xrot > x_sides[0] self.n[ipasa * ipasa2 * ipasa3] = refractive_index return ipasa * ipasa2 * ipasa3
[docs] def mask_from_array_proposal(self, r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), refractive_index_substrate=1.5, refractive_index_mask=None, array1=None, array2=None, x_sides=None, angle=0 * degrees, v_globals={}, interp_kind='quadratic', has_draw=False): """Mask defined between two surfaces given by arrays (x,z): h(x,z)=f2(x,z)-f1(x,z). For the definion of f1 and f2 from arrays is performed an interpolation Parameters: r0 (float, float): location of the mask refractive_index_mask (float, str): can be a number or a function n(x,z) refractive_index_substrate (float, str): can be a number or a function n(x,z) array1 (numpy.array): array (x,z) that delimits the first surface array2 (numpy.array): array (x,z) that delimits the second surface x_sides (float, float): limiting upper and lower values in x, angle (float): angle of rotation (radians): TODO -> not working v_globals (dict): dict with global variables -> TODO perphaps it is not necessary interp_kind: 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic' """ x0, z0 = r0 f1_interp = interp1d(array1[:, 0] + x0, array1[:, 1] + z0, kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=array1[0, 1] + z0, assume_sorted=True) f2_interp = interp1d(array2[:, 0] + x0, array2[:, 1] + z0, kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=array2[0, 1] + z0, assume_sorted=True) F1 = f1_interp(self.x) F2 = f2_interp(self.x) if has_draw is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(self.x, F1) plt.plot(self.x, F2, 'r') Xrot, Zrot = self.__rotate__(angle, r0) i_z1, _, _ = nearest2(self.z, F1) i_z2, _, _ = nearest2(self.z, F2) ipasa = np.zeros_like(self.n, dtype=bool) for i, xi in enumerate(self.x): minor, mayor = min(i_z1[i], i_z2[i]), max(i_z1[i], i_z2[i]) ipasa[i, minor:mayor] = True if refractive_index_mask not in (None, '', []): ipasa_substrate = np.zeros_like(self.u) z_subst_0 = np.max(F1) z_subst_1 = np.min(F2) i_z1, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z_subst_0) i_z2, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z_subst_1) ipasa_substrate[:, i_z1:i_z2] = refractive_index_substrate if x_sides is None: self.n[ipasa] = refractive_index_mask if refractive_index_mask not in (None, '', []): ipasa_substrate[:, i_z1:i_z2] = refractive_index_substrate self.n[ipasa_substrate] = refractive_index_substrate return ipasa else: ipasa2 = Xrot < x_sides[1] ipasa3 = Xrot > x_sides[0] self.n[ipasa * ipasa2 * ipasa3] = refractive_index_mask self.n[ipasa_substrate] = refractive_index_substrate return ipasa * ipasa2 * ipasa3
[docs] def object_by_surfaces(self, rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}, verbose=False): """Mask defined by n surfaces given in array Fs={f1, f2, ....}. h(x,z)=f1(x,z)*f2(x,z)*....*fn(x,z) Parameters: rotation_point (float, float): location of the mask refractive_index (float, str): can be a number or a function n(x,z) Fs (list): condtions as str that will be computed using eval array1 (numpy.array): array (x,z) that delimits the second surface angle (float): angle of rotation (radians) v_globals (dict): dict with global variables -> TODO perphaps it is not necessary verbose (bool): shows data if true """ # Rotacion del square/rectangle Xrot, Zrot = self.__rotate__(angle, rotation_point) v_locals = { 'self': self, 'sp': sp, 'degrees': degrees, 'um': um, 'np': np } v_locals['Xrot'] = Xrot v_locals['Zrot'] = Zrot conditions = [] for fi in Fs: # result_condition = eval(fi, v_globals, v_locals) try: result_condition = ne.evaluate(fi, v_globals, v_locals) except: result_condition = eval(fi, v_globals, v_locals) conditions.append(result_condition) # Transmitancia de los puntos interiores ipasa = conditions[0] for cond in conditions: ipasa = ipasa & cond if verbose is True: print((" n = {}".format(refractive_index))) if isinstance(refractive_index, (int, float, complex)): self.n[ipasa] = refractive_index return ipasa else: v_locals = {'self': self, 'sp': sp, 'degrees': degrees, 'um': um} tmp_refractive_index = refractive_index v_locals['X'] = Xrot v_locals['Z'] = Zrot refractive_index = eval(tmp_refractive_index, v_globals, v_locals) self.n[ipasa] = refractive_index[ipasa] return ipasa
