Source code for diffractio.utils_drawing

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Functions for drawing """

import os

import matplotlib.animation as manimation
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from . import degrees, eps, mm
from .config import CONF_DRAWING
from .utils_optics import field_parameters

percentage_intensity = CONF_DRAWING['percentage_intensity']

[docs] def view_image(filename): """reproduces image Parameters: filename (str): filename """ if not filename == '' and filename is not None: mpimg.imread(filename)
[docs] def concatenate_drawings(kind1='png', kind2='png', nx=5, ny=3, geometria_x=256, geometria_y=256, raiz='fig4_nsensors_1', nombreFigura="figura2.png", directorio=""): listaArchivos = os.listdir(directorio) print(listaArchivos) texto_ficheros = "" for fichero in sorted(listaArchivos): if fichero[-3:] == kind1 and fichero[0:len(raiz)] == raiz: print(fichero) texto_ficheros = texto_ficheros + " " + directorio + fichero os.system("cd " + directorio) texto1 = "montage %s -tile %dx%d -geometry %d x %d -5-5 %s" % ( texto_ficheros, nx, ny, geometria_x, geometria_y, nombreFigura) print(texto1) os.system(texto1) print("Finished")
[docs] def draw2D( image, x, y, xlabel="$x (\mu m)$", ylabel="$y (\mu m)$", title="", color="YlGnBu", # YlGnBu seismic interpolation='nearest', # 'bilinear', 'nearest' scale='scaled', reduce_matrix='standard', range_scale='um', verbose=False): """makes a drawing of XY Parameters: image (numpy.array): image to draw x (numpy.array): positions x y (numpy.array): positions y xlabel (str): label for x ytlabel (str): label for y title (str): title color (str): color interpolation (str): 'bilinear', 'nearest' scale (str): kind of axis (None, 'equal', 'scaled', etc.) range_scale (str): 'um' o 'mm' verbose (bool): if True prints information Returns: id_fig: handle of figure IDax: handle of axis IDimage: handle of image """ if reduce_matrix in (None, '', []): pass elif reduce_matrix == 'standard': num_x = len(x) num_y = len(y) reduction_x = int(num_x / 500) reduction_y = int(num_y / 500) if reduction_x == 0: reduction_x = 1 if reduction_y == 0: reduction_y = 1 image = image[::reduction_x, ::reduction_y] else: image = image[::reduce_matrix[0], ::reduce_matrix[1]] if verbose is True: print(("image size {}".format(image.shape))) id_fig = plt.figure() IDax = id_fig.add_subplot(111) if range_scale == 'um': extension = (x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]) else: extension = (x[0] / mm, x[-1] / mm, y[0] / mm, y[-1] / mm) xlabel = "x (mm)" ylabel = "y (mm)" IDimage = plt.imshow(image, interpolation=interpolation, aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.suptitle(title) plt.axis(extension) if scale not in ('', None, []): plt.axis(scale) IDimage.set_cmap(color) plt.tight_layout() return id_fig, IDax, IDimage
# def draw3D(image, x, y, xlabel="", ylabel="", color="YlGnBu"): # X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # mlab.figure(fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) # mlab.mesh(X, Y, image, colormap=color) # mlab.xlabel(xlabel) # mlab.ylabel(ylabel) # # mlab.view(.0, -5.0, 4)
[docs] def draw_several_fields(fields, titles='', title='', figsize='', kinds='', logarithm=False, normalize=False): """Draws several fields in subplots Parameters: fields (list): list with several scalar_fields_XY titles (list): list with titles title (str): suptitle kinds (list): list with kinds of figures (amplitude', 'intensity', 'phase', 'real_field', 'contour') logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 """ orden = [[1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1], [2, 2], [3, 2], [3, 2]] length = [(10, 8), (10, 5), (11, 5), (9, 7), (12, 9), (12, 9)] num_dibujos = len(fields) fil = orden[num_dibujos - 1][0] col = orden[num_dibujos - 1][1] if figsize == '': figsize = length[num_dibujos - 1] id_fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') num_dibujos = len(fields) percentage_intensity = CONF_DRAWING['percentage_intensity'] if type(logarithm) in (int, float, bool): logarithm = logarithm * np.ones(len(fields)) for i in sorted(range(num_dibujos)): c = fields[i] id_fig.add_subplot(col, fil, i + 1) extension = [c.x.min(), c.x.max(), c.y.min(), c.y.max()] amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(c.u, has_amplitude_sign=True) if kinds == '': image = intensity colormap = CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity'] kind = 'intensity' else: kind = kinds[i] if kind == 'intensity': image = intensity colormap = CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity'] elif kind == 'phase': phase = phase / degrees phase[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 colormap = CONF_DRAWING['color_phase'] image = phase elif kind == 'amplitude': image = amplitude colormap = CONF_DRAWING['color_amplitude'] elif kind == 'real': percentage_intensity = CONF_DRAWING['percentage_intensity'] rf = np.real(c.u) intensity = np.abs(c.u)**2 rf[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 image = np.real(c.u) colormap = CONF_DRAWING['color_real'] if logarithm[i] != 0 and kind in ('intensity', 'amplitude', 'real'): image = np.log(logarithm[i] * image + 1) if normalize == 'maximum' and kind in ('intensity', 'amplitude', 'real'): image = image / image.max() plt.imshow(image, interpolation='bilinear', aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension) plt.set_cmap(colormap) if titles != '': plt.title(titles[i], fontsize=24) plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=26) plt.axis('scaled') plt.axis(extension) plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.046) if kind == 'phase': plt.clim(-180, 180)
