Source code for diffractio.utils_optics

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" General purpose optics functions """

import pandas as pd
from numpy import (angle, arcsin, cos, exp, imag, meshgrid, pi, real, sign,
                   sin, sqrt, unwrap)

from . import degrees, np, plt
from .utils_math import (fft_convolution1d, fft_convolution2d, find_extrema,
                         ndgrid, nearest)

[docs] def roughness_1D(x, t, s, kind='normal'): """Rough surface, 1D Parameters: x (numpy.array): array with x positions t (float): correlation lens s (float): std of roughness kind (str): 'normal', 'uniform' Returns: (numpy.array) Topography of roughnness in microns. References: JA Oglivy "Theory of wave scattering from random surfaces" Adam Hilger p.224. """ width = x[-1] - x[0] dx = x[1] - x[0] # Surface parameters L_ancho = width / (2 * dx) M = round(4 * t / (np.sqrt(2) * dx)) N_ancho = int(np.floor(L_ancho + M)) desp_ancho = np.arange(-M, M + 1) desp_ancho = desp_ancho * dx pesos = np.exp(-2 * (desp_ancho**2 / t**2)) pesos = np.abs(pesos / np.sqrt((pesos**2).sum())) if kind == 'normal': h_no_corr = s * np.random.randn(2 * N_ancho + 1) h_corr = fft_convolution1d(h_no_corr, pesos) h_corr = h_corr[0:len(x)] elif kind == 'uniform': h_corr = s * (np.random.rand(len(x)) - 0.5) return h_corr
[docs] def roughness_2D(x, y, t, s): """Rough surface, 2D Parameters: x (numpy.array): x positions y (numpy.array): y positions t (float, float): (tx, ty), correlation length of roughness s (float): std of heights Returns: (numpy.array) Topography of roughnness in microns. Example: roughness(t=(50 * um, 25 * um), s=1 * um) References: JA Oglivy "Theory of wave scattering from random surfaces" Adam Hilger p.224. """ if isinstance(t, (float, int, complex)): t = (t, t) tx, ty = t width = x[-1] - x[0] largo = y[-1] - y[0] dx = x[1] - x[0] dy = y[1] - y[0] L_ancho = width / (2 * dx) L_largo = largo / (2 * dy) Mx = round(4 * tx / (sqrt(2) * dx)) My = round(4 * ty / (sqrt(2) * dy)) N_ancho = int(np.floor(L_ancho + Mx)) N_largo = int(np.floor(L_largo + My)) desp_ancho, desp_largo = meshgrid(np.arange(-Mx, Mx + 1), np.arange(-My, My + 1)) desp_ancho = desp_ancho * dx desp_largo = desp_largo * dy pesos = exp(-2 * (desp_ancho**2 / tx**2 + desp_largo**2 / ty**2)) pesos = np.abs(pesos / sqrt((pesos**2).sum())) h_no_corr = s * np.random.randn(2 * N_ancho + 1, 2 * N_largo + 1) h_corr = fft_convolution2d(h_no_corr, pesos) h_corr = h_corr[0:len(x), 0:len(y)] return h_corr
[docs] def beam_width_1D(u, x, remove_background=None): """One dimensional beam width, according to D4σ or second moment width. Parameters: u (np.array): field (not intensity). x (np.array): x Returns: (float): width (float): x_mean References: """ intensity = np.abs(u)**4 if remove_background is True: intensity = intensity - intensity - min() P = (intensity).sum() x_mean = (intensity * x).sum() / P x2_mean = (intensity * (x - x_mean)**2).sum() / P width_x = 4 * sqrt(x2_mean) return width_x, x_mean
[docs] def width_percentage(x, y, percentage=0.5, verbose=False): """ beam width (2*sigma) given at a certain height from maximum Parameters: x (np.array): x y (np.array): y percentage (float): percentage of height. For example: 0.5 Returns: (float): width, width of at given % (list): x_list: (x[i_left], x[i_max], x[i_right]) (list): x_list: (i_left, i_max, i_right) Notes: y=np.exp(-x**2/(s**2)) percentage=1/e -> width = 2*s y=np.exp(-x**2/(s**2)) percentage=1/e**4 -> width = 4*s y=np.exp(-x**2/(2*s**2)) percentage=1/e**2 = -> width = 4*s """ maximum = y.max() level = percentage * maximum i_max = np.argmax(y) if i_max == 0: i_left = 0 print("beam width out of range") else: i_left, _, _ = nearest(y[0:i_max], level) if i_max == len(y) - 1: i_right = len(y) - 1 print("beam width out of range") else: i_right, _, _ = nearest(y[i_max:-1], level) i_right = i_right + i_max if verbose is True: print(i_left, i_max, i_right) width = x[i_right] - x[i_left] x_list = (x[i_left], x[i_max], x[i_right]) i_list = (i_left, i_max, i_right) return width, x_list, i_list
