Source code for diffractio.vector_fields_XY

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module generates Vector_field_XY class. It is required also for generating masks and fields.
The main atributes are:
    * self.Ex - x component of electric field
    * self.Ey - y component of electric field
    * self.Ez - z component of electric field
    * self.wavelength - wavelength of the incident field. The field is monocromatic
    * self.x - x positions of the field
    * self.y - y positions of the field
    * self.X (numpy.array): equal size to x * y. complex field
    * self.Y (numpy.array): equal size to x * y. complex field
    * self.quality (float): quality of RS algorithm
    * (str): description of data
    * self.type (str): Class of the field
    * (str): date when performed

The magnitude is related to microns: `micron = 1.`

*Class for XY vector fields*

*Definition of a scalar field*
    * add, substract fields
    * save, load data, clean, get, normalize
    * cut_resample
    * appy_mask

*Vector parameters*
    * polarization_states
    * polarization_ellipse

    * RS - Rayleigh Sommerfeld

*Drawing functions*
    * draw: intensity, intensities, phases, fields, stokes, param_ellipse, ellipses


from matplotlib import rcParams
from numpy import cos, linspace, shape, sin, sqrt, zeros
from scipy.fftpack import fft2, fftshift, ifft2
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

from . import degrees, eps, mm, np, plt
from .config import CONF_DRAWING
from .scalar_fields_X import Scalar_field_X
from .scalar_fields_XY import Scalar_field_XY
from .scalar_masks_XY import Scalar_mask_XY
from .utils_common import load_data_common, save_data_common, get_date
from .utils_drawing import normalize_draw, reduce_matrix_size
from .utils_math import get_edges, get_k, ndgrid, nearest, rotate_image, Bluestein_dft_xy

percentage_intensity = CONF_DRAWING['percentage_intensity']

[docs] class Vector_field_XY(object): """Class for vectorial fields. Parameters: x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly 2**n. y (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly 2**n. wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field info (str): String with info about the simulation Attributes: self.x (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly 2**n. self.y (numpy.array): linear array with equidistant positions. The number of data is preferibly 2**n. self.wavelength (float): wavelength of the incident field. self.Ex (numpy.array): Electric_x field self.Ey (numpy.array): Electric_y field """ def __init__(self, x, y, wavelength, info=''): self.x = x self.y = y self.wavelength = wavelength # la longitud de onda self.X, self.Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) self.Ex = np.zeros_like(self.X, dtype=complex) self.Ey = np.zeros_like(self.X, dtype=complex) self.Ez = np.zeros_like(self.X, dtype=complex) self.reduce_matrix = 'standard' # 'None, 'standard', (5,5) self.type = 'Vector_field_XY' = info = get_date() self.CONF_DRAWING = CONF_DRAWING def __str__(self): """Represents data from class.""" intensity = self.intensity() Imin = intensity.min() Imax = intensity.max() print("{}\n - x: {}, Ex: {}".format(self.type, self.x.shape, self.Ex.shape)) print( " - xmin: {:2.2f} um, xmax: {:2.2f} um, Dx: {:2.2f} um" .format(self.x[0], self.x[-1], self.x[1] - self.x[0])) print( " - ymin: {:2.2f} um, ymay: {:2.2f} um, Dy: {:2.2f} um" .format(self.y[0], self.y[-1], self.y[1] - self.y[0])) print(" - Imin: {:2.2f}, Imax: {:2.2f}".format( Imin, Imax)) print(" - wavelength: {:2.2f} um".format(self.wavelength)) print(" - date: {}".format( print(" - info: {}".format( return "" def __add__(self, other, kind='standard'): """adds two Vector_field_XY. For example two light sources or two masks Parameters: other (Vector_field_XY): 2nd field to add kind (str): instruction how to add the fields: Returns: Vector_field_XY: `E3 = E1 + E2` """ EM = Vector_field_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) if kind == 'standard': EM.Ex = self.Ex + other.Ex EM.Ey = self.Ey + other.Ey return EM def __rotate__(self, angle, position=None): """Rotation of X,Y with respect to position Parameters: angle (float): angle to rotate, in radians position (float, float): position of center of rotation """ if position is None: x0 = (self.x[-1] + self.x[0]) / 2 y0 = (self.y[-1] + self.y[0]) / 2 else: x0, y0 = position Xrot = (self.X - x0) * cos(angle) + (self.Y - y0) * sin(angle) Yrot = -(self.X - x0) * sin(angle) + (self.Y - y0) * cos(angle) return Xrot, Yrot
[docs] def save_data(self, filename, add_name='', description='', verbose=False): """Common save data function to be used in all the modules. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename add_name= (str): sufix to the name, if 'date' includes a date description (str): text to be stored in the dictionary to save. verbose (bool): If verbose prints filename. Returns: (str): filename. If False, file could not be saved. """ try: final_filename = save_data_common(self, filename, add_name, description, verbose) return final_filename except: return False
[docs] def load_data(self, filename, verbose=False): """Load data from a file to a Vector_field_XY. The methods included are: npz, matlab Parameters: filename (str): filename verbose (bool): shows data process by screen """ dict0 = load_data_common(self, filename) if dict0 is not None: if isinstance(dict0, dict): self.__dict__ = dict0 else: raise Exception('no dictionary in load_data') if verbose is True: print(dict0.keys())
[docs] def clear(self): """simple - removes the field: self.E=0 """ self.Ex = np.zeros_like(self.Ex, dtype=complex) self.Ey = np.zeros_like(self.Ex, dtype=complex)
[docs] def duplicate(self, clear=False): """Duplicates the instance""" new_field = copy.deepcopy(self) if clear is True: new_field.clear_field() return new_field
