Source code for diffractio.utils_math

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Common functions to classes """

from copy import deepcopy
from math import factorial
import numpy as np

from numpy import (array, exp, ones_like, pi, linspace, tile, angle, zeros)

import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from scipy.ndimage import rank_filter

from . import mm

[docs] def nextpow2(x): """Exponent of next higher power of 2. It returns the exponents for the smallest powers of two that satisfy $2^p≥A$ for each element in A. By convention, nextpow2(0) returns zero. Parameters: x (float): value Returns: integer: Exponent of next higher power of 2 """ y = np.ceil(np.log2(x)) if type(x) is np.ndarray: y[y == -np.inf] = 0 return y else: if y == -np.inf: y = 0 return int(y)
# def Bluestein_dft_x(x, f1, f2, fs, mout): # """Bluestein dft # Parameters: # x (_type_): _description_ # f1 (_type_): _description_ # f2 (_type_): _description_ # fs (_type_): _description_ # mout (_type_): _description_ # Reference: # - Hu, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, X., Ji, S., Zhang, C., Li, J., Zhu, W., Wu, D., Chu, J. (2020). "Efficient full-path optical calculation of scalar and vector diffraction using the Bluestein method". Light: Science and Applications, 9(1). # """ # m = len(x) # f11 = f1 + (mout * fs + f2 - f1) / (2 * mout) # f22 = f2 + (mout * fs + f2 - f1) / (2 * mout) # a = exp(1j * 2 * pi * f11 / fs) # w = exp(-1j * 2 * pi * (f22 - f11) / (mout * fs)) # h = np.arange(-m + 1, max(mout, m)) # mp = m + mout - 1 # h = w**((h**2) / 2) # ft = fft(1 / h[0:mp + 1], 2**nextpow2(mp)) # b = a**(-(np.arange(0, m))) * h[np.arange(m - 1, 2 * m - 1)] # tmp = b.T # b = fft(x * tmp, 2**nextpow2(mp), axis=0) # b = ifft(b * ft.T, axis=0) # b = b[m:mp + 1].T * h[m - 1:mp] # l = linspace(0, mout - 1, mout) # l = l / mout * (f22 - f11) + f11 # Mshift = -m / 2 # Mshift = exp(-1j * 2 * pi * l * (Mshift + 1 / 2) / fs) # b = b * Mshift # return b
[docs] def Bluestein_dft_x(x, f1, f2, fs, mout): """Bluestein dft Parameters: x (_type_): _description_ f1 (_type_): _description_ f2 (_type_): _description_ fs (_type_): _description_ mout (_type_): _description_ Reference: - Hu, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, X., Ji, S., Zhang, C., Li, J., Zhu, W., Wu, D., Chu, J. (2020). "Efficient full-path optical calculation of scalar and vector diffraction using the Bluestein method". Light: Science and Applications, 9(1). """ # print("mout = {}".format(mout)) m = len(x) # print("m (len(x)) = {}".format(m)) f11 = f1 + (mout * fs + f2 - f1) / (2 * mout) f22 = f2 + (mout * fs + f2 - f1) / (2 * mout) a = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f11 / fs) w = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * (f22 - f11) / (mout * fs)) h = np.arange(-m + 1, max(mout, m)) mp = m + mout - 1 h = w**((h**2) / 2) ft = fft(1 / h[0:mp + 1], 2**nextpow2(mp)) b = a**(-(np.arange(0, m))) * h[np.arange(m - 1, 2 * m - 1)] tmp = b.T b = fft(x * tmp, 2**nextpow2(mp), axis=0) b = ifft(b * ft.T, axis=0) # b = b[m:mp + 1].T * h[m - 1:mp] # Nuevo: # print("b = {}".format(b)) if mout > 1: b = b[m:mp + 1].T * h[m - 1:mp] else: b = b[0] * h[0] l = np.linspace(0, mout - 1, mout) l = l / mout * (f22 - f11) + f11 # print("b = {}".format(b)) # print("l = {}".format(l)) Mshift = -m / 2 Mshift = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * l * (Mshift + 1 / 2) / fs) # print("Mshift = {}".format(Mshift)) b = b * Mshift return b