[docs] def add_surfaces(self, fx, x_sides, refractive_index, min_incr=0.1, angle=0 * degrees): """A topography fx is added to one of the faces of object u (self.n). Parameters: u (Scalar_mask_XZ): topography fx (numpy.array, numpy.array): [x1, fx1], [x2, fx2] array with topography to add x_sides (float, float): positions of edges refractive_index (float, str): refraction index: number of string min_incr (float): minimum variation of refraction index to detect edge. angle (float (float, float)): angle and optative rotation angle. """ z0 = self.z x0 = self.x len_x, len_z = self.n.shape # surface detection diff1a = np.diff(np.abs(self.n), axis=1) diff1a = np.append(diff1a, np.zeros((len_x, 1)), axis=1) # cada uno de los lados ix_l, iz_l = (diff1a > min_incr).nonzero() ix_r, iz_r = (diff1a < -min_incr).nonzero() x_lens_l = x0[ix_l] h_lens_l = z0[iz_l] x_lens_r = x0[ix_r] h_lens_r = z0[iz_r] fx1, fx2 = fx if fx1 is not None: x_1, h_1 = fx1 # primera superficie h_1_new = np.interp(x_lens_l, x_1, h_1) h_lens_l = h_lens_l + h_1_new if fx2 is not None: x_2, h_2 = fx2 # segunda superficie h_2_new = np.interp(x_lens_r, x_2, h_2) h_lens_r = h_lens_r + h_2_new len_z1 = len(x_lens_l) fx1_n = np.concatenate((x_lens_l, h_lens_l)).reshape(2, len_z1).T len_z2 = len(x_lens_r) fx2_n = np.concatenate((x_lens_r, h_lens_r)).reshape(2, len_z2).T perfil_previo = self.borders self.clear_refractive_index() self.mask_from_array(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), refractive_index=refractive_index, array1=fx1_n, array2=fx2_n, x_sides=x_sides, angle=0 * degrees, interp_kind='linear') self.surface_detection() # bordes nuevos perfil_nuevo = self.borders return perfil_previo, perfil_nuevo
[docs] def discretize_refractive_index(self, num_layers=None, n_layers=None, new_field=False): """Takes a refraction index an discretize it according refraction indexes. Args: num_layers ((int,int), optional): number of layers (for real and imaginary parts), without counting background. Defaults to None. By default, both parameters are None, but one of then must be filled. If both are present, num_layers is considered n_layers (np.array, optional): array with refraction indexes to discretize. Defaults to None. new_field (bool): If True, it generates a new field. Returns: (np.array): refraction indexes selected. """ def _discretize_(refractive_index, n_layers): n_new = np.zeros_like(refractive_index, dtype=float) i_n, _, _ = nearest2(n_layers, refractive_index) i_n = i_n.reshape(refractive_index.shape) for i, n in enumerate(n_layers): n_new[i_n == i] = n_layers[i] return n_new if num_layers is not None: if isinstance(num_layers, int): num_layers = (num_layers, 1) n_real = np.around(self.n.real, 4) kappa = np.around(self.n.imag, 4) if num_layers[0] is not None: if num_layers[0] > 1: repeated_values = np.unique(n_real) repeated_values = np.delete( repeated_values, np.where(repeated_values == self.n_background)) n_min, n_max = repeated_values.min(), repeated_values.max() n_layers = np.linspace(n_min, n_max, num_layers[0]) n_layers = np.append(n_layers, self.n_background) n_layers = np.unique(n_layers) n_new = _discretize_(n_real, n_layers) else: n_new = n_real else: n_new = n_real if num_layers[1] is not None: if num_layers[1] > 1: repeated_values = np.unique(kappa) k_min, k_max = repeated_values.min(), repeated_values.max() k_layers = np.linspace(k_min, k_max, num_layers[1]) k_layers = np.unique(k_layers) k_new = _discretize_(kappa, k_layers) else: k_new = np.zeros_like(kappa) k_new[kappa > kappa.max() / 2] = kappa.max() else: k_new = kappa if new_field is True: t_new = self.duplicate() t_new.u = np.zeros_like(t_new.u) t_new.n = n_new + 1j * k_new return t_new else: self.n = n_new + 1j * k_new