[docs] def get(self, kind='fields', is_matrix=True): """Takes the vector field and divide in Scalar_field_XY Parameters: kind (str): 'fields', 'intensity', 'intensities', 'phases', 'stokes', 'params_ellipse' Returns: Scalar_field_XY: (Ex, Ey), """ Ex_r = self.Ex Ey_r = self.Ey Ez_r = self.Ez if kind == 'fields': if is_matrix: return self.Ex, self.Ey, self.Ez else: Ex = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ex.u = Ex_r Ey = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ey.u = Ey_r Ez = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ez.u = Ez_r return Ex, Ey, Ez elif kind == 'intensity': intensity = np.abs(Ex_r)**2 + np.abs(Ey_r)**2 + np.abs(Ez_r)**2 if is_matrix: return intensity else: Intensity = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Intensity.u = np.sqrt(intensity) return Intensity elif kind == 'intensities': intensity_x = np.abs(Ex_r)**2 intensity_y = np.abs(Ey_r)**2 intensity_z = np.abs(Ez_r)**2 return intensity_x, intensity_y, intensity_z elif kind == 'phases': phase_x = np.angle(Ex_r) phase_y = np.angle(Ey_r) phase_z = np.angle(Ez_r) if is_matrix: return phase_x, phase_y, phase_z else: Ex = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ex.u = np.exp(1j * phase_x) Ey = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ey.u = np.exp(1j * phase_y) Ez = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ez.u = np.exp(1j * phase_z) return Ex, Ey, Ez elif kind == 'stokes': # S0, S1, S2, S3 return self.polarization_states(matrix=True) elif kind == 'params_ellipse': # A, B, theta, h return self.polarization_ellipse(pol_state=None, matrix=True) else: print("The parameter '{}'' in .get(kind='') is wrong".format(kind))
[docs] def pupil(self, r0=None, radius=None, angle=0 * degrees): """place a pupil in the field. If r0 or radius are None, they are computed using the x,y parameters. Parameters: r0 (float, float): center of circle/ellipse radius (float, float) or (float): radius of circle/ellipse angle (float): angle of rotation in radians Example: pupil(r0=(0 * um, 0 * um), radius=(250 * um, 125 * um), angle=0 * degrees) """ if r0 in (0, None, '', []): x0 = (self.x[-1] + self.x[0]) / 2 y0 = (self.y[-1] + self.y[0]) / 2 r0 = (x0, y0) if radius is None: radiusx = (self.x[-1] - self.x[0]) / 2 radiusy = (self.y[-1] - self.y[0]) / 2 radius = (radiusx, radiusy) if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): radiusx, radiusy = (radius, radius) else: radiusx, radiusy = radius radius = (radiusx, radiusy) x0, y0 = r0 # Rotacion del circula/elipse Xrot, Yrot = self.__rotate__(angle, (x0, y0)) # Definicion de la transmitancia pupil0 = zeros(shape(self.X)) ipasa = (Xrot)**2 / (radiusx + 1e-15)**2 + (Yrot)**2 / (radiusy**2 + 1e-15) < 1 pupil0[ipasa] = 1 self.Ex = self.Ex * pupil0 self.Ey = self.Ey * pupil0 self.Ez = self.Ez * pupil0
# def mask_circle(self, r0=(0., 0.), radius=0.): # """Mask vector field using a circular mask. # Parameters: # r0 (float, float): center of mask. # radius (float, float): radius of mask # """ # if isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): # radiusx, radiusy = (radius, radius) # else: # radiusx, radiusy = radius # radius = (radiusx, radiusy) # if radiusx * radiusy > 0: # radius_x = (self.x[-1] - self.x[0]) / 2 # radius_y = (self.y[-1] - self.y[0]) / 2 # radius = (radius_x, radius_y) # elif radius in (None, '', []): # return # elif isinstance(radius, (float, int, complex)): # radius = (radius, radius) # if r0 in (0, None, '', []): # r0_x = (self.x[-1] + self.x[0]) / 2 # r0_y = (self.y[-1] + self.y[0]) / 2 # r0 = (r0_x, r0_y) # if radiusx * radiusy > 0: # t1 = Scalar_mask_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) #, radius=radius, angle=0 * degrees) # self.Ex = t1.u * self.Ex # self.Ey = t1.u * self.Ey # self.Ez = t1.u * self.Ez
[docs] def apply_mask(self, u): """Multiply field by binary scalar mask: self.Ex = self.Ex * u.u Parameters: u (Scalar_mask_XY): mask """ self.Ex = self.Ex * u.u self.Ey = self.Ey * u.u self.Ez = self.Ez * u.u
[docs] def intensity(self): """"Returns intensity. """ intensity = np.abs(self.Ex)**2 + np.abs(self.Ey)**2 + np.abs( self.Ez)**2 return intensity
[docs] def RS(self, z=10 * mm, n=1, new_field=True, amplification=(1, 1), verbose=False): """Fast-Fourier-Transform method for numerical integration of diffraction Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formula. `Thin Element Approximation` is considered for determining the field just after the mask: :math:`\mathbf{E}_{0}(\zeta,\eta)=t(\zeta,\eta)\mathbf{E}_{inc}(\zeta,\eta)` Is we have a field of size N*M, the result of propagation is also a field N*M. Nevertheless, there is a parameter `amplification` which allows us to determine the field in greater observation planes (jN)x(jM). Parameters: z (float): distance to observation plane. if z<0 inverse propagation is executed n (float): refraction index new_field (bool): if False the computation goes to self.u if True a new instance is produced amplification (int, int): number of frames in x and y direction verbose (bool): if True it writes to shell. Not implemented yet Returns: if New_field is True: Scalar_field_X else None Note: One adventage of this approach is that it returns a quality parameter: if self.quality>1, propagation is right. References: From Applied Optics vol 45 num 6 pp. 1102-1110 (2006) """ e0x, e0y, _ = self.get() # estas son las components justo en la posicion pedida Ex = e0x.RS(z=z, n=n, new_field=True, kind='z', amplification=amplification) Ey = e0y.RS(z=z, n=n, new_field=True, kind='z', amplification=amplification, verbose=verbose) if new_field is True: EM = Vector_field_XY(Ex.x, Ex.y, self.wavelength) EM.Ex = Ex.u EM.Ey = Ey.u EM.Ez = np.zeros_like(EM.X) EM.x = Ex.x EM.y = Ex.y return EM else: self.Ex = Ex.u self.Ey = Ey.u self.Ez = np.zeros_like(EM.X) self.x = Ex.x self.y = Ex.y