[docs] def Bluestein_dft_xy(x, f1, f2, fs, mout): """Bluestein dft Parameters: x (_type_): _description_ f1 (_type_): _description_ f2 (_type_): _description_ fs (_type_): _description_ mout (_type_): _description_ """ verbose = False m, n = x.shape f11 = f1 + (mout * fs + f2 - f1) / (2 * mout) f22 = f2 + (mout * fs + f2 - f1) / (2 * mout) a = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f11 / fs) w = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * (f22 - f11) / (mout * fs)) h = np.arange(-m + 1, max(mout, m)) mp = m + mout - 1 h = w**((h**2) / 2) ft = fft(1 / h[0:mp + 1], 2**nextpow2(mp)) b = a**(-(np.arange(0, m))) * h[np.arange(m - 1, 2 * m - 1)] tmp = np.tile(b, (n, 1)).T b = fft(x * tmp, 2**nextpow2(mp), axis=0) b = ifft(b * np.tile(ft, (n, 1)).T, axis=0) if verbose: print("b = {}".format(b)) if mout > 1: b = b[m:mp + 1, 0:n].T * np.tile(h[m - 1:mp], (n, 1)) else: b = b[0] * h[0] l = np.linspace(0, mout - 1, mout) l = l / mout * (f22 - f11) + f11 if verbose: print("b = {}".format(b)) print("l = {}".format(l)) Mshift = -m / 2 Mshift = np.tile(np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * l * (Mshift + 1 / 2) / fs), (n, 1)) b = b * Mshift return b
[docs] def find_local_extrema(kind, y, x, pixels_interpolation=0, pixels_filter=0): """Determine local minima in a numpy array. Args: kind (str): 'maxima', 'minima' y (numpy.ndarray): variable with local minima. x (numpy.ndarray): x position Returns: (numpy.ndarray): i positions of local minima. Todo: Add a filter to remove noise. """ if pixels_filter == 0: pass else: pass if kind == 'minima': y_erode = rank_filter(y, -0, size=3) Trues = y_erode == y elif kind == 'maxima': y_dilate = rank_filter(y, -1, size=3) Trues = y_dilate == y else: print("bad parameter in find_local_extrema: only 'maxima or 'minima'") i_pos_integer = np.where(Trues == True)[0] i_pos_integer = i_pos_integer[0:-1] x_minima = x[i_pos_integer] y_minima = y[i_pos_integer] if pixels_interpolation == 0 or pixels_interpolation == None: x_minima_frac = x_minima y_minima_frac = y_minima else: x_minima_frac = np.zeros_like(x_minima, dtype=float) y_minima_frac = np.zeros_like(x_minima, dtype=float) for i_j, j in enumerate(i_pos_integer): # print(j, i_j) js = np.array( np.arange(j - pixels_interpolation, j + pixels_interpolation + 1)) # print(js) p_j = np.polyfit(x[js], y[js], 2) y_minima_interp = np.poly1d(p_j) # print(p_j) x_minima_frac[i_j] = -p_j[1] / (2 * p_j[0]) # print(y_minima_frac[i_j]) y_minima_frac[i_j] = y_minima_interp(x_minima_frac[i_j]) return x_minima_frac, y_minima_frac, i_pos_integer
[docs] def reduce_to_1(class_diffractio): """All the values greater than 1 pass to 1. This is used for Scalar_masks when we add two masks. Parameters: class (class): Scalar_field_X, XY ,.... """ class_diffractio.u[np.abs(class_diffractio.u > 1)] = 1 return class_diffractio
[docs] def distance(x1, x2): """Compute distance between two vectors. Parameters: x1 (numpy.array): vector 1 x2 (numpy.array): vector 2 Returns: (float): distance between vectors. """ if len(x1) != len(x2): raise Exception('distance: arrays with different number of elements') else: return np.linalg.norm(x2 - x1)
[docs] def nearest(vector, number): """Computes the nearest element in vector to number. Parameters: vector (numpy.array): array with numbers number (float): number to determine position Returns: (int): index - index of vector which is closest to number. (float): value - value of vector[index]. (float): distance - difference between number and chosen element. """ indexes = np.abs(vector - number).argmin() values = vector.flat[indexes] distances = values - number return indexes, values, distances
[docs] def nearest2(vector, numbers): """Computes the nearest element in vector to numbers. Parameters: vector (numpy.array): array with numbers number (numpy.array): numbers to determine position Returns: (numpy.array): index - indexes of vector which is closest to number. (numpy.array): value - values of vector[indexes]. (numpy.array): distance - difference between numbers and chosen elements. """ indexes = np.abs(np.subtract.outer(vector, numbers)).argmin(0) values = vector[indexes] distances = values - numbers return indexes, values, distances