[docs] def image(self, filename, n_max, n_min, angle=0, invert=False): """Converts an image file in an xz-refraction index matrix. If the image is gray-scale the refraction index is gradual betwee n_min and n_max. If the image is color, we get the first Red frame Parameters: filename (str): filename of the image n_max (float): maximum refraction index n_min (float): minimum refraction index angle (float): angle to rotate the image in radians invert (bool): if True the image is inverted TODO: Now it is only possible that image size is equal to XZ, change using interpolation Rotation position """ image3D = mpimg.imread(filename) if len(image3D.shape) > 2: image = image3D[:, :, 0] else: image = image3D """ lengthImage = True if lengthImage is False: length = (len(xsampling), len(ysampling)) image = np.resize(image,length) if lengthImage is True: # length = im.size length = image.shape self.x = linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], length[0]) self.y = linspace(self.y[0], self.y[-1], length[1]) # self.X, self.Y = meshgrid(self.x, self.y) X, Y = meshgrid(self.x, self.y) """ # angle is in degrees image = ndimage.rotate(image, angle * 180 / np.pi, reshape=False) image = np.array(image) image = (image - image.min()) / (image.max() - image.min()) if invert is False: image = image.max() - image self.n = n_min + image * (n_max - n_min)
[docs] def dots(self, positions, refractive_index=1): """Generates 1 or several point masks at positions r0 Parameters: positions (float, float) or (np.array, np.array): (x,z) point or points where mask is 1 refractive_index (float): refraction index """ x0, z0 = positions n = np.zeros_like(self.X) if type(positions[0]) in (int, float): i_x0, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x0) i_z0, _, _ = nearest(self.z, z0) n[i_x0, i_z0] = refractive_index else: i_x0s, _, _ = nearest2(self.x, x0) i_z0s, _, _ = nearest2(self.z, z0) for (i_x0, i_z0) in zip(i_x0s, i_z0s): n[i_x0, i_z0] = refractive_index self.n = n return self
[docs] def semi_plane(self, r0, refractive_index, angle=0, rotation_point=None): """Inserts a semi-sphere in background (x>x0). If something else previous, it is removed. Parameters: r0=(x0,z0) (float,float): Location of the same plane. refractive_index (float, str): refraction index. angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 # DUDA cond1 = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) Fs = [cond1] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) return ipasa
[docs] def layer(self, r0, depth, refractive_index, angle, rotation_point=None): """ Insert a layer. If it is something else previous, it is removed. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the same plane, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) depth (float): depth of the layer refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 cond1 = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) cond2 = "Zrot<{}".format(z0 + depth) Fs = [cond1, cond2] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) return ipasa
[docs] def rectangle(self, r0, size, refractive_index, angle=0 * degrees, rotation_point=None): """ Insert a rectangle in background. Something previous, is removed. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) size (float, float): x,z size of the rectangle refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 if isinstance(size, (float, int, complex)): sizex, sizez = size, size else: sizex, sizez = size if isinstance(angle, (float, int, complex)): rotation_point = r0 else: angle, rotation_point = angle # Definicion del square/rectangle xmin = x0 - sizex / 2 xmax = x0 + sizex / 2 zmin = z0 - sizez / 2 zmax = z0 + sizez / 2 # Transmitancia de los points interiores cond1 = "Xrot<{}".format(xmax) cond2 = "Xrot>{}".format(xmin) cond3 = "Zrot<{}".format(zmax) cond4 = "Zrot>{}".format(zmin) Fs = [cond1, cond2, cond3, cond4] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={'np': np}) return ipasa