[docs] def VFFT(self, radius, focal, n=1, new_field=False, shift=True, remove0=True, matrix=False, has_draw=False): """Vector Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the field. The focusing system, shown schematically in Fig. 1 is modelled by a high NA, aberration-free, aplanatic lens obeying the sine condition, having a focal length fand collecting light under a convergence angle theta_max. Denoting the refractive index of the medium in the focal region with n, the NA of the lens can be written as NA= n sin theta_max. The polarization changes on the lens surfaces described by the Fresnel formulae have been neglected. Ei = (Eix, Eiy, Eiz) is the local electric field vector. Parameters: radius (float): radius of lens focal (float): focal n (float): refraction index matrix (bool): if True only matrix is returned. if False, returns Scalar_field_X. new_field (bool): if True returns Vector_field_XY, else it puts in self. shift (bool): if True, fftshift is performed. remove0 (bool): if True, central point is removed. has_draw (bool): if True draw the field. Returns: (np.array or vector_fields_XY or None): FFT of the input field. Reference: Jahn, Kornél, and Nándor Bokor. 2010. “Intensity Control of the Focal Spot by Vectorial Beam Shaping.” Optics Communications 283 (24): 4859–65. TODO: Some inconsistency in the radius of the circle lower than the size of the field. """ from .vector_sources_XY import Vector_source_XY num_x, num_y = self.X.shape # numerical aperture sin_theta_max = radius / np.sqrt(radius**2 + focal**2) # NA = n * sin_theta_max r = np.sqrt(self.X**2 + self.Y**2) phi = np.arctan2(self.Y, self.X) theta = r / focal u = self.X / radius v = self.Y / radius circle_mask = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), 0), radius=radius) cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) cos_phi = np.cos(phi) sin_phi = np.sin(phi) apodization_factor = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(theta))) G = 1 / sqrt(np.abs(1 - sin_theta_max**2 * (u**2 + v**2))) G = G * circle_mask.u G = np.real(G) M00 = cos_phi**2 * cos_theta + sin_phi**2 M01 = sin_phi * cos_phi * cos_theta - sin_phi * cos_phi M02 = -sin_theta * cos_phi M10 = sin_phi * cos_phi * cos_theta - sin_phi * cos_phi M11 = sin_phi**2 * cos_theta + cos_phi**2 M12 = -sin_theta * sin_phi M20 = sin_theta * cos_phi M21 = sin_theta * sin_phi M22 = cos_theta Eix = self.Ex Eiy = self.Ey Eiz = self.Ez E0x = M00 * Eix + M01 * Eiy + M02 * Eiz E0y = M10 * Eix + M11 * Eiy + M12 * Eiz E0z = M20 * Eix + M21 * Eiy + M22 * Eiz factor = -(1j * sin_theta_max**2 / (focal * self.wavelength)) Ep_x = fft2(apodization_factor * G * E0x) Ep_y = fft2(apodization_factor * G * E0y) Ep_z = fft2(apodization_factor * G * E0z) if remove0: Ep_x[0, 0] = 0 Ep_y[0, 0] = 0 # Ep_z[0,0] = 0 if shift: Ep_x = fftshift(Ep_x) Ep_y = fftshift(Ep_y) Ep_z = fftshift(Ep_z) Esx = factor * Ep_x Esy = factor * Ep_y Esz = factor * Ep_z if matrix is True: return np.stack((Esx, Esy, Esz), axis=2) num_x = self.x.size delta_x = self.x[1] - self.x[0] freq_nyquist_x = 1 / (2 * delta_x) kx = linspace(-freq_nyquist_x, freq_nyquist_x, num_x) * focal num_y = self.y.size delta_y = self.y[1] - self.y[0] freq_nyquist_y = 1 / (2 * delta_y) ky = linspace(-freq_nyquist_y, freq_nyquist_y, num_y) * focal if new_field is True: field_output = Vector_source_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) field_output.x = kx field_output.y = ky field_output.X, field_output.Y = ndgrid(field_output.x, field_output.y) field_output.Ex = Esx field_output.Ey = Esy field_output.Ez = Esz if has_draw: field_output.draw(kind='intensities') return field_output else: self.Ex = Esx self.Ey = Esy self.Ez = Esz self.x = kx self.y = ky self.X, self.Y = ndgrid(self.x, self.y) if has_draw: self.draw(kind='intensities')
[docs] def IVFFT(self, radius, focal, n=1, new_field=False, matrix=False, has_draw=False): """Inverse Vector Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the field. The focusing system, shown schematically in Fig. 1 is modelled by a high NA, aberration-free, aplanatic lens obeying the sine condition, having a focal length fand collecting light under a convergence angle theta_max. Denoting the refractive index of the medium in the focal region with n, the NA of the lens can be written as NA= n sin theta_max. The polarization changes on the lens surfaces described by the Fresnel formulae have been neglected. Ei = (Eix, Eiy, Eiz) is the local electric field vector. Parameters: radius (float): radius of lens focal (float): focal n (float): refraction index matrix (bool): if True only matrix is returned. if False, returns Scalar_field_X. new_field (bool): if True returns Vector_field_XY, else it puts in self. has_draw (bool): if True draw the field. Returns: (np.array or vector_fields_XY or None): FFT of the input field. Reference: Jahn, Kornél, and Nándor Bokor. 