[docs] def find_extrema(array2D, x, y, kind='max', verbose=False): """In a 2D-array, formed by vectors x, and y, the maxima or minima are found Parameters: array2D (np. array 2D): 2D array with variable x (np.array 1D): 1D array with x axis y (np.array 1D): 1D array with y axis kind (str): 'min' or 'max': detects minima or maxima verbose (bool): If True prints data. Returns: indexes (int,int): indexes of the position xy_ext (float, float): position of maximum extrema (float): value of maximum """ if kind == 'max': result = np.where(array2D == np.amax(array2D)) elif kind == 'min': result = np.where(array2D == np.min(array2D)) listOfCordinates = list(zip(result[1], result[0])) num_extrema = len(listOfCordinates) indexes = np.zeros((num_extrema, 2), dtype=int) xy_ext = np.zeros((num_extrema, 2)) extrema = np.zeros((num_extrema)) for i, cord in enumerate(listOfCordinates): indexes[i, :] = cord[0], cord[1] xy_ext[i, 0] = x[cord[0]] xy_ext[i, 1] = y[cord[1]] extrema[i] = array2D[cord[1], cord[0]] if verbose is True: for cord in listOfCordinates: print(cord, x[cord[0]], y[cord[1]], array2D[cord[1], cord[0]]) return indexes, xy_ext, extrema
[docs] def ndgrid(*args, **kwargs): """n-dimensional gridding like Matlab's NDGRID. Parameters: The input *args are an arbitrary number of numerical sequences, e.g. lists, arrays, or tuples. The i-th dimension of the i-th output argument has copies of the i-th input argument. Example: >>> x, y, z = [0, 1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8] >>> X, Y, Z = ndgrid(x, y, z) # unpacking the returned ndarray into X, Y, Z Each of X, Y, Z has shape [len(v) for v in x, y, z]. >>> X.shape == Y.shape == Z.shape == (2, 3, 4) True >>> X array([[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]]) >>> Y array([[[2, 2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4, 4]], [[2, 2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4, 4]]]) >>> Z array([[[5, 6, 7, 8], [5, 6, 7, 8], [5, 6, 7, 8]], [[5, 6, 7, 8], [5, 6, 7, 8], [5, 6, 7, 8]]]) With an unpacked argument list: >>> V = [[0, 1], [2, 3, 4]] >>> ndgrid(*V) # an array of two arrays with shape (2, 3) array([[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], [[2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4]]]) For input vectors of different data kinds, same_dtype=False makes ndgrid() return a list of arrays with the respective dtype. >>> ndgrid([0, 1], [1.0, 1.1, 1.2], same_dtype=False) [array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), array([[ 1. , 1.1, 1.2], [ 1. , 1.1, 1.2]])] Default is to return a single array. >>> ndgrid([0, 1], [1.0, 1.1, 1.2]) array([[[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 1. , 1. , 1. ]], [[ 1. , 1.1, 1.2], [ 1. , 1.1, 1.2]]]) """ same_dtype = kwargs.get("same_dtype", True) V = [array(v) for v in args] # ensure all input vectors are arrays shape = [len(v) for v in args] # common shape of the outputs result = [] for i, v in enumerate(V): # reshape v so it can broadcast to the common shape # zero = zeros(shape, dtype=v.dtype) thisshape = ones_like(shape) thisshape[i] = shape[i] result.append(zero + v.reshape(thisshape)) if same_dtype: return array(result) # converts to a common dtype else: return result # keeps separate dtype for each output
[docs] def get_amplitude(u, sign=False): """Gets the amplitude of the field. Parameters: u (numpy.array): Field. sign (bool): If True, sign is kept, else, it is removed Returns: (numpy.array): numpy.array """ amplitude = np.abs(u) if sign is True: phase = np.angle(u) amplitude = np.sign(phase) * amplitude return amplitude