[docs] def slit(self, r0, aperture, depth, refractive_index, refractive_index_center='', angle=0, rotation_point=None): """ Insert a slit in background. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) aperture (float): length of the opened part of the slit depth (float): depth of the slit refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j refractive_index_center (float, str?): refraction index of center if refractive_index_center='', [], 0 then we copy what it was previously at aperture angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 n_back = deepcopy(self.n) cond1 = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) cond2 = "Zrot<{}".format(z0 + depth) cond3 = "Xrot<{}".format(x0 + aperture / 2) cond4 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0 - aperture / 2) Fs1 = [cond1, cond2] ipasa_slit = self.object_by_surfaces(r0, refractive_index, Fs1, angle, v_globals={}) Fs2 = [cond1, cond2, cond3, cond4] if refractive_index_center not in ('', [], 0): ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(r0, refractive_index_center, Fs2, angle, v_globals={}) elif refractive_index_center in ('', [], 0): ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(r0, 1, Fs2, angle, v_globals={}) self.n[ipasa] = n_back[ipasa] return ipasa_slit != ipasa
[docs] def sphere(self, r0, radius, refractive_index, angle=0, rotation_point=None): """ Insert a sphere in background. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) radius (float, float): radius x,y of the sphere (ellipsoid) refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radiusx, radiusz = (radius, radius) else: radiusx, radiusz = radius cond = "(Xrot - {})**2 / {}**2 + (Zrot- {})**2 / {}**2 < 1".format( x0, radiusx, z0, radiusz) Fs = [cond] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) return ipasa
[docs] def semi_sphere(self, r0, radius, refractive_index, angle=0, rotation_point=None): """ Insert a semi_sphere in background. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) radius (float, float): radius x,y of the sphere (ellipsoid) refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radiusx, radiusz = (radius, radius) else: radiusx, radiusz = radius cond1 = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) cond2 = "(Xrot - {})**2 / {}**2 + (Zrot- {})**2 / {}**2 < 1".format( x0, radiusx, z0, radiusz) Fs = [cond1, cond2] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) return ipasa
[docs] def lens_plane_convergent(self, r0, aperture, radius, thickness, refractive_index, angle=0, rotation_point=None, mask=0): """Insert a plane-convergent lens in background- Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) position of the center of lens, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) for plane-convergent z0 is the location of the plane for convergent-plane (angle =180*degrees) the thickness has to be added to z0 aperture (float): aperture of the lens. If it is 0, then it is not applied radius (float): radius of the curved surface thickness (float): thickness at the center of the lens refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians mask (array, str): (mask_depth, refractive_index) or False. It masks the field outer the lens using a slit with depth = mask_depth rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point Returns: (float): geometrical focal distance (numpy.array): ipasa, indexes [iz,ix] of lens """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 z_plane = z0 z_center_lens = z_plane + thickness - radius if mask is False: mask_depth = 0 mask_refractive_index = 1 - 0.1j else: mask_depth, mask_refractive_index = mask if aperture > 0: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<{}".format(x0 + aperture / 2) cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0 - aperture / 2) else: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<1e6" cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>-1e6" cond_plane = "Zrot>{}".format(z_plane) cond_radius = "(Xrot - {})**2 +(Zrot -{})**2 <{}**2".format( x0, z_center_lens, radius) Fs = [cond_aperture1, cond_aperture2, cond_plane, cond_radius] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) if mask_depth > 0: self.slit(r0=r0, aperture=aperture, depth=mask_depth, refractive_index=mask_refractive_index, refractive_index_center='', angle=angle, rotation_point=rotation_point) focus = radius / (refractive_index - 1) return focus, ipasa