2010. “Intensity Control of the Focal Spot by Vectorial Beam Shaping.” Optics Communications 283 (24): 4859–65. TODO: Radius of the circle lower than the size of the field. """ from diffractio.vector_sources_XY import \ Vector_source_XY # numerical aperture sin_theta_max = radius / np.sqrt(radius**2 + focal**2) # NA = n * sin_theta_max # dx = self.x[1] - self.x[0] # dy = self.y[1] - self.y[0] num_x, num_y = self.X.shape r = np.sqrt(self.X**2 + self.Y**2) phi = np.arctan2(self.Y, self.X) theta = r / focal u = self.X / radius v = self.Y / radius # X_obs = sin_theta_max * self.X / self.wavelength # Y_obs = sin_theta_max * self.Y / self.wavelength circle_mask = Scalar_mask_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength), 0), radius=radius) self.pupil(r0=(0., 0.), radius=radius) cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_theta = -np.sin(theta) cos_phi = np.cos(phi) sin_phi = np.sin(phi) # apodization_factor = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(theta))) G = sqrt(np.abs(1 - sin_theta_max**2 * (u**2 + v**2))) G = G * circle_mask.u G = np.real(G) M00 = cos_phi**2 * cos_theta + sin_phi**2 M01 = sin_phi * cos_phi * cos_theta - sin_phi * cos_phi M02 = -sin_theta * cos_phi M10 = sin_phi * cos_phi * cos_theta - sin_phi * cos_phi M11 = sin_phi**2 * cos_theta + cos_phi**2 M12 = -sin_theta * sin_phi M20 = sin_theta * cos_phi M21 = sin_theta * sin_phi M22 = cos_theta Eix = self.Ex Eiy = self.Ey Eiz = self.Ez factor = -(1j * sin_theta_max**2 / (focal * self.wavelength))**(-1) Esx = factor * ifft2(Eix * G) Esy = factor * ifft2(Eiy * G) Esz = factor * ifft2(Eiz * G) Esx = factor * ifft2(Eix * G) Esy = factor * ifft2(Eiy * G) Esz = factor * ifft2(Eiz * G) E0x = M00 * Esx + M01 * Esy + M02 * Esz E0y = M10 * Esx + M11 * Esy + M12 * Esz E0z = M20 * Esx + M21 * Esy + M22 * Esz Esx = E0x Esy = E0y Esz = E0z if matrix is True: return np.stack((Esx, Esy, Esz), axis=2) num_x = self.x.size delta_x = self.x[1] - self.x[0] freq_nyquist_x = 1 / (2 * delta_x) kx = linspace(-freq_nyquist_x, freq_nyquist_x, num_x) * focal num_y = self.y.size delta_y = self.y[1] - self.y[0] freq_nyquist_y = 1 / (2 * delta_y) ky = linspace(-freq_nyquist_y, freq_nyquist_y, num_y) * focal if new_field is True: field_output = Vector_source_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) field_output.x = kx field_output.y = ky field_output.X, field_output.Y = ndgrid(field_output.x, field_output.y) field_output.Ex = Esx field_output.Ey = Esy field_output.Ez = Esz if has_draw: field_output.draw(kind='intensities') return field_output else: self.Ex = Esx self.Ey = Esy self.Ez = Esz self.x = kx self.y = ky self.X, self.Y = ndgrid(self.x, self.y) if has_draw: self.draw(kind='intensities')
[docs] def VRS(self, z, n=1, new_field=True, verbose=False, amplification=(1, 1)): """Fast-Fourier-Transform method for numerical integration of diffraction Vector Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formula. Parameters: z (float): distance to observation plane. if z<0 inverse propagation is executed n (float): refraction index new_field (bool): if False the computation goes to self.u. If True a new instance is produced verbose (bool): if True it writes to shell. Not implemented yet Returns: if New_field is True: Scalar_field_X, else None References: H. Ye, C.-W. Qiu, K. Huang, J. Teng, B. Luk’yanchuk, y S. P. Yeo, «Creation of a longitudinally polarized subwavelength hotspot with an ultra-thin planar lens: vectorial Rayleigh–Sommerfeld method», Laser Phys. Lett., vol. 10, n.º 6, p. 065004, jun. 2013. DOI: 10.1088/1612-2011/10/6/065004 """ e0x, e0y, _ = self.get(is_matrix=False) e0z = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) e0z.u = 0 # estas son las components justo en la posicion pedida Ex = e0x.RS(z=z, n=n, new_field=True, kind='z', verbose=verbose, amplification=amplification) Ey = e0y.RS(z=z, n=n, new_field=True, kind='z', verbose=verbose, amplification=amplification) r = np.sqrt(self.X**2 + self.Y**2 + z**2) e0z.u = e0x.u * self.X / r + e0y.u * self.Y / r Ez = e0z.RS(z=z, n=n, new_field=True, kind='0', verbose=verbose, amplification=amplification) if new_field is True: EM = Vector_field_XY(self.x, self.y, self.wavelength) EM.Ex = Ex.u EM.Ey = Ey.u EM.Ez = Ez.u return EM else: self.Ex = Ex.u self.Ey = Ey.u self.Ez = Ez.u
[docs] def CZT(self, z, xout=None, yout=None, verbose=False): """Vector Z Chirped Transform algorithm (VCZT) Parameters: z (float): diffraction distance xout (np.array): x array with positions of the output plane yout (np.array): y array with positions of the output plane verbose (bool): If True prints some information Returns: E_out (variable): Output field. It depends on the size of xout, yout, and z. References: [Light: Science and Applications, 9(1), (2020)] """ if xout is None: xout = self.x if yout is None: yout = self.y k = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength if isinstance(z, (float, int)): num_z = 1 # print("z = 0 dim") else: num_z = len(z) # print("z = 1 dim") if isinstance(xout, (float, int)): num_x = 1 # print("x = 0 dim") xstart = xout xend = xout else: num_x = len(xout) # print("x = 1 dim") xstart = xout[0] xend = xout[-1] if isinstance(yout, (float, int)): num_y = 1 # print("y = 0 dim") ystart = yout yend = yout else: num_y = len(yout) # print("y = 1 dim") ystart = yout[0] yend = yout[-1] e0x, e0y, _ = self.get(is_matrix=False) e0z = e0x.duplicate() if num_z == 1: r = np.sqrt(self.X**2 + self.Y**2 + z**2) e0z_u = e0x.u * self.X / r + e0y.u * self.Y / r e0z_u = e0z_u * z / r e0z.u = e0z_u e0x = e0x.CZT(z, xout, yout) e0y = e0y.CZT(z, xout, yout) e0z = e0z.CZT(z, xout, yout) if num_x == 1 and num_y == 1: return e0x, e0y, e0z elif num_x > 1 and num_y == 1: from diffractio.vector_fields_X import Vector_field_X E_out = Vector_field_X(xout, self.wavelength) E_out.Ex = e0x.u E_out.Ey = e0y.u E_out.Ez = e0z.u return E_out elif num_x > 1 and num_y > 1: from diffractio.vector_fields_XY import Vector_field_XY E_out = Vector_field_XY(xout, yout, self.wavelength) E_out.Ex = e0x.u E_out.Ey = e0y.u E_out.Ez = e0z.u return E_out elif num_z > 1: if verbose is True: print("1/3", end='\r') e0x_zs = e0x.CZT(z, xout, yout, verbose=verbose) if verbose is True: print("2/3", end='\r') e0y_zs = e0y.CZT(z, xout, yout, verbose=verbose) if verbose is True: print("3/3", end='\r') e0z_zs = e0x_zs.duplicate() u_zs = np.zeros_like(e0x_zs.u) for i, z_now in enumerate(z): if verbose: print("{}/{}".format(i, num_z), end='\r') r = np.sqrt(self.X**2 + self.Y**2 + z_now**2) e0z_u = e0x.u * self.X / r + e0y.u * self.Y / r e0z_u = e0z_u * z_now / r e0z.u = e0z_u e0z_u = e0z.CZT(z_now, xout, yout) if num_x == 1 and num_y == 1: e0z_zs.u[i] = e0z_u elif num_x > 1 and num_y == 1: e0z_zs.u[:, i] = e0z_u.u if num_x == 1 and num_y == 1: from diffractio.vector_fields_Z import Vector_field_Z E_out = Vector_field_Z(z, self.wavelength) E_out.Ex = e0x_zs.u E_out.Ey = e0y_zs.u E_out.Ez = e0z_zs.u return E_out elif num_x > 1 and num_y == 1: from diffractio.vector_fields_XZ import Vector_field_XZ E_out = Vector_field_XZ(xout, z, self.wavelength) E_out.Ex = e0x_zs.u E_out.Ey = e0y_zs.u E_out.Ez = e0z_zs.u return E_out elif num_x > 1 and num_y > 1: # TODO: need to implement Vector_field_XYZ from diffractio.vector_fields_XYZ import Vector_field_XYZ E_out = Vector_field_XYZ(xout, yout, z, self.wavelength) E_out.Ex = e0x_zs.u E_out.Ey = e0y_zs.u E_out.Ez = e0z_zs.u return E_out