[docs] def get_phase(u): """Gets the phase of the field. Parameters: u (numpy.array): Field. Returns: (numpy.array): numpy.array """ phase = np.exp(1j * np.angle(u)) return phase
[docs] def amplitude2phase(u): """Passes the amplitude of a complex field to phase. Previous phase is removed. :math:`u = A e^{i \phi} -> e^(i abs(A))` Parameters: u (numpy.array, dtype=complex): complex field Returns: (numpy.array): only-phase complex vector. """ amplitude = np.abs(u) u_phase = np.exp(1.j * amplitude) return u_phase
[docs] def phase2amplitude(u): """Passes the phase of a complex field to amplitude. Parameters: u (numpy.array, dtype=complex): complex field Returns: (numpy.array): amplitude without phase complex vector. """ phase = np.angle(u) u_amplitud = phase return u_amplitud
[docs] def normalize(v, order=2): """Normalize vectors with different L norm (standard is 2). Parameters: v (numpy.array): vector to normalize order (int): order for norm Returns: (numpy.array): normalized vector. """ norm = np.linalg.norm(v, ord=order) if norm == 0: raise ValueError('normalize: norm = 0.') return v / norm
[docs] def binarize(vector, min_value=0, max_value=1): """Binarizes vector between two levels, min and max. The central value is (min_value+max_value)/2 Parameters: vector: (numpy.array) array with values to binarize min_value (float): minimum value for binarization max_value (float): maximum value for binarization Returns: (numpy.array): binarized vector. """ central_value = (min_value + max_value) / 2 vector2 = deepcopy(vector) vector2[vector2 <= central_value] = min_value vector2[vector2 > central_value] = max_value return vector2
[docs] def discretize(u, kind='amplitude', num_levels=2, factor=1, phase0=0, new_field=True, matrix=False): """Discretize in a number of levels equal to num_levels. Parameters: kind (str): "amplitude" o "phase" num_levels (int): number of levels for the discretization factor (float): from the level, how area is binarized. if 1 everything is binarized, phase0 (float): * new_field (bool): if True returns new field matrix (bool): if True it returs a matrix Returns: scalar_fields_XY: if new_field is True returns scalar_fields_XY """ if kind == 'amplitude': heights = np.linspace(0, 1, num_levels) posX = 256 / num_levels amplitude = get_amplitude(u) phase = get_phase(u) discretized_image = amplitude dist = factor * posX for i in range(num_levels): centro = posX / 2 + i * posX abajo = amplitude * 256 > centro - dist / 2 arriba = amplitude * 256 <= centro + dist / 2 Trues = abajo * arriba discretized_image[Trues] = centro / 256 fieldDiscretizado = discretized_image * phase if kind == 'phase': ang = angle(get_phase(u)) + phase0 + pi ang = ang % (2 * pi) amplitude = get_amplitude(u) heights = linspace(0, 2 * pi, num_levels + 1) dist = factor * (heights[1] - heights[0]) discretized_image = exp(1j * (ang)) for i in range(num_levels + 1): centro = heights[i] abajo = (ang) > (centro - dist / 2) arriba = (ang) <= (centro + dist / 2) Trues = abajo * arriba discretized_image[Trues] = exp(1j * centro) # - pi Trues = (ang) > (centro + dist / 2) discretized_image[Trues] = exp(1j * heights[0]) # - pi # esto no haría falta, pero es para tener tantos levels # como decimos, no n+1 (-pi,pi) phase = angle(discretized_image) / pi phase[phase == 1] = -1 phase = phase - phase.min() # esto lo he puesto a última hora discretized_image = exp(1j * pi * phase) fieldDiscretizado = amplitude * discretized_image return fieldDiscretizado
[docs] def delta_kronecker(a, b): """Delta kronecker Parameters: a (np.float): number b (np.float): number Returns: 1 if a==b and 0 if a<>b """ if a == b: return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def vector_product(A, B): """Returns the vector product between two vectors. Parameters: A (numpy.array): 3x1 vector array. B (numpy.array): 3x1 vector array. Returns: (numpy.array): 3x1 vector product array """ Cx = A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1] Cy = A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2] Cz = A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0] return np.array((Cx, Cy, Cz))