[docs] def lens_convergent(self, r0, aperture, radius, thickness, refractive_index, angle=0, rotation_point=None, mask=0): """Inserts a convergent lens in background. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) position of the center of lens, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) for plane-convergent z0 is the location of the plane for convergent-plane (angle =180*degrees) the thickness has to be added to z0 aperture (float): aperture of the lens. If it is 0, then it is not applied radius (float, float): (radius1,radius2) radius of curvature (with sign) thickness (float): thickness at the center of the lens refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float): rotation point. mask (array, str): (mask_depth, refractive_index) or False. It masks the field outer the lens using a slit with depth = mask_depth Returns: (float): geometrical focal distance (numpy.array): ipasa, indexes [iz,ix] of lens """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 radius1, radius2 = radius z_center_lens1 = z0 + radius1 z_center_lens2 = z0 + radius2 + thickness # print(("z={},{}".format(z_center_lens1, z_center_lens2))) # print(("r={},{}".format(radius1, radius2))) if mask is False: mask_depth = 0 mask_refractive_index = 1 - 0.1j else: mask_depth, mask_refractive_index = mask if aperture > 0: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<{}".format(x0 + aperture / 2) cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0 - aperture / 2) else: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<1e6" cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>-1e6" cond_radius1 = "(Xrot - {})**2 +(Zrot -{})**2 <({})**2".format( x0, z_center_lens1, radius1) cond_radius2 = "(Xrot - {})**2 +(Zrot -{})**2 <({})**2".format( x0, z_center_lens2, -radius2) Fs = [cond_aperture1, cond_aperture2, cond_radius1, cond_radius2] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) if mask_depth > 0: self.slit(r0=r0, aperture=aperture, depth=mask_depth, refractive_index=mask_refractive_index, refractive_index_center='', angle=angle) focus_1 = (refractive_index - 1) * ( (1 / radius1 - 1 / radius2) - (refractive_index - 1) * thickness / (refractive_index * radius1 * radius2)) return 1 / focus_1, ipasa
[docs] def lens_plane_divergent(self, r0, aperture, radius, thickness, refractive_index, angle=0, rotation_point=None, mask=False): """Insert a plane-divergent lens in background. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) position of the center of lens, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) for plane-convergent z0 is the location of the plane for convergent-plane (angle =180*degrees) the thickness has to be added to z0 aperture (float): aperture of the lens. If it is 0, then it is not applied radius (float): radius of curvature (with sign) thickness (float): thickness at the center of the lens refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians mask (array, str): (mask_depth, refractive_index) or False. It masks the field outer the lens using a slit with depth = mask_depth Returns: (float): geometrical focal distance (numpy.array): ipasa, indexes [iz,ix] of lens """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 z_center_lens = z0 + thickness + radius if mask is False: mask_depth = 0 mask_refractive_index = 1 - 0.1j else: mask_depth, mask_refractive_index = mask if aperture > 0: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<{}".format(x0 + aperture / 2) cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0 - aperture / 2) else: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<1e6" cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>-1e6" cond_plane = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) cond_radius = "(Xrot - {})**2 +(Zrot -{})**2 >({})**2".format( x0, z_center_lens, radius) cond_right = "Zrot<{}".format(z_center_lens) Fs = [ cond_aperture1, cond_aperture2, cond_plane, cond_radius, cond_right ] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) if mask_depth > 0: self.slit(r0=r0, aperture=aperture, depth=mask_depth, refractive_index=mask_refractive_index, refractive_index_center='', angle=angle, rotation_point=rotation_point) focus = radius / (refractive_index - 1) return focus, ipasa