[docs] def polarization_states(self, matrix=False): """returns the Stokes parameters Parameters: Matrix (bool): if True returns Matrix, else Scalar_field_XY Returns: S0,S1,S2,S3 images for Matrix=True S0,S1,S2,S3 for Matrix=False """ I = np.abs(self.Ex)**2 + np.abs(self.Ey)**2 Q = np.abs(self.Ex)**2 - np.abs(self.Ey)**2 U = 2 * np.real(self.Ex * np.conjugate(self.Ey)) V = 2 * np.imag(self.Ex * np.conjugate(self.Ey)) if matrix is True: return I, Q, U, V else: CI = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) CQ = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) CU = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) CV = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) CI.u = I CQ.u = Q CU.u = U CV.u = V return CI, CQ, CU, CV
[docs] def polarization_ellipse(self, pol_state=None, matrix=False): """returns A, B, theta, h polarization parameter of elipses Parameters: pol_state (None or (I, Q, U, V) ): Polarization state previously computed Matrix (bool): if True returns Matrix, else Scalar_field_XY Returns: A, B, theta, h for Matrix=True CA, CB, Ctheta, Ch for Matrix=False """ if pol_state is None: I, Q, U, V = self.polarization_states(matrix=True) else: I, Q, U, V = pol_state I = I.u Q = Q.u U = U.u V = V.u Ip = np.sqrt(Q**2 + U**2 + V**2) L = Q + 1.j * U + eps A = np.real(np.sqrt(0.5 * (Ip + np.abs(L) + eps))) B = np.real(np.sqrt(0.5 * (Ip - np.abs(L) + eps))) theta = 0.5 * np.angle(L) h = np.sign(V + eps) if matrix is True: return A, B, theta, h else: CA = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) CB = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ctheta = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) Ch = Scalar_field_XY(x=self.x, y=self.y, wavelength=self.wavelength) CA.u = A CB.u = B Ctheta.u = theta Ch.u = h return (CA, CB, Ctheta, Ch)
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalizes the field""" max_amplitude = np.sqrt( np.abs(self.Ex)**2 + np.abs(self.Ey)**2 + np.abs(self.Ez)**2).max() self.Ex = self.Ex / max_amplitude self.Ey = self.Ey / max_amplitude self.Ez = self.Ez / max_amplitude
[docs] def cut_resample(self, x_limits='', y_limits='', num_points=[], new_field=False, interp_kind=(3, 1)): """Cuts the field to the range (x0,x1). (y0,y1). If one of this x0,x1 positions is out of the self.x range it do nothing. It is also valid for resampling the field, just write x0,x1 as the limits of self.x Parameters: x_limits (float,float): (x0,x1) starting and final points to cut. if '' - takes the current limit x[0] and x[-1] y_limits (float,float): (y0,y1) - starting and final points to cut. if '' - takes the current limit y[0] and y[-1] num_points (int): it resamples x, y and u. [],'',0,None -> it leave the points as it is new_field (bool): it returns a new Scalar_field_XY interp_kind (int): numbers between 1 and 5 """ if x_limits == '': # used only for resampling x0 = self.x[0] x1 = self.x[-1] else: x0, x1 = x_limits if y_limits == '': # used only for resampling y0 = self.y[0] y1 = self.y[-1] else: y0, y1 = y_limits if x0 < self.x[0]: x0 = self.x[0] if x1 > self.x[-1]: x1 = self.x[-1] if y0 < self.y[0]: y0 = self.y[0] if y1 > self.y[-1]: y1 = self.y[-1] i_x0, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x0) i_x1, _, _ = nearest(self.x, x1) # new_num_points = i_x1 - i_x0 i_y0, _, _ = nearest(self.y, y0) i_y1, _, _ = nearest(self.y, y1) kxu, kxn = interp_kind if num_points not in ([], '', 0, None): num_points_x, num_points_y = num_points x_new = np.linspace(x0, x1, num_points_x) y_new = np.linspace(y0, y1, num_points_y) X_new, Y_new = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new) f_interp_abs_x = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.y, np.abs(self.Ex), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) f_interp_phase_x = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.y, np.angle(self.Ex), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) f_interp_abs_y = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.y, np.abs(self.Ey), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) f_interp_phase_y = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.y, np.angle(self.Ey), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) f_interp_abs_z = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.y, np.abs(self.Ez), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) f_interp_phase_z = RectBivariateSpline(self.x, self.y, np.angle(self.Ez), kx=kxu, ky=kxu, s=0) Ex_new_abs = f_interp_abs_x(x_new, y_new) Ex_new_phase = f_interp_phase_x(x_new, y_new) Ex_new = Ex_new_abs * np.exp(1j * Ex_new_phase) Ey_new_abs = f_interp_abs_y(x_new, y_new) Ey_new_phase = f_interp_phase_y(x_new, y_new) Ey_new = Ey_new_abs * np.exp(1j * Ey_new_phase) Ez_new_abs = f_interp_abs_z(x_new, y_new) Ez_new_phase = f_interp_phase_z(x_new, y_new) Ez_new = Ez_new_abs * np.exp(1j * Ez_new_phase) else: i_s = slice(i_x0, i_x1) j_s = slice(i_y0, i_y1) x_new = self.x[i_s] y_new = self.y[j_s] X_new, Y_new = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new) Ex_new = self.Ex[i_s, j_s] Ey_new = self.Ey[i_s, j_s] Ez_new = self.Ez[i_s, j_s] if new_field is False: self.x = x_new self.y = y_new self.Ex = Ex_new self.Ey = Ey_new self.Ez = Ez_new self.X = X_new self.Y = Y_new else: field = Vector_field_XY(x=x_new, y=y_new, wavelength=self.wavelength) field.Ex = Ex_new field.Ey = Ey_new field.Ez = Ez_new return field