[docs] def dot_product(A, B): """Returns the dot product between two vectors. Parameters: A (numpy.array): 3x1 vector array. B (numpy.array): 3x1 vector array. Returns: (complex): 3x1 dot product """ return A[0] * B[0] + A[1] * B[1] + A[2] * B[2]
[docs] def divergence(E, r): """Returns the divergence of a field a given point (x0,y0,z0). Parameters: E (numpy.array): complex field r (numpy.array): 3x1 array with position r=(x,y,z). Returns: (float): Divergence of the field at (x0,y0,z0) """ x0, y0, z0 = r dEx, dEy, dEz = np.gradient(E, x0[1] - x0[0], y0[1] - y0[0], z0[1] - z0[0]) return dEx + dEy + dEz
[docs] def curl(E, r): """Returns the Curl of a field a given point (x0,y0,z0) Parameters: E (numpy.array): complex field r (numpy.array): 3x1 array with position r=(x,y,z). Returns: (numpy.array): Curl of the field at (x0,y0,z0) """ x0, y0, z0 = r dEx, dEy, dEz = np.gradient(E, x0[1] - x0[0], y0[1] - y0[0], z0[1] - z0[0]) componenteX = E[2] * dEy - E[1] * dEz componenteY = E[0] * dEz - E[2] * dEx componenteZ = E[1] * dEx - E[0] * dEy return [componenteX, componenteY, componenteZ]
[docs] def get_edges(x, f, kind_transition='amplitude', min_step=0, verbose=False, filename=''): """We have a binary mask and we obtain locations of edges. valid for litography engraving of gratings Parameters: x (float): position x f (numpy.array): Field. If real function, use 'amplitude' in kind_transition. kind_transition (str):'amplitude' 'phase' of the field where to get the transitions. min_step (float): minimum step for consider a transition verbose (bool): If True prints information about the process. filename (str): If not '', saves the data on files. filename is the file name. Returns: type_transition (numpy.array): array with +1, -1 with rasing or falling edges pos_transition (numpy.array): positions x of transitions raising (numpy.array): positions of raising falling (numpy.array): positions of falling """ incr_x = x[1] - x[0] if kind_transition == 'amplitude': t = np.abs(f) elif kind_transition == 'phase': t = np.angle(f) diferencias = np.diff(t) t = np.concatenate((diferencias, np.array([0.]))) raising = x[t > min_step] + .5 * incr_x falling = x[t < -min_step] + .5 * incr_x ones_raising = np.ones_like(raising) ones_falling = -np.ones_like(raising) pos_transitions = np.concatenate((raising, falling)) type_transitions = np.concatenate((ones_raising, ones_falling)) i_pos = np.argsort(pos_transitions) pos_transitions = pos_transitions[i_pos] type_transitions = type_transitions[i_pos] if verbose is True: print("position of transitions:") print("_______________________") print(np.array([pos_transitions, type_transitions]).T) print("\n\n") print("raising falling:") print("_______________________") print(np.array([raising, falling]).T) if not filename == '': np.savetxt("{}_pos_transitions.txt".format(filename), pos_transitions, fmt='%10.6f') np.savetxt("{}_type_transitions.txt".format(filename), type_transitions, fmt='%10.6f') np.savetxt("{}_raising.txt".format(filename), raising, fmt='%10.6f') np.savetxt("{}_falling.txt".format(filename), falling, fmt='%10.6f') return pos_transitions, type_transitions, raising, falling
[docs] def cut_function(x, y, length, x_center=''): """ takes values of function inside (x_center+length/2: x_center+length/2) """ if x_center in ('', None, []): x_center = (x[0] + x[-1]) / 2 incr = length / 2 left = x_center - incr right = x_center + incr i_min, _, _ = nearest(x, left) i_max, _, _ = nearest(x, right) y[0:i_min] = 0 y[i_max::] = 0 y[-1] = y[-2] return y