[docs] def lens_divergent(self, r0, aperture, radius, thickness, refractive_index, angle=0, rotation_point=None, mask=0): """Insert a divergent lens in background. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) position of the center of lens, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) for plane-convergent z0 is the location of the plane for convergent-plane (angle =180*degrees) the thickness has to be added to z0 aperture (float): aperture of the lens. If it is 0, then it is not applied radius (float, float): (radius1, radius2) radius of curvature (with sign) thickness (float): thickness at the center of the lens refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float): rotation point mask (array, str): (mask_depth, refractive_index) or False. It masks the field outer the lens using a slit with depth = mask_depth Returns: (float): geometrical focal distance (numpy.array): ipasa, indexes [iz,ix] of lens """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 radius1, radius2 = radius z_center_lens1 = z0 + radius1 z_center_lens2 = z0 + radius2 + thickness if mask is False: mask_depth = 0 mask_refractive_index = 1 - 0.1j else: mask_depth, mask_refractive_index = mask if aperture > 0: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<{}".format(x0 + aperture / 2) cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0 - aperture / 2) else: cond_aperture1 = "Xrot<1e6" cond_aperture2 = "Xrot>-1e6" cond_radius1 = "(Xrot - {})**2 +(Zrot -{})**2>({})**2".format( x0, z_center_lens1, radius1) cond_radius2 = "(Xrot - {})**2 +(Zrot -{})**2 >({})**2".format( x0, z_center_lens2, -radius2) cond_right = "Zrot>{}".format(z_center_lens1) cond_left = "Zrot<{}".format(z_center_lens2) Fs = [ cond_aperture1, cond_aperture2, cond_radius1, cond_radius2, cond_right, cond_left ] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) if mask_depth > 0: self.slit(r0=r0, aperture=aperture, depth=mask_depth, refractive_index=mask_refractive_index, refractive_index_center='', angle=angle, rotation_point=rotation_point) focus_1 = (refractive_index - 1) * ( (1 / radius1 - 1 / radius2) - (refractive_index - 1) * thickness / (refractive_index * radius1 * radius2)) return 1 / focus_1, ipasa
[docs] def aspheric_surface_z(self, r0, refractive_index, cx, Qx, a2, a3, a4, side, angle): """Define an aspheric surface Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) position of apex refractive_index (float, str): refraction index cx (float): curvature Qx (float): Conic constant side (str): 'left', 'right' Returns: numpy.array : Bool array with positions inside the surface """ x0, z0 = r0 if isinstance(angle, (float, int, complex)): rotation_point = r0 else: angle, rotation_point = angle if side == 'right': sign = '>' elif side == 'left': sign = '<' else: print("possible error in aspheric") params = dict(x0=x0, z0=z0, cx=cx, Qx=Qx, a2=a2, a3=a3, a4=a4, sign=sign) cond = "Zrot{sign}{z0}+{cx}*(Xrot-{x0})**2/(1+np.sqrt(1-(1+{Qx})*{cx}**2*(Xrot-{x0})**2+{a2}*(Xrot-{x0})**4+{a3}*(Xrot-{x0})**6)+{a4}*(Xrot-{x0})**8)".format( **params) Fs = [cond] v_globals = {'self': self, 'np': np, 'degrees': degrees} ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals=v_globals) return ipasa
[docs] def aspheric_lens(self, r0, angle, refractive_index, cx, Qx, depth, size, a2=(0, 0), a3=(0, 0), a4=(0, 0)): """Define an aspheric surface as defined in Gomez-Pedrero. Parameters: r0 (float, float): position x,z of lens angle (float): rotation angle of lens + r0_rot cx (float, float): curvature Qx (float, float): Conic constant depth (float, float): distance of the apex size (float): diameter of lens Returns: numpy.array : Bool array with positions inside the surface """ x0, z0 = r0 if isinstance(angle, (float, int, complex)): rotation_point = r0 else: angle, rotation_point = angle cx1, cx2 = cx Qx1, Qx2 = Qx a21, a22 = a2 a31, a32 = a3 a41, a42 = a4 side1, side2 = 'left', 'right' if side1 == 'right': sign1 = '<' else: sign1 = '>' if side2 == 'right': sign2 = '<' else: sign2 = '>' params = dict(cx1=cx1, Qx1=Qx1, cx2=cx2, Qx2=Qx2, x0=x0, a21=a21, a22=a22, a31=a31, a32=a32, a41=a41, a42=a42, d1=z0, d2=z0 + depth, sign1=sign1, sign2=sign2) cond1 = "Zrot{sign1}{d1}+{cx1}*(Xrot-{x0})**2/(1+np.sqrt(1-(1+{Qx1})*{cx1}**2*(Xrot-{x0})**2+{a21}*(Xrot-{x0})**4+{a31}*(Xrot-{x0})**6)+{a41}*(Xrot-{x0})**8)".format( **params) cond2 = "Zrot{sign2}{d2}+{cx2}*(Xrot-{x0})**2/(1+np.sqrt(1-(1+{Qx2})*{cx2}**2*(Xrot-{x0})**2+{a22}*(Xrot-{x0})**4+{a32}*(Xrot-{x0})**6)+{a42}*(Xrot-{x0})**8)".format( **params) cond3 = "(Xrot-{})<{}".format(x0, size / 2) cond4 = "(Xrot-{})>{}".format(x0, -size / 2) cond5 = "Zrot > {}".format(z0 - depth) cond6 = "Zrot < {}".format(z0 + depth) Fs = [cond1, cond2, cond3, cond4, cond5, cond6] v_globals = {'self': self, 'np': np, 'degrees': degrees} ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals=v_globals) return ipasa, Fs
[docs] def wedge(self, r0, length, refractive_index, angle_wedge, angle=0, rotation_point=None): """ Insert a wedge pointing towards the light beam Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) length (float): length of the long part (z direction) refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle_wedge (float), angle of the wedge in radians angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 cond1 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0) cond2 = "Zrot<({}+{})".format(z0, length) cond3 = "(Xrot-{})<{}*(Zrot-{})".format(x0, np.tan(angle_wedge), z0) Fs = [cond1, cond2, cond3] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) return ipasa
[docs] def prism(self, r0, length, refractive_index, angle_prism, angle=0, rotation_point=None): """Similar to wedge but the use is different. Also the angle is usually different. One of the sides is paralel to x=x0 Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) length (float): length of the long part (z direction) refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle_prism (float), angle of the prism in radians angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians rotation_point (float, float). Rotation point """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 cond1 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0) cond2 = "Zrot-({})>{}*(Xrot-{})".format(z0, np.tan(angle_prism / 2), x0) cond3 = "Zrot-({})<{}*(Xrot-{})".format( z0 + length, np.tan(np.pi - angle_prism / 2), x0) Fs = [cond1, cond2, cond3] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) return ipasa
[docs] def biprism(self, r0, length, height, refractive_index, angle=0): """Fresnel biprism. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) length (float): length of the long part (z direction) height (float): height of biprism refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians """ x0, z0 = r0 if isinstance(angle, (float, int, complex)): rotation_point = r0 else: angle, rotation_point = angle vuelta = 1 if vuelta == 1: cond1 = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) cond2 = "Zrot-({})<{}*(Xrot-{})".format(z0 + height, -2 * height / length, x0) cond3 = "Zrot-({})<{}*(Xrot-{})".format(z0 + height, 2 * height / length, x0) else: cond1 = "Zrot<{}".format(z0) cond2 = "Zrot-({})>{}*(Xrot-{})".format(z0 - height, -2 * height / length, x0) cond3 = "Zrot-({})>{}*(Xrot-{})".format(z0 - height, +2 * height / length, x0) Fs = [cond1, cond2, cond3] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals={}) return ipasa
[docs] def ronchi_grating(self, r0, period, fill_factor, length, height, Dx, refractive_index, heigth_substrate, refractive_index_substrate, angle): """Insert a ronchi grating in background. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) period (float): period of the grating fill_factor (float): [0,1], fill factor of the grating length (float): length of the grating height (float): height of the grating Dx (float): displacement of grating with respect x=0 refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j heigth_substrate (float): height of the substrate refractive_index_substrate (float, str): refraction index of substrate, 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians """ x0, z0 = r0 Xrot, Zrot = self.__rotate__(angle, r0) t0 = Scalar_mask_X(x=self.x, wavelength=self.wavelength) t0.ronchi_grating(x0=Dx, period=period, fill_factor=fill_factor) self.extrude_mask(t=t0, z0=z0 + heigth_substrate / 2, z1=z0 + heigth_substrate / 2 + height, refractive_index=refractive_index, angle=angle) if heigth_substrate > 0: self.rectangle(r0, (length, heigth_substrate), refractive_index_substrate, angle) self.slit(r0=(x0, z0 + heigth_substrate / 2), aperture=length, depth=height, refractive_index=self.n_background, refractive_index_center='', angle=angle)