[docs] def draw(self, kind='intensity', logarithm=0, normalize=False, cut_value=None, num_ellipses=(11, 11), amplification=0.5, filename='', draw=True, only_image=False, **kwargs): """Draws electromagnetic field Parameters: kind (str): 'intensity', 'intensities', intensities_rz, 'phases', fields', 'stokes', 'param_ellipse', 'ellipses' logarithm (float): If >0, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value num_ellipses (int): number of ellipses for parameters_ellipse amplification (float): amplification of ellipses filename (str): if not '' stores drawing in file, """ if draw is True: if kind == 'intensity': id_fig = self.__draw_intensity__(logarithm, normalize, cut_value, only_image, **kwargs) elif kind == 'intensities': id_fig = self.__draw_intensities__(logarithm, normalize, cut_value, **kwargs) elif kind == 'intensities_rz': id_fig = self.__draw_intensities_rz__(logarithm, normalize, cut_value, **kwargs) elif kind == 'phases': id_fig = self.__draw_phases__(**kwargs) elif kind == 'fields': id_fig = self.__draw_fields__(logarithm, normalize, cut_value, **kwargs) elif kind == 'stokes': id_fig = self.__draw_stokes__(logarithm, normalize, cut_value, **kwargs) elif kind == 'param_ellipse': id_fig = self.__draw_param_ellipse__(**kwargs) elif kind == 'ellipses': id_fig = self.__draw_ellipses__(logarithm, normalize, cut_value, num_ellipses, amplification, **kwargs) else: print("not good kind parameter in vector_fields_XY.draw()") id_fig = None if not filename == '': plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) return id_fig
def __draw_intensity__(self, logarithm, normalize, cut_value, only_image=False, color_intensity=CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity']): """Draws the intensity Parameters: logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value """ intensity = self.get('intensity') intensity = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, intensity) intensity = normalize_draw(intensity, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) plt.figure() h1 = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) self.__draw1__(intensity, color_intensity, "", only_image=only_image) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1 def __draw_phases__(self, color_phase=CONF_DRAWING['color_phase']): """internal funcion: draws intensity X,Y. Parameters: logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value """ Ex_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ex) Ey_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ey) Ez_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ez) tx, ty = rcParams['figure.figsize'] intensity1 = np.abs(Ex_r)**2 intensity2 = np.abs(Ey_r)**2 intensity3 = np.abs(Ez_r)**2 intensity_max = np.max( (intensity1.max(), intensity2.max(), intensity3.max())) percentage_z = 0.01 if intensity3.max() < percentage_z * intensity_max: plt.figure(figsize=(2 * tx, ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) phase = np.angle(Ex_r) intensity = np.abs(Ex_r)**2 phase[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_x$") plt.clim(-180, 180) h2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) phase = np.angle(Ey_r) intensity = np.abs(Ey_r)**2 phase[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_y$") plt.clim(-180, 180) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1, h2 else: plt.figure(figsize=(3 * tx, ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) phase = np.angle(Ex_r) intensity = np.abs(Ex_r)**2 phase[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_x$") plt.clim(-180, 180) h2 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) phase = np.angle(Ey_r) intensity = np.abs(Ey_r)**2 phase[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_y$") plt.clim(-180, 180) h3 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) phase = np.angle(Ez_r) intensity = np.abs(Ez_r)**2 phase[intensity < percentage_intensity * (intensity.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_z$") plt.clim(-180, 180) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1, h2, h3 def __draw_intensities__(self, logarithm, normalize, cut_value, color_intensity=CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity']): """internal funcion: draws phase X,Y, Z. Parameters: logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value """ Ex_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ex) Ey_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ey) Ez_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ez) tx, ty = rcParams['figure.figsize'] intensity1 = np.abs(Ex_r)**2 intensity1 = normalize_draw(intensity1, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) intensity2 = np.abs(Ey_r)**2 intensity2 = normalize_draw(intensity2, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) intensity3 = np.abs(Ez_r)**2 intensity3 = normalize_draw(intensity3, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) intensity_max = np.max( (intensity1.max(), intensity2.max(), intensity3.max())) percentage_z = 0.01 if intensity3.max() < percentage_z * intensity_max: plt.figure(figsize=(tx, ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) self.__draw1__(intensity1, color_intensity, "$I_x$") plt.clim(0, intensity_max) h2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) self.__draw1__(intensity2, color_intensity, "$I_y$") plt.clim(0, intensity_max) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1, h2 else: plt.figure(figsize=(1.5 * tx, 1 * ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) self.