[docs] def fft_convolution2d(x, y): """ 2D convolution, using FFT Parameters: x (numpy.array): array 1 to convolve y (numpy.array): array 2 to convolve Returns: convolved function """ return fftconvolve(x, y, mode='same')
[docs] def fft_convolution1d(x, y): """ 1D convolution, using FFT Parameters: x (numpy.array): array 1 to convolve y (numpy.array): array 2 to convolve Returns: convolved function """ return fftconvolve(x, y, mode='same')
[docs] def fft_filter(x, y, normalize=False): """ 1D convolution, using FFT Parameters: x (numpy.array): array 1 to convolve y (numpy.array): array 2 to convolve Returns: convolved function """ y = y / y.sum() return fftconvolve(x, y, mode='same') / fftconvolve( x, np.ones_like(y) / sum(y), mode='same')
[docs] def fft_correlation1d(x, y): """ 1D correlation, using FFT (fftconvolve) Parameters: x (numpy.array): array 1 to convolve y (numpy.array): array 2 to convolve Returns: numpy.array: correlation function """ return fftconvolve(x, y[::-1], mode='same')
[docs] def fft_correlation2d(x, y): """Parameters: x (numpy.array): array 1 to convolve y (numpy.array): array 2 to convolve Returns: numpy.array: 2d correlation function """ return fftconvolve(x, y[::-1, ::-1], mode='same')
[docs] def rotate_image(x, z, img, angle, pivot_point): """similar to rotate image, but not from the center but from the given Parameters: img (np.array): image to rotate angle (float): angle to rotate pivot_point (float, float): (z,x) position for rotation Returns: rotated image Reference: point """ # first get (i,j) pixel of rotation ipivotz, _, _ = nearest(z, pivot_point[0]) ipivotx, _, _ = nearest(x, pivot_point[1]) ipivot = [ipivotx, ipivotz] # rotates padX = [img.shape[1] - ipivot[0], ipivot[0]] padZ = [img.shape[0] - ipivot[1], ipivot[1]] imgP = np.pad(img, [padZ, padX], 'constant') imgR = ndimage.rotate(imgP, angle, reshape=False) return imgR[padZ[0]:-padZ[1], padX[0]:-padX[1]]
[docs] def cart2pol(x, y): """ cartesian to polar coordinate transformation. Parameters: x (np.array): x coordinate y (np.aray): y coordinate Returns: numpy.array: rho numpy.array: phi """ rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) return rho, phi
[docs] def pol2cart(rho, phi): """ polar to cartesian coordinate transformation Parameters: rho (np.array): rho coordinate rho (np.aray): rho coordinate Returns: numpy.array: x numpy.array: y """ x = rho * np.cos(phi) y = rho * np.sin(phi) return (x, y)
[docs] def fZernike(X, Y, n, m, radius=5 * mm): """Zernike function for aberration computation. Note: k>=l if k is even then l is even. if k is odd then l is odd. The first polinomial is the real part ant the second de imaginary part. * n m aberración * 0 0 piston * 1 -1 vertical tilt * 1 1 horizontal tilt * 2 -2 astigmatismo oblicuo * 2 0 desenfoque miopía si c>0 o desenfoque hipermetropía si c<0 * 2 2 astigmatismo anormal si c>0 o astigmatismo normal si c<0 * 3 -3 trebol oblicuo * 3 -1 coma vertical, c>0 empinamiento superior, c<0 emp. inferior * 3 1 como horizontal * 3 3 trebol horizontal * 4 -4 trebol de cuatro hojas oblicuo * 4 -2 astigmatismo secundario oblicuo * 4 0 esférica c>0 periferia más miópica que centro, c<0 periferia más hipertrópica que el centro * 4 2 astigmatismo secundario a favor o en contra de la regla * 4 4 trebol de cuatro hojas horizontal Reference: R. Navarro, J. Arines, R. Rivera "Direct and inverse discrete Zernike transform" Opt. Express 17(26) 24269 """ R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) / (radius) THETA = np.arctan2(X, Y) N = np.sqrt((n + 1) * (2 - delta_kronecker(m, 0))) Z = zeros(R.shape, dtype=float) s_max = int(((n - abs(m)) / 2 + 1)) for s in np.arange(0, s_max): Z = Z + (-1)**s * R**(n - 2 * s) * factorial(abs(n - s)) / ( factorial(abs(s)) * factorial(abs(round(0.5 * (n + abs(m)) - s))) * factorial(abs(round(0.5 * (n - abs(m)) - s)))) if m >= 0: fz1 = N * Z * np.cos(m * THETA) else: fz1 = N * Z * np.sin(np.abs(m) * THETA) fz1[R >= 1] = 0 return fz1