[docs] def beam_width_2D(x, y, intensity, remove_background=False, has_draw=False): """2D beam width, ISO11146 width Parameters: x (np.array): 1d x y (np.array): 1d y intensity (np.array): intensity Returns: (float): dx width x (float): dy width y (float): principal_axis, angle (str): (x_mean, y_mean, x2_mean, y2_mean, xy_mean), Moments References: * * """ X, Y = ndgrid(x, y) if remove_background is True: intensity = intensity - intensity - min() P = intensity.sum() x_mean = (intensity * X).sum() / P y_mean = (intensity * Y).sum() / P x2_mean = (intensity * (X - x_mean)**2).sum() / P y2_mean = (intensity * (Y - y_mean)**2).sum() / P xy_mean = (intensity * (X - x_mean) * (Y - y_mean)).sum() / P # gamma = (x2_mean - y2_mean) / np.abs(x2_mean - y2_mean + 1e-16) gamma = np.sign(x2_mean - y2_mean + 0.0000000001) rt = sqrt((x2_mean - y2_mean)**2 + 4 * xy_mean**2) dx = 2 * sqrt(2) * sqrt(x2_mean + y2_mean + gamma * rt) dy = 2 * sqrt(2) * sqrt(x2_mean + y2_mean - gamma * rt) # print(gamma) # print(rt) # print(x2_mean, y2_mean, rt, dx, dy) principal_axis = 0.5 * np.arctan2(2 * xy_mean, x2_mean - y2_mean) if has_draw is True: from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse from .scalar_fields_XY import Scalar_field_XY u0 = Scalar_field_XY(x, y, 1) u0.u = np.sqrt(intensity) u0.draw() ellipse = Ellipse(xy=(x_mean, y_mean), width=dy, height=dx, angle=-principal_axis / degrees) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_artist(ellipse) ellipse.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) ellipse.set_alpha(0.75) ellipse.set_facecolor('none') ellipse.set_edgecolor([1, 1, 1]) ellipse.set_linewidth(3) return dx, dy, principal_axis, (x_mean, y_mean, x2_mean, y2_mean, xy_mean)
[docs] def refractive_index(filename, wavelength, raw=False, has_draw=True): """gets refraction index from . * Files has to be converted to xlsx format. * n and k checks has to be activated. Parameters: filename (str): xlsx file wavelength (float): wavelength in microns, example, 0.6328. raw (bool): if True returns all the data in file. has_draw (bool): draw the data from the file Returns: if raw is False (float, float): n, k from each wavelength if raw is True (np.array, np.array): n,k for wavelengths in file """ data = pd.read_excel(filename) wavelengths = data['Wavelength, µm'].values.astype(float) n = data['n'].values.astype(float) kappa = data['k'].values.astype(float) if has_draw is True: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.set_xlabel('wavelengths (nm)') ax1.plot(wavelengths, n, 'r', label='n') ax1.set_ylabel('n', color='r') ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(wavelengths, kappa, 'b', label=r'$\kappa$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\kappa$', color='b') ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b') fig.tight_layout() fig.legend() if raw is True: return wavelengths, n, kappa else: z_n = np.polyfit(wavelengths, n, 6) z_kappa = np.polyfit(wavelengths, kappa, 6) f_n = np.poly1d(z_n) f_kappa = np.poly1d(z_kappa) return f_n(wavelength), f_kappa(wavelength)