__draw1__(intensity1, color_intensity, "$I_x$") # plt.clim(0, intensity_max) h2 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) self.__draw1__(intensity2, color_intensity, "$I_y$") # plt.clim(0, intensity_max) h3 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) self.__draw1__(intensity3, color_intensity, "$I_z$") # plt.clim(0, intensity_max) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1, h2, h3 def __draw_intensities_rz__( self, logarithm, normalize, cut_value, color_intensity=CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity']): """internal funcion: draws intensity X,Y. Parameters: logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value """ Ex_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ex) Ey_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ey) Ez_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ez) tx, ty = rcParams['figure.figsize'] intensity_r = np.abs(Ex_r)**2 + np.abs(Ey_r)**2 intensity_r = normalize_draw(intensity_r, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) intensity_z = np.abs(Ez_r)**2 intensity_z = normalize_draw(intensity_z, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) intensity_max = np.max((intensity_r, intensity_z)) plt.figure(figsize=(tx, ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) self.__draw1__(intensity_r, color_intensity, "$I_r$") plt.clim(0, intensity_max) h2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) self.__draw1__(intensity_z, color_intensity, "$I_z$") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1, h2 def __draw_fields__(self, logarithm, normalize, cut_value, color_intensity=CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity'], color_phase=CONF_DRAWING['color_phase']): """__internal__: draws amplitude and phase in 2x2 drawing Parameters: logarithm (bool): If True, intensity is scaled in logarithm normalize (bool): If True, max(intensity)=1 title (str): title of figure cut_value (float): If not None, cuts the maximum intensity to this value """ Ex_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ex) Ey_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ey) Ez_r = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, self.Ez) amplitude1 = np.sqrt(np.abs(Ex_r)**2) amplitude1 = normalize_draw(amplitude1, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) amplitude2 = np.sqrt(np.abs(Ey_r)**2) amplitude2 = normalize_draw(amplitude2, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) amplitude3 = np.sqrt(np.abs(Ez_r)**2) amplitude3 = normalize_draw(amplitude3, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) amplitude_max = np.max( (amplitude1.max(), amplitude2.max(), amplitude3.max())) tx, ty = rcParams['figure.figsize'] percentage_z = 0.01 if amplitude3.max() < percentage_z * amplitude_max: plt.figure(figsize=(1.1 * tx, 1.5 * ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) self.__draw1__(amplitude1, color_intensity, "$A_x$") plt.clim(0, amplitude_max) h2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) self.__draw1__(amplitude2, color_intensity, "$A_y$") plt.clim(0, amplitude_max) h3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) phase = np.angle(self.Ex) phase[amplitude1 < percentage_intensity * (amplitude1.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_x$") plt.clim(-180, 180) h4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) phase = np.angle(self.Ey) phase[amplitude2 < percentage_intensity * (amplitude2.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_y$") plt.clim(-180, 180) # cbar.set_ticks([-180, -135, -90, -45, 0, 45, 90, 135, 180]) h4 = plt.gca() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1, h2, h3, h4 else: plt.figure(figsize=(1.1 * 1.5 * tx, 1.4 * 1.5 * ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 1) self.__draw1__(amplitude1, color_intensity, "$A_x$") plt.clim(0, amplitude_max) h2 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 2) self.__draw1__(amplitude2, color_intensity, "$A_y$") plt.clim(0, amplitude_max) h3 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 3) self.__draw1__(amplitude3, color_intensity, "$A_z$") plt.clim(0, amplitude_max) h4 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 4) phase = np.angle(self.Ex) phase[amplitude1 < percentage_intensity * (amplitude1.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_x$") plt.clim(-180, 180) h5 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 5) phase = np.angle(self.Ey) phase[amplitude2 < percentage_intensity * (amplitude2.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_y$") plt.clim(-180, 180) h6 = plt.subplot(2, 3, 6) phase = np.angle(self.Ez) phase[amplitude3 < percentage_intensity * (amplitude3.max())] = 0 self.__draw1__(phase / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi_z$") plt.clim(-180, 180) # cbar.set_ticks([-180, -135, -90, -45, 0, 45, 90, 135, 180]) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0) plt.tight_layout() return h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 def __draw_stokes__(self, logarithm, normalize, cut_value, color_intensity=CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity'], color_stokes=CONF_DRAWING['color_stokes']): """__internal__: computes and draws CI, CQ, CU, CV parameters """ tx, ty = rcParams['figure.figsize'] S0, S1, S2, S3 = self.polarization_states(matrix=True) S0 = normalize_draw(S0, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) S1 = normalize_draw(S1, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) S2 = normalize_draw(S2, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) S3 = normalize_draw(S3, logarithm, normalize, cut_value) intensity_max = S0.max() plt.figure(figsize=(1.1 * tx, 1.75 * ty)) h1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) self.