[docs] def laguerre_polynomial_nk(x, n=4, k=5): """Auxiliar laguerre polinomial of orders n and k function y = LaguerreGen(varargin) LaguerreGen calculates the utilsized Laguerre polynomial L{n, alpha} This function computes the utilsized Laguerre polynomial L{n,alpha}. If no alpha is supplied, alpha is set to zero and this function calculates the "normal" Laguerre polynomial. Parameters: - n = nonnegative integer as degree level - alpha >= -1 real number (input is optional) The output is formated as a polynomial vector of degree (n+1) corresponding to MatLab norms (that is the highest coefficient is the first element). Example: - polyval(LaguerreGen(n, alpha), x) evaluates L{n, alpha}(x) - roots(LaguerreGen(n, alpha)) calculates roots of L{n, alpha} Calculation is done recursively using matrix operations for very fast execution time. Author: Date: 16.08.2007 Version 1.2 References: Szeg: "Orthogonal Polynomials" 1958, formula (5.1.10) """ f = factorial summation = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=float) for m in range(n + 1): summation = summation + (-1)**m * f(n + k) / (f(n - m) * f(k + m) * f(m)) * x**m return summation
[docs] def get_k(x, flavour='-'): """provides k vector from x vector. With flavour set to "-", the axis will be inverse-fftshifted, thus its DC part being the first index. Parameters: x (np.array): x array flavour (str): '-' (for ifftshifted axis) Returns: kx (np.array): k vector Fixed by Bob-Swinkels """ num_x = x.size integerFrom = int( np.floor((1-num_x) / 2 ) ) integerTo = int( np.floor((num_x-1) / 2) ) intRange = np.linspace(integerFrom, integerTo, num_x) # ordered k axis, DC is at int(np.floor(num_x/2)) if flavour == '-': intRange = np.fft.ifftshift(intRange) # leading zero (DC) frequency dx = x[1] - x[0] dk = 2 * np.pi / (num_x * dx) return dk * intRange
[docs] def get_k_deprecated(x, flavour='-'): """provides k vector from x vector. Two flavours are provided (ordered + or disordered - ) Parameters: x (np.array): x array flavour (str): '+' or '-' Returns: kx (np.array): k vector Todo: Check """ num_x = x.size if flavour == '-': size_x = x[-1] - x[0] kx1 = np.linspace(0, num_x / 2 + 1, int(num_x / 2)) kx2 = np.linspace(-num_x / 2, -1, int(num_x / 2)) kx = (2 * np.pi / size_x) * np.concatenate((kx1, kx2)) elif flavour == '+': dx = x[1] - x[0] kx = 2 * np.pi / (num_x * dx) * (range(-int(num_x / 2), int( num_x / 2))) return kx
[docs] def filter_edge_1D(x, size=1.1, exponent=32): """function 1 at center and reduced at borders. For propagation algorithms Parameters: x (np.array): position size (float): related to relative position of x exponent (integer): related to shape of edges Returns: np.array: function for filtering """ # num_x = len(x) x_center = (x[-1] + x[0]) / 2 Dx = size * (x[-1] - x[0]) return np.exp(-(2 * (x - x_center) / (Dx))**np.abs(exponent))
[docs] def filter_edge_2D(x, y, size=1.1, exponent=32): """function 1 at center and reduced at borders. For propagation algorithms Parameters: x (np.array): x position y (np.array): y position size (float): related to relative position of x and y exponent (integer): related to shape of edges Returns: np.array: function for filtering """ # num_x = len(x) x_center = (x[-1] + x[0]) / 2 y_center = (y[-1] + y[0]) / 2 Dx = size * (x[-1] - x[0]) Dy = size * (y[-1] - y[0]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) exp1 = np.exp(-(2 * (X - x_center) / (Dx))**np.abs(exponent)) exp2 = np.exp(-(2 * (Y - y_center) / (Dy))**np.abs(exponent)) return exp1 * exp2