[docs] def change_image_size(image_name, length='800x600', final_filename='prueba.png', dpi=100): """change the size with imageMagick Parameters: image_name (str): name of file length (str): size of image final_filename (str): final filename dpi (int): dpi Examples: convert image_name -resize '1000' -units 300 final_filename.png - anchura 1000 - mantiene forma convert image_name -resize 'x200' final_filename.png - height 200 - mantiene forma convert image_name -resize '100x200>' final_filename.png - mantiene forma, lo que sea mayor convert image_name -resize '100x200<' final_filename.png - mantiene forma, lo que sea menor convert image_name -resize '@1000000' final_filename.png - mantiene la forma, con 1Mpixel convert image_name -resize '100x200!' final_filename.png - obliga a tener el tamaƱo, no mantiene escala """ texto = "convert {} -resize {} {}".format(image_name, length, final_filename) print(texto) os.system(texto)
[docs] def extract_image_from_video(nombre_video=None, num_frame="[0, ]", final_filename='prueba.png'): """Extract images form a video using imageMagick. convert 'animacion.avi[15,]' animacion_frame.png. Extracts frame 15 (ony 15) convert 'animacion.avi[15]' animacion_frame.png. Extracts the first 15 convert 'animacion.avi[5,10]' animacion_frame.png. Extracts frame 5 and 10 """ texto = "convert '%s%s' %s" % (nombre_video, num_frame, final_filename) print(texto) os.system(texto)
[docs] def normalize_draw(u, logarithm=0, normalize=False, cut_value=None): """ Gets a field and changes its caracteristics for drawing Parameters: u (field): field logarithm (float): logarithm to image: np.log(logarithm*u + 1) normalize (str or bool): False, 'mean', 'intensity' """ u = np.real(u) # u[u < 0] = 0 if logarithm > 0: u = np.log(logarithm * u + 1) if normalize is False: pass elif normalize == 'maximum': u = u / (np.abs(u).max() + eps) elif normalize == 'mean': u = u / u.mean() if cut_value not in ([], '', 0, None): u[u > cut_value] = cut_value return u
[docs] def prepare_drawing(u, kind='intensity', logarithm=False, normalize=False): """It is necessary that figure is previously defined: plt.figure() Parameters: u - field kind - 'intensity', 'amplitude', 'phase' logarithm - True or False normalize: False, 'maximum', 'intensity', 'area' Returns: returns (numpy.array): I_drawing for direct plotting """ amplitude, intensity, phase = field_parameters(u) if kind == 'intensity': I_drawing = intensity I_drawing = normalize_draw(I_drawing, logarithm, normalize) # plt.title('Intensity') elif kind == 'amplitude': I_drawing = amplitude I_drawing = normalize_draw(I_drawing, logarithm, normalize) # plt.title('Amplitude') elif kind == 'phase': I_drawing = phase # plt.title('phase') else: print("bad kind parameter") return None return I_drawing
[docs] def prepare_video(fps=15, title='', artist='', comment=''): FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] # ffmpeg mencoder metadata = dict(title=title, artist='artist', comment='comment') writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=fps, metadata=metadata) return writer
[docs] def make_video_from_file(self, files, filename=''): print("Start", files) if not (filename) == '': print('Making movie animation.mpg - this make take a while') texto = "mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf kind=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o " + filename # texto = "mencoder 'mf://home/_tmp*.png' -mf kind=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o " + filename os.system(texto) # os.system("convert _tmp*.png animation2.gif") # este sale muy grande # esto podria hacer mas pequeno convert -geometry 400 -loop 5 animation2.gif animation3.gif # cleanup print(files) for fname in files: os.remove(fname) print("exit", files)
[docs] def reduce_matrix_size(reduce_matrix, x, y, image, verbose=False): """Reduces the size of matrix for drawing purposes. If the matrix is very big, the drawing process is slow. Parameters: reduce_matrix (str or (int, int)): if str: 'standard', if (int, int) reduction_factor. x (np.array): array with x. y (np.array): array with y or z image (np.array): image to reduce the size. verbose (bool): if True, prints info Returns: (np.array): reduced image """ image_ini = image.shape if reduce_matrix in (None, '', []): pass elif reduce_matrix == 'standard': num_x = len(x) num_y = len(y) reduction_x = int(num_x / 500) reduction_y = int(num_y / 500) if reduction_x > 2 and reduction_y > 2: image = image[::reduction_x, ::reduction_y] # print("reduction = {}, {}".format(reduction_x, reduction_y)) else: pass else: image = image[::reduce_matrix[0], ::reduce_matrix[1]] if verbose: print(("reduce_matrix_size: size ini = {}, size_final = {}".format( image_ini, image.shape))) return image