[docs] def FWHM1D(x, intensity, percentage=0.5, remove_background=None, has_draw=False): """FWHM1D remove_background = 'min', 'mean', None""" if remove_background == 'mean': I_background = intensity.mean() elif remove_background == 'min': I_background = intensity.min() else: I_background = 0 intensity = intensity - I_background if type(remove_background) is float: intensity[intensity < remove_background * intensity.max()] = 0 delta_x = x[1] - x[0] amp_max = intensity.max() amp_med = amp_max * percentage i_max = np.where(intensity == amp_max) i_max = int(i_max[0][0]) left = intensity[0:i_max] right = intensity[i_max::] i_left, _, distance_left = nearest(left, percentage * amp_max) slope_left = (intensity[i_left + 1] - intensity[i_left]) / delta_x i_right, _, distance_right = nearest(right, percentage * amp_max) slope_right = (intensity[i_max + i_right] - intensity[i_max + i_right - 1]) / delta_x i_right = i_right + i_max x_right = i_right * delta_x - distance_right / slope_right x_left = i_left * delta_x - distance_left / slope_left FWHM_x = x_right - x_left amp_max = amp_max + I_background amp_med = amp_med + I_background intensity = intensity + I_background if has_draw is True: if remove_background is True: intensity = intensity + intensity.min() plt.figure() plt.plot(x, intensity, 'k', lw=2) plt.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [amp_max, amp_max], 'r--') plt.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [amp_med, amp_med], 'r--') plt.plot(x[i_max], intensity[i_max], 'ro', ms=8) plt.plot(x[int(i_right)], intensity[int(i_left)], 'ro', ms=8) plt.plot(x[int(i_left)], intensity[int(i_right)], 'ro', ms=8) plt.ylim(ymin=0) plt.xlim(x[0], x[-1]) return np.squeeze(FWHM_x)
[docs] def FWHM2D(x, y, intensity, percentage=0.5, remove_background='None', has_draw=False, xlim=None): """TODO: perform profiles at several angles and fit to a ellipse. Get dx, dy, angle, x_center, y_center""" # Ix = intensity.mean(axis=0) # Iy = intensity.mean(axis=1) i_pos, _, I_max = find_extrema(intensity.transpose(), x, y, kind='max') Ix = intensity[:, i_pos[0, 1]] Iy = intensity[i_pos[0, 0], :] # print(x.shape, Iy.shape) FWHM_x = FWHM1D(x, Ix, percentage, remove_background, has_draw=has_draw) if has_draw is True: if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) # print(y.shape, Iy.shape) FWHM_y = FWHM1D(y, Iy, percentage, remove_background, has_draw=has_draw) if has_draw is True: if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) return FWHM_x, FWHM_y
[docs] def DOF(z, widths, w_factor=np.sqrt(2), w_fixed=0, has_draw=False, verbose=False): """Determines Depth-of_focus (DOF) in terms of the width at different distances Parameters: z (np.array): z positions widths (np.array): width at positions z w_factor (float): range to determine z where w = w_factor * w0, being w0 the beam waist w_fixed (float): If it is not 0, then it is used as w_min has_draw (bool): if True draws the depth of focus verbose (bool): if True, prints data References: B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of photonics. john Wiley & sons, 2nd ed. 2007. Eqs (3.1-18) (3.1-22) page 79 Returns: (float): Depth of focus (float): beam waist (float, float, float): postions (z_min, z_0, z_max) of the depth of focus """ if w_fixed == 0: beam_waist = widths.min() i_w0 = np.where(widths == beam_waist) i_w0 = int(i_w0[0][0]) else: beam_waist = w_fixed i_w0, _, _ = nearest(widths, beam_waist) left = widths[0:i_w0] right = widths[i_w0::] i_left, _, distance_left = nearest(left, w_factor * beam_waist) i_right, _, distance_right = nearest(right, w_factor * beam_waist) z_rayleigh = z[i_right + i_w0] - z[i_left] if verbose: print(i_w0, widths[i_w0]) print(z_rayleigh) print(widths[i_right + i_w0], z[i_right + i_w0]) print(widths[i_left], z[i_left]) if has_draw: plt.figure() plt.plot(z, widths, 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(z, -widths, 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(z, np.zeros_like(z), 'k-.', lw=2) plt.plot([z[i_left], z[i_left]], [-widths[i_left], widths[i_left]], 'r--') plt.plot([z[i_right + i_w0], z[i_right + i_w0]], [-widths[i_right + i_w0], widths[i_right + i_w0]], 'r--') plt.annotate(text='', xy=(z[i_left], -widths[i_right + i_w0]), xytext=(z[i_right + i_w0], -widths[i_right + i_w0]), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<->')) plt.text(z[i_w0], -widths.mean(), '$z_{R}$', fontsize=18) plt.xlim(z[0], z[-1]) plt.ylim(-widths.max(), widths.max()) return z_rayleigh, beam_waist, np.array( [z[i_left], z[i_w0], z[i_right + i_w0]])