__draw1__(S0, color_intensity, "$S_0$") plt.clim(0, intensity_max) h2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) self.__draw1__(S1, color_stokes, "$S_1$") plt.clim(-intensity_max, intensity_max) h3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) self.__draw1__(S2, color_stokes, "$S_2$") plt.clim(-intensity_max, intensity_max) h4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) self.__draw1__(S3, color_stokes, "$S_3$") plt.clim(-intensity_max, intensity_max) plt.tight_layout() return (h1, h2, h3, h4) def __draw_param_ellipse__(self, color_intensity=CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity'], color_phase=CONF_DRAWING['color_phase']): """__internal__: computes and draws polariations ellipses """ A, B, theta, h = self.polarization_ellipse(pol_state=None, matrix=True) A = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, A) B = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, B) theta = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, theta) h = reduce_matrix_size(self.reduce_matrix, self.x, self.y, h) tx, ty = rcParams['figure.figsize'] plt.figure(figsize=(1.1 * tx, 1.75 * ty)) max_intensity = max(A.max(), B.max()) h1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) self.__draw1__(A, color_intensity, "$A$") plt.clim(0, max_intensity) h2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) self.__draw1__(B, color_intensity, "$B$") plt.clim(0, max_intensity) h3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) self.__draw1__(theta / degrees, color_phase, "$\phi$") plt.clim(-180, 180) h4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) self.__draw1__(h, "gist_heat", "$h$") plt.tight_layout() return (h1, h2, h3, h4) def __draw_ellipses__(self, logarithm=False, normalize=False, cut_value='', num_ellipses=(21, 21), amplification=0.75, color_line='w', line_width=0.75, draw_arrow=True, head_width=1, ax=False, color_intensity=CONF_DRAWING['color_intensity']): """__internal__: draw ellipses Parameters: num_ellipses (int): number of ellipses for parameters_ellipse """ percentage_intensity = CONF_DRAWING['percentage_intensity'] intensity_max = (np.abs(self.Ex)**2 + np.abs(self.Ey)**2).max() Dx = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] Dy = self.y[-1] - self.y[0] size_x = Dx / (num_ellipses[0]) size_y = Dy / (num_ellipses[1]) x_centers = size_x / 2 + size_x * np.array(range(0, num_ellipses[0])) y_centers = size_y / 2 + size_y * np.array(range(0, num_ellipses[1])) num_x, num_y = len(self.x), len(self.y) ix_centers = num_x / (num_ellipses[0]) iy_centers = num_y / (num_ellipses[1]) ix_centers = (np.round( ix_centers / 2 + ix_centers * np.array(range(0, num_ellipses[0])))).astype('int') iy_centers = (np.round( iy_centers / 2 + iy_centers * np.array(range(0, num_ellipses[1])))).astype('int') Ix_centers, Iy_centers = np.meshgrid(ix_centers.astype('int'), iy_centers.astype('int')) verbose = False if verbose is True: print(num_x, num_y, ix_centers, iy_centers) print(Dx, Dy, size_x, size_y) print(x_centers, y_centers) print(Ix_centers, Iy_centers) E0x = self.Ex[Iy_centers, Ix_centers] E0y = self.Ey[Iy_centers, Ix_centers] angles = np.linspace(0, 360 * degrees, 64) if ax is False: self.draw('intensity', logarithm=logarithm, color_intensity=color_intensity) ax = plt.gca() for i, xi in enumerate(ix_centers): for j, yj in enumerate(iy_centers): Ex = np.real(E0x[j, i] * np.exp(1j * angles)) Ey = np.real(E0y[j, i] * np.exp(1j * angles)) max_r = np.sqrt(np.abs(Ex)**2 + np.abs(Ey)**2).max() size_dim = min(size_x, size_y) if max_r > 0 and max_r**2 > percentage_intensity * intensity_max: Ex = Ex / max_r * size_dim * amplification / 2 + ( +self.x[int(xi)]) Ey = Ey / max_r * size_dim * amplification / 2 + self.y[ int(yj)] ax.plot(Ex, Ey, color_line, lw=line_width) if draw_arrow: ax.arrow(Ex[0], Ey[0], Ex[0] - Ex[1], Ey[0] - Ey[1], width=0, head_width=head_width, fc=color_line, ec=color_line, length_includes_head=False) # else: # print(max_r, intensity_max, # percentage_intensity * intensity_max) def __draw1__(self, image, colormap, title='', has_max=False, only_image=False): """Draws image. Parameters: image (numpy.array): array with drawing colormap (str): colormap title (str): title of drawing """ extension = [self.x[0], self.x[-1], self.y[0], self.y[-1]] h = plt.imshow(image, interpolation='bilinear', aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extension) h.set_cmap(colormap) plt.axis('scaled') plt.axis(extension) if only_image is True: plt.axis('off') return h plt.title(title, fontsize=16) if has_max is True: text_up = "{}".format(image.max()) plt.text(self.x.max(), self.y.max(), text_up, fontsize=14, bbox=dict(edgecolor='white', facecolor='white', alpha=0.75)) text_down = "{}".format(image.min()) plt.text(self.x.max(), self.y.min(), text_down, fontsize=14, bbox=dict(edgecolor='white', facecolor='white', alpha=0.75)) plt.xlabel("$x (\mu m)$") plt.ylabel("$y (\mu m)$") plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, pad=0.15) h.set_clim(0, image.max()) plt.subplots_adjust(0.01, 0.01, 0.99, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) return h
def _compute1Elipse__(x0, y0, A, B, theta, h=0, amplification=1): """computes polarization ellipse for drawing Parameters: x0 (float): position x of ellipse y0 (float): position y of ellipse A (float): axis 1 of ellipse B (float): axis 2 of ellipse theta (float): angle of ellipse h (float): to remove amplification (float): increase of size of ellipse """ # esto es para verlo más grande A = A * amplification B = B * amplification fi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 64) cf = np.cos(fi - theta) sf = np.sin(fi - theta) r = 1 / np.sqrt(np.abs(cf / (A + eps)**2 + sf**2 / (B + eps)**2)) x = r * np.cos(fi) + x0 y = r * np.sin(fi) + y0 return x, y