[docs] def sine_grating(self, period, heigth_sine, heigth_substrate, r0, length, Dx, refractive_index, angle=0): """Insert a sine grating in background. Parameters: period (float): period of the grating fill_factor (float): [0,1], fill factor of the grating heigth_sine (float): height of the grating heigth_substrate (float): height of the substrate r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) Location of the rectangle, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) length (float): length of the grating Dx (float): displacement of grating with respect x=0 refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians """ x0, z0 = r0 Xrot, Zrot = self.__rotate__(angle, r0) c1 = Zrot < z0 + heigth_substrate - heigth_sine / 2 + heigth_sine / 2 * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * (Xrot - x0 - Dx) / period) c2 = Zrot > z0 conditionZ = c1 * c2 # no es sin, es square conditionX = (Xrot > x0 - length / 2) * (Xrot < x0 + length / 2) ipasa = conditionZ * conditionX self.n[ipasa] = refractive_index return ipasa
[docs] def probe(self, r0, base, length, refractive_index, angle): """Probe with a sinusoidal shape. Parameters: r0 (float, float): (x0,z0) position of the center of base, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) base (float): base of the probe length (float): length of the graprobeing Dx (float): displacement of grating with respect x=0 refractive_index (float, str): refraction index , for example: 1.5 + 1.0j angle (float): angle of rotation of the semi-plane, in radians """ x0, z0 = r0 if isinstance(angle, (float, int, complex)): rotation_point = r0 else: angle, rotation_point = angle cond1 = "Zrot<{}+{}/2*np.cos(2*np.pi*Xrot/{})".format( length - z0, length, base) cond2 = "Xrot<{}".format(x0 + base / 2) cond3 = "Xrot>{}".format(x0 - base / 2) cond4 = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) Fs = [cond1, cond2, cond3, cond4] v_globals = {'self': self, 'np': np, 'degrees': degrees, 'um': um} ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, angle, v_globals=v_globals) return ipasa
[docs] def rough_sheet(self, r0, size, t, s, refractive_index, angle, rotation_point=None): """Sheet with one of the surface rough. Parameters: r0 (float, float):(x0,z0) Location of sphere, for example (0 * um, 20 * um) size (float, float): (sizex, sizez) size of the sheet s (float): std roughness t (float): correlation length of roughness refractive_index (float, str): refraction index angle (float): angle rotation_point (float, float): rotation point Returns: (numpy.array): ipasa, indexes [iz,ix] of lens References: According to Ogilvy p.224 """ x0, z0 = r0 if rotation_point is None: rotation_point = r0 if isinstance(size, (float, int, complex)): sizex, sizez = size, size else: sizex, sizez = size k = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength xmin = x0 - sizex / 2 xmax = x0 + sizex / 2 # I do not want to touch the previous n_back = deepcopy(self.n) h_corr = roughness_1D(self.x, t, s) fx = h_corr / (k * (refractive_index - 1)) # heights cond1 = "Zrot>{}".format(z0) cond2 = "Xrot<{}".format(xmax) cond3 = "Xrot>{}".format(xmin) Fs = [cond1, cond2, cond3] ipasa = self.object_by_surfaces(rotation_point, refractive_index, Fs, 0, v_globals={}) i_z, _, _ = nearest2(self.z, z0 + sizez - fx) i_final = len(self.z) for i in range(len(self.x)): self.n[i, i_z[i]:i_final] = n_back[i, i_z[i]:i_final] if angle != 0: self.rotate_field(angle, rotation_point, n_background=self.n_background) return ipasa