[docs] def detect_intensity_range(x, intensity, percentage=0.95, has_draw=True, logarithm=True): """Determines positions x_min, x_max where intensity of the beam is percentage Parameters: x (np.array): x positions intensity (np.array): Intensity of the 1D beam percentage (float): value 0-1 representing the percentage of intensity between area has_draw (bool): if True draws the field an the range logarithm (bool): when has_draw, draws logarithm or normal intensity Returns: (float, float): positions (x_min, right) where intensity beam is enclosed at %. """ I_cum = intensity.cumsum() pc = percentage + (1 - percentage) / 2 Icum_min = (1 - pc) * I_cum.max() Icum_max = I_cum.max() * pc I_min = intensity.min() I_max = intensity.max() i_min, _, _ = nearest(I_cum, Icum_min) i_max, _, _ = nearest(I_cum, Icum_max) x_min = x[i_min] x_max = x[i_max] if has_draw is True: _, ax = plt.subplots() if logarithm is True: I2 = np.log(intensity + 1) I_min2 = np.log(I_min + 1) I_max2 = np.log(I_max + 1) I2 = I2 / I2.max() I_max2 = I_max2 / I_max2.max() else: I2 = intensity I_min2 = I_min I_max2 = I_max ax.plot(x, I2, c='r', alpha=1, lw=4) x_bordes = [x_min, x_max, x_max, x_min, x_min] y_bordes = [I_min2, I_min2, I_max2, I_max2, I_min2] ax.fill(x_bordes, y_bordes, c='r', alpha=0.25) return x_min, x_max
[docs] def MTF_ideal(frequencies, wavelength, diameter, focal, kind, verbose=False, has_draw=False): """Determines the ideal MTF of a lens. References: Parameters: frequencies (numpy.array): array with frequencies in *lines/mm* wavelength (float): wavelength of incoming light beam diameter (float): diameter of lens focal (float): focal distance of lens kind (float): '1D', '2D' verbose (bool): if True displays limit frequency of the lens Returns: (numpy.array) MTF: Normalized MTF of ideal lens (float) frequency_max: maximum frequency of the lens """ F_number = focal / diameter frequency_max = 1000. / (wavelength * F_number) # porque mido en micras fx_norm = np.abs(frequencies / frequency_max) if kind == '1D': MTF = 1 - np.abs(fx_norm) MTF[fx_norm > 1] = 0 elif kind == '2D': fx2 = np.arccos(fx_norm) MTF = np.real(2 / np.pi * (fx2 - np.cos(fx2) * np.sin(fx2))) # otra definición: # MTF = np.real(2/np.pi*(np.arccos(fx_norm)-fx_norm*np.sqrt(1-fx_norm**2))) # isH1 = MTF > 1 # MTF[isH1] = 2 - MTF[isH1] if verbose is True: print("frecuencia de bin_level = {:4.2f} lineas/mm".format( frequency_max)) if has_draw is True: plt.figure() plt.plot(frequencies, MTF, 'k') plt.xlabel("$f_x (mm^{-1})$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("MTF", fontsize=18) return MTF, frequency_max
[docs] def lines_mm_2_cycles_degree(lines_mm, focal): """Pasa líneas por mm a cyclos/grado, más tipico de ojo Infor saca estos cálculos 181022 Parameters: lines_mm (numpy.array or float): lines_per_mm focal (float): focal of lens """ frec_cycles_deg = 180 * focal * lines_mm / np.pi return frec_cycles_deg
[docs] def MTF_parameters(MTF, MTF_ideal, lines_mm=50, verbose=False): """MTF parameters: strehl_ratio, mtf_50_ratio, freq_50_real, freq_50_ideal References: frequencies of mtf ar given since both MTF can have different steps MTF: Parameters: MTF (N,2 numpy.array): (freq, MTF) of system in lines/mm MTF_ideal (M,2 numpy.array): (freq, MTF) of ideal system in lines/mm lines_mm (float): (0-1) Height of MTF for ratios Returns: (float): strehl_ratio (float): MTF_ratio at freq_obs height (float): frequency at freq_obs of MTF (float): frequency at freq_obs of MTF_ideal """ fx_real, mtf_real = MTF fx_ideal, mtf_ideal = MTF_ideal i_0_real, _, _ = nearest(fx_real, 0) i_0_ideal, _, _ = nearest(fx_ideal, 0) dx_real = fx_real[1] - fx_real[0] dx_ideal = fx_ideal[1] - fx_ideal[0] mtf_real = mtf_real[i_0_real::] mtf_ideal = mtf_ideal[i_0_ideal::] fx_real = fx_real[i_0_real::] fx_ideal = fx_ideal[i_0_ideal::] # STREHL RATIO strehl_ratio = (mtf_real.sum() * dx_real) / (mtf_ideal.sum() * dx_ideal) # MTF at 50 (u other) lines/mm imenor_ideal, _, _ = nearest(fx_ideal, lines_mm) imenor_real, _, _ = nearest(fx_real, lines_mm) freq_50_ideal = np.abs(mtf_ideal[imenor_ideal]) freq_50_real = np.abs(mtf_real[imenor_real]) mtf_50_ratio = freq_50_real / freq_50_ideal if verbose is True: print(" MTF Parameters:") print("- Strehl_ratio = {:2.2f}".format(strehl_ratio)) print("- MTF_ratio @ {:2.2f} = {:2.2f}".format( lines_mm, mtf_50_ratio)) print("- freq @ {:2.2f} real (lines/mm) = {:2.2f}".format( lines_mm, freq_50_real)) print("- freq @ {:2.2f} ideal (lines/mm) = {:2.2f}".format( lines_mm, freq_50_ideal)) return strehl_ratio, mtf_50_ratio, freq_50_real, freq_50_ideal
[docs] def gauss_spectrum(wavelengths, w_central, Dw, normalize=True): """ returns weigths for a gaussian spectrum Parameters: wavelengths: array with wavelengths w_central: central wavelength Dw: width of the spectrum normalize: if True sum of weights is 1 """ weigths = exp(-(wavelengths - w_central)**2 / (2 * Dw**2)) if normalize is True: weights = weigths / weigths.sum() return weights
[docs] def lorentz_spectrum(wavelengths, w_central, Dw, normalize=True): """ returns weigths for a gaussian spectrum Parameters: wavelengths: array with wavelengths w_central: central wavelength Dw: width of the spectrum normalize: if True sum of weights is 1 """ weigths = 1 / (1 + ((wavelengths - w_central) / (Dw / 2))**2) if normalize is True: weights = weigths / weigths.sum() return weights
[docs] def uniform_spectrum(wavelengths, normalize=True): """ returns weigths for a gaussian spectrum Parameters: wavelengths: array with wavelengths w_central: central wavelength Dw: width of the spectrum normalize: if True sum of weights is 1 """ weigths = np.ones_like(wavelengths, dtype=float) if normalize is True: weights = weigths / weigths.sum() return weights
[docs] def normalize_field(self, new_field=False): """Normalize the field to maximum intensity. Parameters: (Scalar_field): field_* new_field (bool): If True returns a field, else returns a matrix Returns: (np.array): normalized field. """ if self.type[0:6] == 'Scalar': max_amplitude = np.sqrt(np.abs(self.u)**2).max() if new_field is False: self.u = self.u / max_amplitude else: field_new = self.duplicate() field_new.u = self.u / max_amplitude return field_new elif self.type[0:6] == 'Vector': max_amplitude = np.sqrt( np.abs(self.Ex)**2 + np.abs(self.Ey)**2 + np.abs(self.Ez)**2).max() if new_field is False: self.Ex = self.Ex / max_amplitude self.Ey = self.Ey / max_amplitude self.Ez = self.Ez / max_amplitude else: field_new = self.duplicate() field_new.Ex = self.Ex / max_amplitude field_new.Ey = self.Ey / max_amplitude field_new.Ez = self.Ez / max_amplitude return field_new
# def normalize(u, kind='intensity'): # """Normalizes a field to have intensity or amplitude, etc. 1 # Parameters: # u (numpy.array): optical field (comes usually form field.u) # kind (str): 'intensity, 'amplitude', 'logarithm'... other.. Normalization technique # Returns # u (numpy.array): normalized optical field # """ # if kind == 'intensity': # intensity_max = (np.abs(u)).max() # u = u / intensity_max # elif kind == 'amplitude': # amplitude_max = np.sqrt(np.abs(u)).max() # u = u / amplitude_max # return u # def normalize_vector_deprecated(u): # """Normalizes a vector to have intensity or amplitude, etc. 1 # Parameters: # u (numpy.array): vector (last dimension should have size 2 or 3) # Returns # u (numpy.array): normalized optical field # """ # return u / np.linalg.norm(u)
[docs] def field_parameters(u, has_amplitude_sign=False): """Determines main parameters of field: amplitude intensity phase. All this parameters have the same dimension as u. Parameters: u (numpy.array): optical field (comes usually form field.u) has_amplitude_sign (bool): If True - amplitude = np.sign(u) * np.abs(u), Else: amplitude = np.abs(u) Returns: amplitude (numpy.array): np.abs(u) intensity (numpy.array): np.abs(u)**2 phase (numpy.array): np.angle(u) """ intensity = np.abs(u)**2 phase = np.angle(u) if has_amplitude_sign is True: amplitude = np.sign(np.real(u)) * np.abs(u) else: amplitude = np.abs(u) # amplitude = np.abs(u) # amplitude = u * np.exp(-1j * phase) amplitude = np.real(amplitude) return amplitude, intensity, phase
[docs] def convert_phase2heigths(phase, wavelength, n, n_background): """We have a phase and it is converted to a depth. It is useful to convert Scalar_mask_X to Scalar_mask_XZ phase(x,z)= k (n-n_0) h(x,z). Parameters: phase (np.array): Phases wavelength (float): wavelength n (float or complex): refraction index of material n_background (float): refraction index of background Returns: (np.array): depths related to phases """ k = 2 * np.pi / wavelength n = np.real(n) return phase / (k * (n - n_background))
[docs] def convert_amplitude2heigths(amplitude, wavelength, kappa, n_background): """We have a phase and it is converted to a depth. It is useful to convert Scalar_mask_X to Scalar_mask_XZ. Parameters: phase (np.array): Phases wavelength (float): wavelength kappa (float): refraction index of material. n_background (float): refraction index of background Returns: (np.array): depths related to amplitudes """ eps_depth = 1e-4 amplitude[amplitude < eps_depth] = eps_depth depth = np.log(amplitude) * wavelength / (-2 * np.pi * kappa) return depth
[docs] def fresnel_equations_kx(kx, wavelength, n1, n2, outputs=[True, True, True, True], has_draw=True, kind = 'amplitude_phase'): """Fresnel_equations where input are kx part of wavevector. Args: kx (np.array): kx wavelength (float): wavelength n1 (float): refraction index of first materia n2 (float): refraction index of second materia outputs (bool,bool,bool,bool): Selects the outputs to compute has_draw (bool, optional): if True, it draw. Defaults to False. kind (str): It draw 'amplitude_phase' or 'real_imag' Returns: _type_: t_TM, t_TE, r_TM, r_TE (TM is parallel and TE is perpendicular) """ outputs = np.array(outputs) k0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength kz_1 = np.sqrt((n1 * k0)**2 - kx**2) alpha = (n2 * k0)**2 - kx**2 normal = alpha>=0 reflexion_total = alpha < 0 kz_2 = np.zeros_like(kx,dtype=complex) kz_2[normal] = np.sqrt(alpha[normal]) kz_2[reflexion_total] = 1.j*np.sqrt(-alpha[reflexion_total]) t_TM, t_TE, r_TM, r_TE = None, None, None, None if outputs[0]: t_TM = 2 * n1 * n2 * kz_1 / (n2**2*kz_1 + n1**2 * kz_2) # paralelo if outputs[1]: t_TE = 2 * kz_1 / (kz_1 + kz_2) # perpendicular if outputs[2]: r_TM = (n2**2*kz_1 - n1**2 * kz_2)/(n2**2 * kz_1 + n1**2 * kz_2) # paralelo if outputs[3]: r_TE = (kz_1 - kz_2)/(kz_1 + kz_2) # perpendicular if has_draw and outputs.sum()>0: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,4)) if kind == 'amplitude_phase': if outputs[0]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.abs(t_TM), 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.abs(t_TE), 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.abs(r_TM), 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.abs(r_TE), 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[0].legend() axs[0].grid() axs[1].set_xlim(kx[0], kx[-1]) axs[0].set_xlabel(r'$k_x$') axs[0].set_title('amplitude') if outputs[0]: axs[1].plot(kx, np.angle(t_TM)/degrees, 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[1].plot(kx, np.angle(t_TE)/degrees, 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[1].plot(kx, np.angle(r_TM)/degrees, 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: axs[1].plot(kx, np.angle(r_TE)/degrees, 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[1].legend() axs[1].grid() axs[1].set_xlim(kx[0], kx[-1]) axs[0].set_xlabel(r'$k_x$') axs[1].set_title(r'phase $(^o)$') axs[1].set_ylim(-190,190) axs[1].set_yticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) elif kind == 'real_imag': if outputs[0]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.real(t_TM), 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.real(t_TE), 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.real(r_TM), 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: axs[0].plot(kx, np.real(r_TE), 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[0].legend() axs[0].grid() axs[0].set_xlim(kx[0], kx[-1]) axs[0].set_xlabel(r'$k_x$') axs[0].set_title('real') if outputs[0]: axs[1].plot(kx, np.imag(t_TM)/degrees, 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[1].plot(kx, np.imag(t_TE)/degrees, 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[1].plot(kx, np.imag(r_TM)/degrees, 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3] : axs[1].plot(kx, np.imag(r_TE)/degrees, 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[1].legend() axs[1].grid() axs[1].set_xlim(kx[0], kx[-1]) axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$k_x$') axs[1].set_title(r'imag') # plt.xlim(theta[0]/degrees, theta[-1]/degrees) return t_TM, t_TE, r_TM, r_TE #paralelo, perpendicular
[docs] def transmitances_reflectances_kx(kx, wavelength, n1, n2, outputs=[True, True, True, True], has_draw=False): """Transmitances and reflectances, where input are kx part of wavevector. Args: kx (np.array): kx wavelength (float): wavelength n1 (float): refraction index of first materia n2 (float): refraction index of second materia has_draw (bool, optional): if True, it draw. Defaults to False. outputs (bool,bool,bool,bool): Selects the outputs to compute Returns: _type_: T_TM, T_TE, R_TM, R_TE (TM is parallel and TE is perpendicular) """ outputs = np.array(outputs) k0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength kz_1 = np.sqrt((n1 * k0)**2 - kx**2) alpha = (n2 * k0)**2 - kx**2 normal = alpha>=0 reflexion_total = alpha < 0 kz_2 = np.zeros_like(kx,dtype=complex) kz_2[normal] = np.sqrt(alpha[normal]) kz_2[reflexion_total] = 1.j*np.sqrt(-alpha[reflexion_total]) t_TM, t_TE, r_TM, r_TE = fresnel_equations_kx(kx, wavelength, n1, n2, outputs, has_draw=False) T_TM, T_TE, R_TM, R_TE = None, None, None, None if outputs[0]: T_TM = kz_2 / kz_1 * np.abs(t_TM)**2 if outputs[1]: T_TE = kz_2 / kz_1 * np.abs(t_TE)**2 if outputs[2]: R_TM = np.abs(r_TM)**2 if outputs[3]: R_TE = np.abs(r_TE)**2 if has_draw: plt.figure() if outputs[0]: plt.plot(kx, T_TM, 'r', label = '$T_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: plt.plot(kx, T_TE, 'b', label = '$T_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: plt.plot(kx, R_TM, 'r-.', label = '$R_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: plt.plot(kx, R_TE, 'b-.', label = '$R_{TE, perp}$') plt.xlabel('$k_x$') plt.legend() plt.grid() # plt.xlim(theta[0]/degrees, theta[-1]/degrees) return T_TM, T_TE, R_TM, R_TE #paralelo, perpendicular
[docs] def fresnel_equations(theta, wavelength, n1, n2, outputs=[True, True, True, True], has_draw=False, kind='amplitude_phase'): """Fresnel equations and reflectances, where input are angles of incidence. Args: kx (np.array): kx wavelength (float): wavelength n1 (float): refraction index of first materia n2 (float): refraction index of second materia kind (str): It draw 'amplitude_phase' or 'real_imag' has_draw (bool, optional): if True, it draw. Defaults to False. kind (str): It draw 'amplitude_phase' or 'real_imag' Returns: _type_: T_TM, T_TE, R_TM, R_TE (TM is parallel and TE is perpendicular) """ outputs = np.array(outputs) k0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength kx = n1 * k0 * np.sin(theta) t_TM, t_TE, r_TM, r_TE = fresnel_equations_kx(kx, wavelength, n1, n2,outputs, has_draw=False) if has_draw and outputs.sum()>0: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,4)) if kind == 'amplitude_phase': if outputs[0]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.abs(t_TM), 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.abs(t_TE), 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.abs(r_TM), 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.abs(r_TE), 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[0].legend() axs[0].grid() axs[0].set_xlim(theta[0]/degrees, theta[-1]/degrees) axs[0].set_xlabel(r'$\theta (^o)$') axs[0].set_title('amplitude') if outputs[0]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.angle(t_TM)/degrees, 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.angle(t_TE)/degrees, 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.angle(r_TM)/degrees, 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.angle(r_TE)/degrees, 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[1].legend() axs[1].grid() axs[1].set_xlim(theta[0]/degrees, theta[-1]/degrees) axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$\theta (^o)$') axs[1].set_title(r'phase $(^o)$') axs[1].set_ylim(-190,190) axs[1].set_yticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) elif kind == 'real_imag': if outputs[0]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.real(t_TM), 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.real(t_TE), 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.real(r_TM), 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: axs[0].plot(theta/degrees, np.real(r_TE), 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[0].legend() axs[0].grid() axs[0].set_xlim(theta[0]/degrees, theta[-1]/degrees) axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$\theta (^o)$') axs[0].set_title('real') if outputs[0]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.imag(t_TM)/degrees, 'r', label = '$t_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.imag(t_TE)/degrees, 'b', label = '$t_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.imag(r_TM)/degrees, 'r-.', label = '$r_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: axs[1].plot(theta/degrees, np.imag(r_TE)/degrees, 'b-.', label = '$r_{TE, perp}$') axs[1].legend() axs[1].grid() axs[1].set_xlim(theta[0]/degrees, theta[-1]/degrees) axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$\theta (^o)$') axs[1].set_title(r'imag') return t_TM, t_TE, r_TM, r_TE #paralelo, perpendicular
[docs] def transmitances_reflectances(theta, wavelength, n1, n2, outputs=[True, True, True, True], has_draw=False): """Transmitances and reflectances, where input are angles of incidence. Args: kx (np.array): kx wavelength (float): wavelength n1 (float): refraction index of first materia n2 (float): refraction index of second materia has_draw (bool, optional): if True, it draw. Defaults to False. outputs (bool,bool,bool,bool): Selects the outputs to compute Returns: _type_: T_TM, T_TE, R_TM, R_TE (TM is parallel and TE is perpendicular) """ outputs = np.array(outputs) k0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength kx = k0 * n1 * np.sin(theta) T_TM, T_TE, R_TM, R_TE = transmitances_reflectances_kx(kx, wavelength, n1, n2, outputs, has_draw=False) if has_draw: plt.figure() if outputs[0]: plt.plot(theta/degrees, T_TM, 'r', label = '$T_{TM, par}$') if outputs[1]: plt.plot(theta/degrees, T_TE, 'b', label = '$T_{TE, perp}$') if outputs[2]: plt.plot(theta/degrees, R_TM, 'r-.', label = '$R_{TM, par}$') if outputs[3]: plt.plot(theta/degrees, R_TE, 'b-.', label = '$R_{TE, perp}$') plt.xlabel(r'$\theta (^o)$') plt.legend() plt.grid() return T_TM, T_TE, R_TM, R_TE #paralelo, perpendicular